Discover 50-minute workouts alternating boxing and bootcamp, accessible to all levels. Let off steam with the 6 punches of English boxing on the aqua-bags, and sculpt your body on the benches. It's right next to Paris 10!
🗺️ Say goodbye to Paris 10 and head towards the Circle! From the Saint-Martin canal, the Saint-Martin market or République, come and put your aqua-bags to rest!
🚀 Please mind the gap and get on metro line 4 towards Porte de Clignancourt, you just have to get off at Barbès and that's it. All you have to do is follow our coaches and switch on.
The most dynamic coaches in Paris, boxing x bootcamp workouts, a team at your service and everything you need on site, that's Le Cercle. Come try it and see for yourself!
A 250m2 studio with an alternative design, colorful neon lights, exclusive playlists, club-style light shows, etc. This is what awaits you at the Cercle, and we still have a few surprises in store for you…
You don't have to be Tony Yoka or Estelle Mossely to come box at Le Cercle. The classes are accessible to all levels, our coaches guide you and show you the 6 moves of English boxing to hit the aqua-bags properly!
Changing rooms with L:A BRUKET beauty products, towels, hairdryers and lockers with USB charger, isn't that the cream of the crop? In addition, we lend you the gloves made in Le Cercle, so no jealousy, everyone has the same ones!
Come and discover the boxing club
the most iconic in Paris with our welcome offer!
"Cercle Boxing, chacun est soutenu par une musique énergique et un entraîneur motivant pendant que l'on se dépense dans un mélange de boxe et de musculation. Les cours sont conçus dans un cadre de type club, ce qui met l'accent sur le plaisir et l'épuisement."
"Le Cercle Boxing propose une création e séances mélangeant la boxe et le bootcamp. De quoi transpirer régulièrement !"
"Pas de niveau requis, les séances proposées par Le Cercle sont accessibles à toutes, puisqu’elles n’impliquent aucun duel. Le but est simplement le temps de 50 min, de se défouler, de tout oublier et d’évacuer les tensions"
“In ten rounds, the light shows and music guarantee a timeless immersive session”
“We like the intensity of the classes, the yellow gloves a little more fun than other places and the fairly spacious size of the studio.”
“With a lot of humor, Le Cercle democratizes boxing through the figure of Rocky Balboa.”
"A top class! We let off steam in a friendly and energetic atmosphere. We love it!"
"A great place to let off steam! Locker with security, shampoo, shower gel, towels, gloves, under gloves to purchase everything is there to have a good time and let off steam"
“Excellent room. We come for the concept and we come back for the coaches!”
"Great! Excellent staff and coaches. I did 5 sessions and they went wonderfully"
“I love it, very good way to exercise and let off steam at the same time. The coaches are great!”
"I did a box / bootcamp class with coach Yaya and it was really great! You can go at your own pace, there is no judgment, everyone is in their own bubble to achieve their own goals or simply relax 😊 In short I recommend 200%!🤩"
The Circle revolutionizes English boxing, aka the noble art. It's simple, 50-minute boxing classes in 10 rounds which alternate with cross training. The goal is simply to make the practice of boxing simpler and more fun, whatever your level. That's why we chose a studio with an alternative design, exclusive playlists and the best coaches in Paris to offer you a crazy atmosphere.
To make English boxing more chilled and uninhibited than traditional combat sports, know that our boxing classes are open to everyone. Whatever your level, switch off and enter the round. Plus, the only thing you throw out is the aqua-bags.
No experience required, no combat, no shock, just fun (and sport)!
Avant de commencer, si vous pensez que les séances du Cercle c’est comme dans un club de boxe à l’ancienne, pour le coup on est vraiment à l’opposé. Donc, on vous propose de découvrir comment se passe un cours de boxe made in Le Cercle.
As with any good session, you start the class with a warm-up. Just to get you on your feet (and in the mood), you're going to do a few movements. Once everyone is warmed up, either you start on the bench side or the boxing side.
Bench side, vous sculptez absolument tout votre corps, et votre cardio est mis à l’épreuve ! Tous les exercices que vous allez faire vont solliciter l’ensemble de vos muscles alors soyez prêt.e.s. Et si vous êtes costaud comme The Rock, prenez les haltères juste en dessous du banc de fitness pour rendre les exercices plus spicy.
Boxing side, c’est le cardio et la coordination qui vont en prendre un coup (promis vous finirez pas K.O.). Vous allez travailler les 6 coups classiques de la boxe anglaise et aussi les esquives. Différents combos ont été préparés rien que pour vous, et vous allez voir, ce n’est pas si facile que ça. C’est votre moment, alors défoulez-vous et arrachez les aqua-bags.
And if you're in a bad mood or you're tired, then don't worry it won't last long. With our ultra motivating coaches, always smiling and quality playlists, it's impossible not to love it!
Une fois que vous avez fini le cours, vous prenez un peu de temps pour faire du stretching et vous féliciter, parce que oui, vous l’avez bien mérité.
Boxing is one of the most complete combat sports, so believe us, there are advantages. Plus, the boxing classes made in Le Cercle are even better.
Le Cercle classes are all-in-one: HIIT, cardio, cross training and fitness. Thanks to this you will have:
And lots of other things, but you'll discover that for yourself! 😉
If we tell you Montmartre and Sacré-Cœur, you see? Bingo, Le Cercle is right on Paris 18, at 6 rue de Clignancourt. To make it easier for you, we've even given you the route from Paris 10, look just below! 👀
Allow around ten minutes from Paris 10 to come and join us at the most iconic boxing club in Paris:
Come discover the most iconic boxing club
from Paris with our welcome offer!
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris