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Punching bag training: everything you need to know!

📖 Reading time: 7 min

The punching bag is surely THE best friend of combat sports fans (and especially boxers). It allows you to train at home or without a training partner. However, once in front, we don't always know how to get the most out of this material.

Don't worry, at Le Cercle, we've thought of you! Follow the guide, we tell you everything about the basics of punching bag training for boxing.

There are many types of bags, but here we will only focus on the heavy bag, the hanging punching bag. This bag is the best known: it's the one that can be found in almost all sports and boxing gyms (except at Le Cercle, because we like to break the codes).


What are the benefits of punching bag training?

Often used to deliver powerful blows, the punching bag is also very effective for work on your footwork and speed, but not only ! We have listed the other benefits that a session with this brings you. iconic boxer equipment. Enough to make you want to train even more.

Unfailing endurance

Integrate punching bag exercises into your fitness routineboxing training allows you to gain endurance every training session. The more you practice your punches on the bag, the more durable you will be.

Lungs of iron

By correctly adapting your training program, the heavy bag becomes a very good tool to work on your breathing. In addition, if your exercises are more cardio-focused, you will burn as many calories as possible!

A professional technique

Punching bag work is also a great way to help you perfect your technique and improve your coordination. Your punches will then be more accurate and more explosives. And if you have a coach to guide you during your sessions, listen to their advice to progress even faster.

A concrete body

By giving it your all, you're obviously going to commandeer your entire body. Your boxing session will therefore strengthen all of your muscles : abs, legs, shoulders and arms. Who said you have to go to the gym or do weight training to have a rock-solid body?

Managing distance

The heavy bag is also very useful to allow you to better manage the distance as well asimprove your weight transfer in boxing ! Unlike shadow boxing where you punch in a vacuum, here you have a target that moves. You can therefore complete your training program with exercises that will make you work on supports, dodges and the sequence of strikes. 

Release the stress

And of course what's better than a heavy bag to let go of everything and relieve stress? All the hits given in the bag will allow you to clear your head and let off steam while having fun (well, we hope so!).


How to properly train with a punching bag?

A good programbag training increases your explosiveness and it goes through a combination of several things: travel, of the dodges, of the feints, of the various shots, find the good distance and above all, always keep one's guard !

Well, we grant you, it's (a little) a lot to manage at the same time. But because we take care of you Tiger, we have prepared you 3 typical workouts that you can do with a punching bag.

 So, put on your gloves, your boxing gloves and prepare the timer. We're off Tiger!

Warm up before you start 

Before hitting the bag, and to avoid injury, you must first prepare your body for exercise. Wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, warm up the parts of your body that you are going to use. You can rotate in one direction and then in another each time.

For a warming up complete in less than 5 minutes, you can also use a skipping rope. Enough to increase your heart rate effectively in a short time.

Cardio-focused training to burn as many calories as possible

We told you, working with a heavy bag is a very good way ofimprove your cardiovascular system. So, we suggest you do some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). We warn you, you will sweat.

Depending on your level (and your preferences), you can either perform sequences of 30 seconds without rest between the series, i.e. sequences of 20 seconds then 10 seconds rest.

The objective is to make rounds of 2 to 3 minutes during which you bombard the bag with punches!

Do the movements with a small amplitude without completely engaging your body. Prioritize the speed of the sequence of blows and leave technique aside for the moment.

And if you want to challenge your cardio even more, always stay on the move. Move around the punching bag or activate your legs by standing on tiptoes for example.

For the series, we suggest you continue for example:

  • Right jab – left jab
  • Right cross – left cross
  • Front hook – back hook
  • Front uppercut – rear uppercut

Classic punches: simple, but effective! To start, you can start with 6 rounds and increase training after training. You'll see, at first it will sting...

Explosive workouts to work on your power

Before putting power into your shots, be sure to master the right technical. If the technique is not good, there is no point in continuing to hit the punching bag.

When you have the right form, your shots can be more explosive and more powerful. But be careful, you must not exhaust yourself unnecessarily either. You must relax your body and contract it only at impact. The more tense you are, the more you will contract all your muscles and therefore tire yourself unnecessarily... No way! This is not at all what we want.

Start with 3 rounds of 2 minutes where you warm up on the punching bag, deliver blows, but light ones. Gradually increase the power, but do not go beyond 70% of your strength.

Once you feel on fire, it's time to get down to business! You can even have someone hold the punching bag or keep it from moving too much. During 4 to 6 rounds of 3 minutes, you will be able to get the sauce going. During rounds, send sequences minute after minute. 

Example of exercises: for 1 minute you send straight from the rear arm and front hook, then the next minute you release uppercut from the front arm and hook from the rear arm and during the last minute, front hook and rear hook. This exercise is very useful in boxing hiit workout

Play with the moves during your boxing lessons. For example, you can do 1 minute with hooks only, 1 minute with rear arm jabs and alternate. The goal is to put some punch into your shots without lacking precision. ! But be careful, they must not crash into the punching bag. Always bring your arms to the correct height to maintain your guard.


Workouts to be lightning fast 

Endurance is good, power is good, but what's the point if you're not fast enough? Not much in fact... To remedy this, here are some small exercises you can do.

To work on your speed with a heavy bag, you have to be as relaxed as possible. The goal is to throw light and fast punches, you don't need to kill the bag this time. The more relaxed you are, the faster each punch will go away.

For lively workouts, start with yourself focus on one punch. For example, start with the jab, then move on to the cross, and so on. In total you can do 4 rounds of 3 minutes.

Start the first round with 30 seconds of jab, 30 seconds of cross, etc. focusing on speed of execution.

Then, for the second round, chain each strike one after the other: jab, cross, front hook, back hook, uppercut, back uppercut.

For the last two rounds that follow, you can start on exercises of 2 to 3 strokes maximum. Let your creativity and speed speak. For example, throw a jab, a back uppercut and a straight back.

The more comfortable and lively you feel, the more power you can add. But be careful, remember that the goal of this training is not to use all your strength!


Our little tips for professional training

Did we make you want to use the punching bag? Perfect, but before that we give you our last little tips to train like champions.

  • Always take the time to warm up, at least 5 minutes.
  • Make some jumping rope and shadow boxing before attacking the punching bag.
  • Don't stay static in front of the bag, turn around, move around, use your footwork !
  • For more power in your shots, turn your hips when you throw your punches.
  • After a sequence or a blow, always regain your guard !
  • Stay relaxed (yes, we repeat), if you are contracted everywhere you will tire yourself stupidly...
  • Take a time to time your workouts ! And if you have a bad memory, write down your training on a sheet of paper.
  • Hydrate yourself good because the bag makes you sweat.
  • Never forget to put your bands Or your undergloves, a wrist injury happens so quickly…
  • Control your breath, this is essential, you must exhale as soon as you touch the bag!

Come and bump into the Cercle aquabags!

Heavy bag training is good, but aquabag training is better... At the Cercle we offer you a training who will put your cardio, your endurance, your liveliness and your muscles under severe strain. A bit of everything we just talked about above…

With alternating 50-minute workouts boxing moves on aquabags and fitness exercises on the benches, you will work and strengthen your entire body! In addition to that, the most motivating coaches in Paname are here to encourage you and show you everything! We assure you that there is nothing better... And our boxing gloves are super stylish too!

So you know what you have to do, book your session at the Cercle and head to Montmartre in the most iconic boxing club in Paris! 

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