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Home boxing training: how to train boxing on your own?

📖 Reading time: 5 min

Boxing is a sport that does not necessarily have to be practiced in a club. If you don't have time to travel to a boxing gym or simply prefer to learn the discipline at home, your best solution is to do a home boxing training.

This type of training allows you to practice when you want and especially as you wish. However, without a coach to tell you what exercise to do and what pace to maintain, it can be difficult to navigate. 

No stress, we got you Tiger! Follow the guide to find out how to make boxing workouts quality directly from your home.


Round 1: warm up correctly

As in all combat sports, good training begins with good warming up. Before entering the ring, you must properly prepare your body to practice safely and avoid injury. 

Skipping rope or simple jogging, we let you choose the warm-up you prefer, but warm up. We're watching you!

Jump like the Champions

Skipping rope is fundamental for all boxing enthusiasts. 

Skipping rope allows you to quickly raise your body temperature and get you in condition for the rest of your training. 

Consider using a timer or one stopwatch to coordinate your rounds and not jump without a specific aim. Start for example with 3 rounds of 1min30. During your next training sessions, you can gradually extend the duration of the rounds up to 3 minutes. 

Run Tiger, run!

If you don't have a jump rope on hand, no worries. You can of course warm up in the oldest way in the world: while running. Walk around your table, your living room, your house, your garden, or your building, in short, jog for at least 10 minutes.

Then finish your warm-up by preparing your joints. Neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, pelvis, knees and wrists, rotate in one direction then the other.

Now that your heart rate has increased and you're ready to awaken your inner Rocky Balboa, put on your boxing gloves, let's go! 

Round 2: Improve your striking technique

Wanting to throw punches is good, but knowing how to do it well is better!

In this second part of the training, you will improve the form and precision of your shots. Two types of exercises are possible: with training equipment or just with your body.

Distribute punches in a punching bag

When we think of boxing training at home, we immediately think of a typical training with a punching bag or a punching bag. And with good reason! The punching bag is truly one of the key pieces of equipment for any boxer.

For this exercise, you will therefore need equipment ready to receive your strikes. If you are alone, a punching bag or punching bag will do the trick. If you have a training partner, they can don bear paws or hold a punch shield for you, also known as PAO.

Start with 3 rounds of 3 minutes with 1 minute of jabs, 1 minute of hooks and 1 minute of uppercuts. 

During the next 3 rounds, focus on more or less rapid strike combinations.

Any blows are allowed, they will not be returned to you.

Become a master in the art of shadow boxing 

It is possible to train at home without equipment. Starting with the shadow boxing. You just need a little space around you. 

This practice consists of slowly working and repeating your boxing movements as perfectly as possible. in the void so that they are effective in real situations.

Small jumps back and forth, basic punch combinations, moves, dodges, put yourself in real combat conditions.

As with the previous exercises, don't forget your timer. For 3 rounds of 2 to 3 minutes, vary the combinations while maintaining your guard high.

If you're running out of ideas for combos to do, watch videos of professional boxers and copy their movements in shadow boxing.

Remember to keep your body relaxed throughout the exercise to improve the fluidity of your strokes. And if you can, stand in front of a mirror so you can correct your flaws and improve your weak points in real time. 

Round 3: Land strikes as powerful as Tyson

Now that your punch is more accurate, it's time to focus on the power of your strikes. One of the secrets to achieving this: developing your footwork.

Climb the stairs like Rocky

Remember that iconic scene where Rocky finishes his run by climbing the 72 steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art? We suggest you do the same.

Stand at the bottom of a stair rail and try to reach the top by running as quickly as possible. Go back down the steps and repeat the exercise 3 to 5 times.

Also remember to synchronize the movements of your legs with those of your arms. This exercise allows you to work on your explosiveness, your power and your cardio.


To motivate yourself during the climb, listen to the song Gonna Fly Now by Bill Conti on repeat. Nothing can stop you anymore.

Jump rope regularly 

We've already told you, jumping rope is one of the basic exercises in boxer training. It is ideal for improving responsiveness on your feet because you are constantly on the tips of your feet.

Thanks to its many benefits, you will also work on your endurance, your cardio and your coordination. 

Do rounds of 2 to 3 minutes. You can also play with the rhythms and directions of your jumps: forward-backward, left-right, double jumps or even knee raises. Vary according to your desires!

Round 4: prepare yourself physically

Boxing also means being able to hold on during a fight. To achieve this, you must also work all the muscles in your body and improve your cardio. It is therefore essential to incorporate exercises of muscle strengthening and an a physical training in your boxing training at home.

Several types of training are available to you: circuit training, cross training, HIIT or body weight training.

For example, you can do burpees, jumping jacks, push-ups, squats and crunches. You are free to do the exercises that you like the most. 

The goal is to strengthen your muscles and improve your heart rate!

If you have fitness equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells or resistance bands, add them to your physical routine. You're going to get one hell of a session and you'll be able to last longer during a fight.

Round 5: Get hands-on in a physical boxing session

Now that you have been able to try boxing at home, perhaps you want to come and try it out at a club? The circle welcomes you with open arms! 

Our sessions are without combat and without shock. For 50 minutes, you alternate between boot camp And boxing on our aqua bags. Disconnect and let off steam without any hassle. 

Enter the round! Our coaches are waiting for you in our studio located at the foot of the Sacré-Cœur.

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