garde coach boxe


How to improve your guard in boxing?

📖 Reading time: 6 min

Let's be honest, our favorite thing about boxing is throwing punches galore. It's so de-stressing. It helps get rid of bad feelings. But it's not just the beatings. As in almost all combat sports, you also need to have a good guard. Neglecting it would be a rookie mistake! Good defense determines the qualities and skills of a boxer. Want to become the best? We give you our best tips on custody. Keep reading!


The different types of guards in boxing

A good guard in boxing, what?

You have already noticed that boxers adopt a certain position for protection? Have you ever seen a boxer? use your hands, arms and even shoulders to protect yourself from enemy blows? If you don't know what that is yet, well, it's called " guard position » !

Like any other combat sport, there is attack and defense. In boxing, the guard constitutes the basis of the defense.

A multitude of guard position choices exist. But in general, there are two broad categories of postures on call :

  • L'orthodox for right-handed people;
  • there false paw for left-handers.

But whatever ! Right-handed or left-handed, a good guard in boxing consists of to place the strongest arm at the back.

Small list of types of guards in boxing

So, here we are! We list the different types for you of guards the most common in boxing.

Conventional Guard

What is conventional custody? Head lowered forward, with fists clenched at cheek level, and elbows placed against the body. Yes, just like a wall!

It's here most used guard position in boxing. Very popular with beginners, it remains popular with famous boxers like Mike Tyson, in particular thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness.

Are you wondering what its benefits are? It helps protect the chest area and possibly the chin and neck. Some also call it basic guard Or chin guard in the case where the fists are placed closer to the chin. In addition, it allows you to deliver stronger blows such as an uppercut to the chin.

Be careful, the only downside! The conventional position does not provide full protection of critical areas of the upper body such as the temples.

High guard

High guards consist of placing the hands at forehead level. They are slightly apart for better vision. The elbows are in, and the head is lowered forward. You can associate it with European guard. This guard is most practiced in Thai boxing or Muay Thai.

Advantage ? It is a real protective shield for the head and face. In addition, this technique is preferred if you start boxing to lose weight.

Disadvantage ? It leaves other parts of the body unprotected. This is particularly the case for the chest and sides. Also, this type of guard could obstruct vision.

Low guard

For low guard, place your fists toward the ground and your arms at your sides. Your body should be straight or slightly bent over. Are you rather tall? This type of coverage is best suited to your size!

With a low guard, your shots will have the power of dynamite! As a bonus, it gives more freedom to your vision and more ease to your upstrokes. Yes, your arms are already in the low position!

Don't be surprised, it has its drawbacks like all the others! For the low guard, it is the fact of not covering the upper body. You risk getting your face demolished... Ouch! In any case, you must keep a good distance from the opposing boxer so as not to be surprised by his attacks.

There are other varieties of protection in this combat sport, but of course it's up to you to see what suits your body, personality and abilities the most. In short, choose what makes you most comfortable!

Why do you need to have good custody?

What good does a good guard do for you? Although the answer to this question seems obvious, a beautiful protective posture is interesting because:

  • it provides more coverage, depending on the part of your body you want to cover and the position you adopt;
  • she allows to disturb and of distract your opponent;
  • she gives more power at certain times;
  • it allows you to create opportunities to counter attack.
  • it also makes it possible to manage well boxing weight transfer

Basically, having a Good guard makes you a better boxer or boxer: more competent, cunning and skillful. Great, right? You can thus anticipate and respond to enemy attacks.

How to have good custody?

Do you think having good care is difficult? Of course nothing is easy, but don't worry! Here we are now on the advice to improve custody. Below are the “musts” for have better protection.

Regular training with punching bags like an aquabag: it's the key!

Practicing sacks frequently while working on your guard position will help you improve your defense. As you are not risking anything, be sure to always be in guard position after throwing a blow. Gradually, you will adopt a indelible habit.

You can also ask for help from a friend or a coach! This will monitor your actions and alert you every time you let your guard down. Otherwise, you can always observe yourself using a large mirror or a camera! No need to complicate your life!

Strengthening the arm muscles

Practice lifting small dumbbells. The more your workout progresses, the easier it will be for you to maintain a high guard. This will make you more accustomed to it. Better ! You won't tire your arms quickly. Ultimately, you are less likely to receive punches from your opponent in the face.

Eyes wide open

For ensure better defense in boxing, ensure that the positions of your forearms and fists do not obstruct your field of vision. Seeing your opponent's every move is important so you can defend yourself properly. Quite logical, right?

Good posture

Tuck your head, lean slightly, and above all avoid freezing: be dynamic! Move especially the upper part of your body so that the opponent's attack is disrupted.

The feints

It would also be smart to feint your opponent with your guard positions! The position of Low guard allows you, for example, to make your opponent believe that you are tired. Yes, tired people tend to leave their arms in a low position. Your opponent will therefore be misled and you can take advantage of the situation.

Proactivity and spontaneity

To avoid getting hit in the face, adopt certain reflexes. Learn to anticipate your opponent's movements to better predict their dodges, their blocks and, above all, their counterattacks.

Also make sure to always put yourself at the right distance from your opponent. Too close, you risk taking hits and too far, you will have no opportunity for attacks.

Relaxation and concentration

The most important thing is to relax. Don't be too focused on the position of your arms. Don't be stressed either! Otherwise, boxing will not be fun for you at all. Relax and only contract your muscles if necessary.

No need to be a guard pro at the Circle

Have a good guard, it's all very beautiful! But all these efforts to make become a pro may seem a little restrictive. Is there a way to box without having to worry about remembering all the guard positions? What question ! With the Le Cercle, Of course ! Plus, you won't have to take super boring boxing classes.

To join us, you don't need to be a childcare professional! The boxing circle has as concept one workout with a boxing bootcamp without combat. Yes, you read correctly, it is without a fight! You don't need to be an expert on guards unless you're afraid of aquabags bouncing on your face! Which is not likely to happen.

If perfecting your guard is important to you, you could easily achieve your goal with the help of our professional and cool coaches! We will give you all the useful advice to perform and love this contact sport even more.

You will experience a completely different world of boxing: both motivating and fun with an exceptional atmosphere. Leaving? Join us by starting by visiting our website. You will not regret it !

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