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Exercice poire boxe : une femme s'exercice sur une poire de vitesse


Boxing pear exercise: master speed and precision

📖 Reading time: 10 min

Are you looking to improve your boxing technique and increase your punching speed? The speed bulb is the tool you need. This article guides you through exercises and routines to get the most out of this essential piece of equipment.


Introduction to the speed pear in boxing

From workout prep to advanced techniques, discover how to effectively incorporate the speed pear into your routine. Learn how to choose the right bulb, install correctly and maximize your training sessions.

The speed pear, this emblematic piece of boxing equipment, is often underestimated by novices. However, it plays a crucial role in improving your pugilistic skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced boxer, incorporating the speed pear into your training routine can transform your technique, speed and coordination.

Training with a speed pear is about more than just hitting without thinking. It requires millimeter precision and perfect synchronization between your movements and your blows. By mastering this tool, you will develop not only your agility, but also your ability to anticipate and react quickly to your opponent.

In this article, we will explore in depth the different aspects of the speed pear: its usefulness, basic and advanced techniques for training, as well as tips for maximizing your sessions. Whether you are looking to improve your cardio, your coordination or your punching power, the speed pear is an essential ally. Get ready to discover how this tool can revolutionize your boxing training.

What is a speed bulb?

The speed pear, also known as a punch pear, is a small pear-shaped punching bag attached to a pivoting support. Often made of leather or synthetic materials, it is designed to bounce back quickly after each punch, requiring increased precision and coordination from the boxer. Its compact size and mobility make it an ideal tool for improving hand speed and agility, crucial elements in boxing.

Origin and history of the speed pear

The speed pear has its origins in the first boxing gyms of the early 20th century. Initially used to refine the technique of boxers, it quickly established itself as an essential training tool. Its popularity grew with the advent of boxing films and great champions who demonstrated its effectiveness. Over the decades, the speed bulb has evolved, incorporating more durable materials and ergonomic designs to adapt to the varied needs of modern athletes.

Integrating the speed pear into your training routine means embracing a century-old tradition while benefiting from current technical advances. Whether you are looking to improve your footwork, your precision or simply to vary your exercises, this historic equipment remains a wise choice for any boxer wishing to progress.

Why use a speed bulb?

Using a speed bag offers many benefits for your boxing training. This equipment helps improve your typing speed and hand-eye coordination. Every blow you land requires quick and precise adjustment, strengthening your ability to react instantly to your opponent's movements. In addition, the speed bulb helps develop a consistent and fluid rhythm, essential for maintaining cadence during fights.

Skills developed 

  1. Coordination : The speed pear requires perfect synchronization between your hands and your eyes. Each blow must be precise, which significantly improves your coordination.
  2. Speed : By hitting the pear repeatedly and quickly, you increase your hitting speed. This exercise develops the fast muscles and reflexes needed to surprise your opponent.
  3. Endurance : Working with the speed pear is a great way to improve your endurance. Prolonged sessions increase your ability to maintain a high level of intensity during combat rounds.

In summary, the speed bulb is a versatile tool that contributes to various aspects of boxing training. It improves coordination, speed and endurance, while making your training sessions more dynamic and engaging. Adopting the speed pear means maximizing your pugilistic skills in an efficient and fun way.

Training preparation with a speed bulb

Choosing the right speed bulb is crucial to getting the most out of your workout. There are different types of pears, usually made of leather or synthetic materials. Leather pears are durable and provide a good typing feel, while synthetics are often more affordable and easy to maintain. The size and weight of the pear should match your skill level. Beginners should opt for lighter, larger pears, while experienced boxers can use smaller, heavier models for an added challenge.

Correct installation of the bulb

To maximize the benefits of your training, it is essential to install the speed bulb correctly. It should hang at a height where the center of the bulb is aligned with your chin. Make sure the attachment is secure to avoid any accidents during training. A quality swivel stand is also important to ensure that the bulb bounces smoothly and consistently.

