femmes qui font des squats sur un bloc


How to strengthen your legs?

📖 Reading time: 2 min

Do you want to get back into sport to lose weight or refine your figure? Are you wondering what activity to practice to have firm and sculpted legs? Okay Tiger. Not only will we tell you why it is important to strengthen your legs, but we will also explain how. Yes, we are like that Le Cercle. Ready?


How to get shapely legs?

Why strengthen your legs?

The leg muscles, from the buttocks to the calves to the thighs, make up the largest muscle group in the body. Muscular, or at least toned, legs help strengthen the muscles of the upper body and back, and therefore better body balance. Speaking of your back, strengthening your legs is also a good way to prevent back pain.

You want to do sport to lose weight ? So don't neglect your legs! The thigh is one of the parts of the body where fat tends to be stored, especially in women. The more you strengthen your legs, the more energy you use to move and thus, the more calories you burn. That said, a balanced diet remains essential to lose weight!

The best sports to lose weight and tone your legs

femme à la salle de sport faisant des squats avec des poids

While all sports use the leg muscles in one way or another, some are particularly effective in toning them, without making them swell. To obtain slender and sculpted legs, the secret is to work all of your muscles in depth and with endurance. In the list of the best activities to practice to strengthen your legs, we find a wide variety of sports:

- Jogging
- Boxing
– Aquabiking
- Swimming
– Walking
- Jumping rope
– Fitness
- Athleticism
- Ballet …

Boxing and its derivatives

Strengthen your legs with boxing

Boxing allows you to strengthen all parts of the body, in addition to working on cardio. When we think of boxing, arm movements immediately come to mind: jab, cross, hook, cross, BIM. What we less imagine is that the leg muscles are also used with jumps, travel speeds and kicks. Strengthening your legs allows you to improve your explosiveness in boxing

  • The glutes: these large and powerful muscles help maintain the pelvis and provide mobility to the thighs at each footwork.
  • The quadriceps and hamstrings (at the front and back of the thighs) are particularly stressed during each leg flexion.
  • The calf muscles promote extension of the foot on the leg.

The concept of the Boxing Circle

A workout with bootcamp and boxing without combat, it's hard to get more complete! Each session of the Boxing Circle is designed to work the body as a whole, clear your head and exert yourself to the max.

THE cardio-reinforcement duo is unbeatable for burning calories and toning muscles, without gaining muscle mass.

So, after 50 minutes of letting off steam and having a laugh, we guarantee that you will leave the Cercle studio a little sharper and with your morale pumped up!

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