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Exercice boxe avec elastique : Un homme fait un jab


Boxing exercise with elastic: learn to develop your power

📖 Reading time: 5 min

Looking to improve your boxing performance? Resistance bands are the perfect tool to develop power and speed while strengthening your stabilizing muscles. This article will guide you step by step to effectively incorporate resistance bands into your training.



Discover how these simple resistance bands can transform your workouts by adding a new dimension to your routine. From improving your technique to preventing injuries, resistance bands have a lot to offer.

Resistance bands, these simple yet incredibly versatile tools, have become a staple in boxing training. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced boxer, adding resistance bands to your boxing routine can transform the way you train. But why all the hype about these resistance bands?

Resistance band exercises are not only effective, they are also accessible to everyone. They allow you to reproduce boxing-specific movements while adding progressive resistance. This type of training not only strengthens the muscles, but also improves the technique, power and explosiveness of your punches. In addition, resistance bands are perfect for working in depth the stabilizing muscles, often neglected but essential to avoid injuries.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you'll not only develop formidable power, but also better control your movements, all while taking care of your body. Ready to learn more? Discover how to use resistance bands to boost your boxing performance.

Exercice boxe avec elastique : une femme fait du shadow boxing

Why use Elastics in Boxing?

Resistance bands are more than just an accessory in the world of boxing. They represent a powerful tool to improve your performance, whether you are an amateur or an experienced boxer. But why are resistance bands so effective?

Improved Power and Speed

Bands add progressive resistance that increases the difficulty of each move. In boxing, the power of the punches is crucial, and that's where bands come in. Unlike traditional weights, bands offer variable resistance, which becomes more intense as you extend the band. This added resistance forces your muscles to work harder to generate the same power, which increases your explosiveness. The result: more powerful and faster punches, capable of surprising any opponent. You will literally "load" your fists with each punch.

Muscle Strengthening and Injury Prevention

Resistance bands are also valuable allies for muscle strengthening. They work muscle groups that are often neglected, including the stabilizing muscles. These muscles, although less visible, are essential for maintaining good posture and preventing injuries. By strengthening these muscles with resistance bands, you not only develop overall strength, but you also protect your joints and tendons, reducing the risk of injury. It's like having an invisible shield that protects your weak points during the most intense workouts.

Boxing Exercises with Elastic Band: Step by Step

Incorporating resistance bands into your boxing workouts may seem simple, but to reap the full benefits, it's essential to master each move. Here's a series of exercises designed to help you build power, improve technique, and strengthen your stabilizing muscles—all with a resistance band.

Shadow Boxing with Elastic

Start by attaching a rubber band to a stable point behind you, at chest height. Pass the loops of the rubber band around your arms, just above the elbows, then stand in guard position. Imagine you are in the middle of a fight and start chaining punches into the air, like you would in shadow boxing classic.

Shadow boxing with a resistance band isn’t just a technique exercise; it adds resistance to every movement, forcing your muscles to work harder for each punch. This not only improves your endurance, but also your accuracy and punching speed. It’s like having an invisible opponent pushing you to perform at your best.

Punching with Elastic

For this exercise, tie the band around your shoulders, passing the ends through each hand. Adopt a classic guard position and begin chaining together direct punches (jab, cross), uppercuts and hooks. The band will resist each blow, forcing you to apply more force to each movement.

Punching with a rubber band is great for developing the raw power of your punches. By adding extra resistance, your muscles work harder, which helps develop explosive power. By repeating this exercise, you will feel a noticeable difference in the strength and speed of your punches, making you more dangerous in the ring.

Core Strengthening Exercises

Attach the band to a low point, close to the ground, and stand with your back to the anchor. Grasp the band with both hands and rotate your torso by pulling the band from left to right and vice versa, while keeping your arms straight.

Core strengthening is essential for any boxer, as a strong core allows you to generate more power in punches and maintain better stability. This exercise strengthens your abdominal muscles, obliques, and improves your ability to absorb punches, while working on your core flexibility and mobility.

Tips to Optimize Your Resistance Band Workout

To get the most out of your resistance band workouts, it's essential to adopt a few best practices. These tips will help you maximize your gains while minimizing your risk of injury.

Choosing the Right Elastic Strength

Choosing the resistance of your resistance band is crucial for an effective workout. Resistance bands come in different resistances, from light to very strong. If you are just starting out, it is best to start with a lower resistance to master the movements and avoid overloading your muscles. As you progress, gradually increase the resistance to continue to challenge your muscles. The goal is to feel enough resistance without compromising the quality of the movement. In other words, choose a resistance band that pushes you to your limits, without risking injury.

Incorporating Elastics into Your Weekly Routine

For resistance bands to really benefit your workout, they need to be used regularly. Try to strategically incorporate them into your weekly routine. For example, you could use them as a complement to your sparring sessions or include them in your conditioning exercises. Ideally, you should vary the exercises and types of resistance to work all of your muscle groups and avoid monotony. Remember to give your muscles time to recover between sessions, especially if you are working with high resistances.

Listen to Your Body

Resistance training can be intense, especially if you push yourself to the limit. So it’s important to listen to your body’s signals. If you feel any sharp or unusual pain, stop exercising immediately. Pain can be a sign that you’re using too much resistance or that your technique isn’t correct. Take the time to assess and adjust your posture, positioning, and resistance band tension. Remember: quality of execution is more important than quantity or intensity.

Exercice boxe avec elastique : Un homme fait du shadow boxing


Resistance bands are effective tools to boost your boxing training. They increase the power of your punches and strengthen your stabilizing muscles, while preventing injuries. By incorporating them into your routine, you optimize your performance.

Using resistance bands helps improve your technique and strengthen your core. Each exercise, from shadow boxing to punching, offers specific benefits to becoming a more complete boxer.

Do boxing at the Circle

Ready to spice up your workout? Check out our 50-minute sessions at Le Cercle. Combining the power of water bag boxing with targeted fitness exercises, these sessions take place in a friendly atmosphere, lit by soft lighting and punctuated by lively music.

There is no competition here, just you and the water bag. These sessions are suitable for everyone, whatever your level.

Our program alternates 10 rounds: 5 dedicated to a bootcamp for abs, legs, glutes, and upper body, and 5 to refine your boxing techniques and improve your cardio.

Want to push your limits with motivating coaches in a dynamic atmosphere? Put on your gloves! Choose your location between Montmartre, Beaubourg, or Bastille, and come live a unique experience! 🔥

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