Sparring boxe : une femme et un homme en plein sparring de boxe anglaise


Sparring boxing: everything you need to know about sparring!

📖 Reading time: 11 min

THE sparring it's a bit like a training fight. There is different types of sparring and everyone has for aim to help you improve your boxing.

Sparring looks like a game where, your sparring partner and you, apply all notions et techniques vues à l’entraînement.

You want to learn more about sparring ? We got you! In This item, we go see everything in detail. We even prepared you a few tips.

Let's get ready to rumble! 🥊


Le sparring c’est quoi exactement ? 

Basically, sparring is like fighting, but in training, with less intensity, without trying to knock out your opponent and learning to understand the distance.

Sparring, that is practiced in all combat sports (MMA, Thai boxing, etc.). The goal is to improve yourself by applying the techniques learned during your training drills.

The sparring takes place under the eye of a coach to avoid the injuries, overflows, etc. And it is often used when you, or your partner must prepare for a fight.

It's a exchange with a partner where you help each other progress. Forget the notions of victory or defeat, you are not not here for that.

Lors d’un sparring, the intensity is not the same as in a real fight. You can hit strong enough, but not with the aim of hurting.

And by the way, before you start, you must always agree with your sparring partner on the intensity rounds.

The sparring partner

It's the boxer or the female boxer who you go with turn during this training fight.

In general your sparring partner has almost the same level as you and do about the same weight that you.

Your sparring partner is a bit your friend. You have to help him so that he or she improves And helps you in return.

Ce n’est not necessarily someone who boxes competitively or professionally. He or she just has to have a decent level in boxing to be able to talk with you.

Sometimes there are even boxers and female boxers who do just that. They are paid to spar with pros while preparing for their fights.

Some sparring partners of great fighters even ended up become champions themselves. For example, Larry Holmes, former world heavyweight champion, was the sparring partner of Mohamed Ali And Joe Frazier.

And a little anecdote: before also being heavyweight champion, Anthony Joshua was the sparring partner of Wladimir Klitschko.

The different types of sparring

We can say that in boxing there is 3 types of sparring :

  1. THE technical sparring with very little power (≤ 50%)
  2. THE controlled sparring with a little more intensity (> 50%)
  3. THE open sparring where the intensity approaches a fight (≥ 75%)

1. Technical sparring 

For work your technical, it's the best type of sparring. Hence its name… In addition, you are not don't even have to get in the ring.

In fact, it's just drills you do with a partner, A little as of shadow or bag work.

You do not send no powerful blows, so you don't have no need for helmet or shell. On the other hand, wear minimum 16 oz gloves and your mouth guard (you never know, a cut lip happens quickly).

Technical sparring helps you improve your skills and responsiveness. It is not not necessarily organized in rounds and you don't move around much.

The goal is to to work your sequences, your dodges, your blockages, etc., but unopposed.

2. Controlled sparring 

This time you go up in the ring. Controlled sparring is organized in rounds where you work in workshops (only jabs, only body shots, etc.).

For this sparring, put on your 16 oz gloves, your mouth guard and your helmet. He is a little more intense than technical sparring and you will be able to use different technics.

It remains a sparring fun to do and that you can adapt depending on the points to be worked on. In the end it's a bit comme un jeu d’échecs où vous devez rester concentré.e pour appliquer les consignes of your coach.

It's interesting to see how you react in the heat of the moment and if you manage to put the instructions into practice of your coach.

3. Open sparring

Open sparring is that which closest to a real boxing match. YOU can use all boxing punches, there is no no theme and you are free to travel.

As for the protections, here is the total : 16 oz gloves, mouth guard, shell and helmet.

Open sparring is of course supervised by a coach who ensures that everything goes well. Because yes, with sparring, there are intensity, even lots of intensity.

This is the only sparring where you are in a real combat situation. On the other hand, this should not be a fight with the intention of knocking your opponent out. The blows are strong, but not dangerous and the goal remains to perfect your technique.

The small problem with open sparring is that it can quickly become counterproductive. For what ? Because the boxers know they can add intensity. So often they forgetting the technique and the sparring becomes too messy.

Mais aussi parce qu’avec le sparring ouvert you take big hits. And the goal is not to hurt you. So this kind of sparring is to be done with moderation.

OK, now that you know more about sparring and the different types of sparring, you may still be wondering What's the point. Well we'll answer you right now! ⚡️

What is sparring used for in boxing? 