Warming up before exercises

Warming up is an essential step before starting any training session with the speed pear. A good warm-up prepares your muscles and reduces the risk of injury. Focus on boxing-specific exercises like jump ropes, dynamic stretches, and shadow boxing moves. These exercises increase your heart rate, improve blood circulation, and prepare your joints and muscles for the workout ahead.

Preparing properly for a session with the speed bag not only helps you improve your performance, but also prevents injuries and gets the most out of each session. By choosing the right equipment, installing it correctly and warming up properly, you put all the chances on your side for an effective and safe workout.

Exercice poire boxe : une femme s'entraîne sur une poire de vitesse

Basic exercises with the speed bulb

Direct strikes

Direct strikes are essential for getting started with the speed ball. The technique consists of hitting the ball with a closed fist, keeping the wrist straight. For variations, you can alternate between left and right hands, or use both hands in quick succession. Start slowly to master the accuracy, then gradually increase the speed. This exercise improves coordination and speed of your strokes.


THE hooks, performed correctly, strengthens the power and rotation of the body. To hit the pear with a hook, bend your knees slightly and rotate your torso while keeping your arm at a 90-degree angle. Focus on rotating your hips to generate power without sacrificing precision. Repeat with both hands to balance the workout and improve your footwork and body coordination.


THE uppercuts are perfect for working the arm and core muscles. For an effective uppercut, position yourself close to the pear and slightly bend your knees. Keeping your fist close to your body, strike the ball from bottom to top. Make sure the movement is smooth and the body follows the trajectory of the shot. This exercise requires good coordination between body movement and striking to be effective.

These basic speed pear exercises allow you to develop fundamental boxing skills. They not only improve the precision and speed of your strikes, but also your coordination and your ability to generate power. By mastering these techniques, you lay the foundation for more advanced exercises and a complete boxing workout.

Advanced exercises to improve your technique

Hit Combinations

Punching combinations are crucial to developing a smooth and effective boxing technique. Start with simple sequences like jab-cross or jab-hook. As you progress, incorporate more complex sequences like jab-cross-hook-uppercut. Create your own combinations to keep the workout varied and challenging. The objective is to synchronize body movements with strikes for better fluidity and efficiency.


Footwork is essential for an agile and responsive boxer. Incorporate lateral movements, pivots and shuffles into your exercises with the speed bag. For example, after a combination of strikes, quickly move around the pear and continue striking. This exercise improves your agility and your ability to maintain a favorable position in relation to your opponent. The footwork associated with the speed pear also strengthens your coordination and endurance.

Speed exercises

To increase the cadence of your strokes, focus on speed exercises. Start with 30-second sessions where you hit the pear as quickly as possible. Record the number of keystrokes performed and try to beat your record each session. You can also incorporate speed challenges by alternating hands or adding body movements to make the exercise more complex. These exercises strengthen your reflexes, precision and endurance.

Advanced exercises with the speed ball allow you to refine your pugilistic skills. By working on striking combinations, footwork and speed, you develop a more complete and efficient technique. These exercises not only prepare you for real fights, but also for optimal performance during your workouts.

Workout routines with the speed bulb

Beginner program

For beginners, it is essential to start with a simple 15-minute routine. Start with a 5-minute warm-up including jumping rope and dynamic stretching. Next, alternate between sets of jabs, hooks, and uppercuts, each exercise lasting 2 minutes with a 1-minute break between sets. This program will help you master the basics and build good endurance.

Intermediate program

Intermediate boxers can progress to a more intense 30-minute routine. Start with a 10-minute warm-up, including shadow boxing exercises and foot movements. Then, perform 3-minute series of combined strikes, incorporating movements and speed variations. Add sequences of 3 minutes of work on the punching bag to diversify the training. Finish with 5 minutes of active recovery with stretching.

Advanced program

For advanced boxers, a 45-minute high-intensity routine is recommended. After a complete 10-minute warm-up, follow up with 5-minute sets of complex striking combinations, incorporating advanced footwork techniques and speed exercises. Also include 5-minute rounds of partner sparring or punching bag work to simulate real-life combat conditions. Finish with 10 minutes of active recovery and deep stretching to prevent injury.