It's simple, the more you box in a concrete situation, the more you will improve. And that's all the interest of sparring. It allows you:

  • To be more comfortable with combat situations.
  • Improve your technique so concrete.
  • Apply what you learned during your training.
  • Of try new things and sometimes to improvise.
  • Of strengthen your mindset boxer.
  • Of refine a strategy/tactic of fight.
  • From you learn to manage your power and your intensity.
  • Of gauge your physical and mental abilities.
  • To improve your timing, your distance management and your a look.
  • D’apprendre de vos sparring-partners.
  • Identify your weak points to improve them.

Sparring is a essential step in English boxing and other combat sports.

You can practice bag or bear paws for months and think about being a good boxer. But once in the ring it's not the same thing at all...

How to do sparring?

Everything goes depend on the type of sparring you are going to do : technical, controlled or open. But usually when you're starting out, you start with open sparring before moving on to controlled sparring.

Before you start, you must of course have the appropriate equipment :

  • Of the gloves for sparring of 16 oz minimum (they absorb blows better)
  • A mouth guard
  • A helmet
  • A shell

For get into your legs before your sparring, you can do a little shadow boxing. Then, depending on the type of sparring, the progress is not the same.

If you do technical sparring :

  • You go throw punches without moving too much.
  • For example, the boxer A throws a jab and boxer B blocks it.
  • Then it changes, boxer B throws a jab and boxer A blocks it.
  • You chain the exercises in this same style during several minutes.

If you do controlled sparring :

  • You will make sequences In you moving in the ring.
  • You do several rounds organized per workshop.
  • For example, the boxer A does not throw punches for 1 minute.
  • It can also be workshops where you don't send as jabs, etc.
  • You do several rounds in order to vary the workshops And work on every aspect.

If you do open sparring :

  • You can use the techniques you want without restriction.
  • THE rounds are free, you work as you want.
  • Intensity of each round is sufficiently high For challenge you.
  • The goal is to apply the basics that you learn in training.
  • It must stay in a goal of improvement, don't look for not to knock out

And to help you a little before your sparring session, we have prepared a list of things to avoid. 📝

Mistakes to avoid in sparring 

1. Wanting to hit too hard

There's no point in hitting too hard. Do you know that your blows are too powerful if you hear their impact.

You just have to seek to touch rather than putting power into your punches. Otherwise your movements become messy and you don't improve...

2. Being afraid of blows 

when you have fear of blows, you withdraw into yourself, YOU lower your head and sometimes you give your back. Something that absolutely should not be done in boxing.

When you take hits, take them in and block them with a strong guard. Once you have taken the first blows, you will no longer be afraid. So, force yourself to remain unmoved!

3. Close your eyes or look away 

It goes a little hand in hand with what we just said. In general, the beginners tend to close your eyes when a blow or a feint comes.

Don't look away either. If your shoe bothers you, if you feel like your nose is bleeding, etc. do not look ! You will see this at the end of the round.

Same, if your coach speaks to you, you do not have no need to turn your head to watch it.

No matter what happens, you have to watch your opponent. Focus on his shoulder line For see his movements.

4. Make panic movements

In taking blows, sometimes it's your instinct that reacts. And your body can make panic movements.

Likewise, the fact of want to give back blow after blow or to want dodge everything can push to panic A little. To avoid this, try to stay focused on your boxing.

5. Running around 

At the beginning, when you are not used to sparring, you may be able to avoid the blows running in the ring.

It is good to use your footwork, but the goal is also to work by throwing blows. SO move, but not too far or in all directions.

You have to try to stay at a safe distance to work with your directs.

So, you know what you should avoid in sparring. Now is the time to see what you should do during your training fight ! 💥

Some tips for good sparring

1. Wait a little before moving on to sparring

Don't think about sparring until at least 3-4 months of boxing. You must at least to know, And to have, the basics before entering the ring.

When we talk about basics, it means the attack (jab, cross, hook, uppercut), the defense (blocking, travel, etc.) and also the combat tactics.

Generally, it is your coach, and his discerning eye, which tells you when you can spar. And you of course start with technical sparring.

2. Spar with a good partner 

For good sparring, your partner must have at least the same level as you. The ideal is to shoot with a sparring partner who is slightly better than you. But not light years away either.

In this way you will be slightly in difficulty, which will force yourself to improve. Moreover, the experienced partners often know how to work smart.

Attention, This doesn't mean that sparring with a partner of a lower level than you is useless.. It's just that you will have an easier time and therefore the work will be a little less interesting.

3. Que la win ce n’est pas pour tout de suite 

When you spar, you must not think about winning. You are here to improve, not to impress your coaches or your room.

Instead, think about apply what you know And what you learned. Keep this win mentality for your real fight.

4. Mettez-vous d’accord sur l’intensité

Before you start your sparring, agree with your partner on the intensity you want to put.

First, it shows that you are not here to hurt him/her and it is especially for put yourself at the same level of intensity, before even touching the gloves.

And when you are agree on a % intensity, the rule is to stick to it. Don't try to hit harder than your partner to show off, it's useless.

5. Prepare for your sparring 

It goes through preparing your equipment, but it can also happen through mental preparation if necessary.

Don't take sparring lightly, Think of sleep well the night before, you can also do a little visualization.

Visualize yourself in the ring applying the basics of boxing. It can help you box better the next day.

And especially, prepare your bag well. Take the good gloves (16 oz minimum), don't forget your mouth guard, your helmet and your shell if you have some.

6. Use the basics of boxing 

Before wanting to innovate with unexpected moves (dempsey roll, gazelle punch, etc.), use the basics. A jab, A cross, A hook or one uppercut are enough.

And it's the same for defense. Use your travel, of the dodges, block, pare, etc. You must have solid foundations before seeking to innovate.

On the other hand, when you feel comfortable, that basics work well, feel free to be creative.ive.

7. Keep your head up 

When you box, you must not lower your head. It's a thing that often happens during the first sparring.

When your head is down, YOU automatically look down. So you don't see anything anymore and you you expose too easily.

To avoid this, remember to tuck your chin in and keep your head high enough to see your opponent.

8. Always keep your guard up 

Like when you lower your head, when you let your guard down, you are too exposed. You must always keep your gloves at head level.

And that, especially after hitting. Often you drop your arms after a hit. Think carefully about them bring back on guard to be compact and avoid counterattacks.

9. Be relaxed

The sessions of sparring are often physically and mentally intense. Your nerves can sometimes get the best of you.

To avoid this, you must try to always stay relaxed in your body and in your head. Relax your shoulders and don't be tense.

Clear your head and not think about one thing : box intelligently for step-up!

10. Have fun

Make sure to have fun during your sparring. The goal is not to finish your workout feeling disgusted and angry.

Take it sparring like a game, do not rush and make movements you like.

11. Think defense 

Even though the best defense is attack, you must know how to defend. And to be in a good defensive attitude, you can for example imagine that a blow comes back at you after sending an attack.

That you allows you to always be in a defensive perspective and to be very solid. Moreover, try to move your head often, it should not be a fixed target. Like that you become harder to hit.

Our final advice 

If ever you are about to do a sparring session, we have prepared some final tips to help you D-day :

  • think about always breathe well.
  • Listen And apply THE advice from your coach.
  • Use your jab.
  • Stay well focused on your boxing.
  • Put your ego aside.
  • Vary the levels, come and touch the body and the head.
  • Take the information (distance, timing, etc.).
  • Train normally the night before, without doing too much.
  • Eat light before your sparring.
  • Stay always on tiptoe.
  • Flee the corners and not don't stay on the ropes.
  • Touch gloves with your partner to stay in a good spirit.
  • Think technique before power.


Sparring is a training fight where the goal is to improve your boxing technique. There is 3 types of sparring : technical, controlled and open sparring.

Each sparring has its particularity:

  1. THE technical sparring East light, you work sequences with a partner.
  2. THE controlled sparring looks like a little more to a fight, you work by theme each round.
  3. THE open sparring East almost like a fight, you use all boxing moves in fairly intensive opposition.

For a good sparring, think first of all about to have fun. Be released, apply them boxing basics and let your ego aside to improve yourself.

And the most important thing is respect between you and your sparring partner ! SO, agree on the intensity And tap your gloves before each round.

If you want to learn more about footwork, bodybuilding exercises to do, etc. We invite you to take a look at our article how to progress in boxing.

Come hit the Cercle aqua-bags 

THE sparring, That don't talk to yourself too much ? But you like banging the bag ? So in this case, The circle is made for you !

The concept Is simple : 50% boxing – 50% bootcamp. A 50 minute workout organized in 10 rounds, without contact and without combat.

You alternate the boxing rounds on aqua bags and the bootcamp rounds on benches equipped with dumbbells:

  • Side boxing, you send your best combinations on bags.
  • Side boot camp It is reinforcement And cardio with some fitness exercises.

At the Circle, whatever your level, you are welcome. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, our sessions are accessible to everyone !

So for boxing without combat And you let off steam in an atmosphere worthy of a nightclub, join our tigers at the Circle !

It happens in the best boxing club in Panama, in the 18th at the foot of Sacred Heart. Come join us! 🔥

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