These speed bulb workout routines are designed to accommodate different skill levels. By following these programs, you can gradually improve your technique, endurance and speed, while keeping your sessions varied and motivating. Adopt the routine that corresponds to your level and gradually increase the intensity to continue to progress in your boxing practice.

Tips to Maximize Your Training Sessions

Correct technique

To get the most out of your speed pear training sessions, it is crucial to maintain correct technique. Make sure your wrists are aligned with your forearms to avoid injury. Keep your elbows close to your body and strike with your finger joints. Avoid overly broad strokes that compromise your balance and precision. The key is to hit in a controlled and consistent manner.

Breathing and rhythm

Breathing plays a vital role in your endurance and performance. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth rhythmically with your strokes. Proper breathing helps you stay relaxed and retain your energy for longer. Find a comfortable pace and try to maintain a steady cadence. Synchronizing your breathing with your strokes optimizes your efficiency and reduces fatigue.

Recovery and injury prevention

Recovery is as important as the workout itself. After each session, take time to stretch to avoid soreness and injury. Focus on the muscles of your arms, shoulders and back. Pay attention to signs of overtraining such as excessive fatigue, persistent pain or trouble sleeping. If you experience any of these symptoms, give yourself some rest and adjust the intensity of your sessions.

Maximizing your training sessions with the speed pear requires careful attention to your technique, breathing and recovery. By following these tips, you can improve your performance, prevent injuries and get the most out of every session. A conscious and balanced approach to training will allow you to progress sustainably and effectively in your boxing practice.

Incorporating the speed bag into your overall boxing routine

Complementarity with other equipment

Integrating the speed bag into your boxing routine allows you to diversify and enrich your training sessions. Use it in addition to the punching bag to work on both power and speed. For example, alternate between sets of powerful punches on the heavy bag and speed sessions on the pear. Likewise, combine speed ball training and sparring to simulate real combat conditions, improving your responsiveness and precision in stressful situations.

Training planning

To get the most out of the speed pear, plan your sessions in a balanced way. Integrate 2 to 3 sessions per week dedicated to the speed pear, alternating with other exercises such as shadow boxing, heavy bag work and sparring sessions. Make sure you don't overload your schedule to avoid overtraining. A careful balance between different types of exercises helps develop a full range of pugilistic skills, from power and speed to technique and endurance.

The speed pear, when properly integrated into your overall boxing routine, becomes a valuable tool for improving your performance. By combining this workout with other equipment and carefully planning your sessions, you maximize your progress and strengthen your skills smoothly and effectively. Adopt a balanced approach to take full advantage of the benefits of each type of exercise and continually advance your boxing practice.

Exercice poire boxe : un homme s'exerce sur une poire de vitesse


The speed pear is an essential tool for improving your boxing technique. It develops coordination, speed and endurance, essential for any boxer. By following our advice, you will optimize your training sessions.

Preparing your sessions correctly and varying the exercises allows you to progress quickly. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, good planning is key. Incorporating the speed bag into your overall routine will make your workouts more effective.

To go further, discover our articles on punching bags and sparring. Continue to explore different techniques to become a well-rounded boxer. Happy reading and good training!

Box at the Circle!

Do you want to boost your sports training? Join our 50-minute sessions at the Circle. We combine the power of boxing with targeted fitness exercises, all in a friendly atmosphere with unique light shows and a motivating playlist.

Our sessions, accessible to all, use water bags instead of traditional opponents. Each program includes 10 rounds alternating bootcamp and boxing. Strengthen your abs, legs, glutes and upper body with dumbbells, while perfecting your combinations and dodges for intense cardio.

Improve your endurance with our energetic coaches in an electrifying atmosphere. Put on your gloves and join us in Montmartre, Beaubourg or Bastille for an unforgettable sporting experience! 🔥

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