Entrainement boxe et bootcamp au Cercle


Boxing training: how to train to progress?

📖 Reading time: 7 min

You want you train and progress quickly in boxing? Or maybe you need advice to achieve your goals? You are in the right place ! We will give you all the necessary information so that you can easily find your way around. Boxing training will no longer have any secrets for you! Let's go!


The three-pronged approach to your boxing training

The practice of English boxing is divided into three different but complementary approaches: technical, THE physical and the mental. To progress, you must integrate these three dimensions into every training session. We'll explain how to get there.

Refine your technique

Mastering your punching technique is essential if you want to perform as a boxer. 

In each of your training sessions, you will therefore have to carry out a real technical preparation worthy of Champions. Working on footwork, jumping rope, punching bag sequences, shadow boxing (blows given in the air), or even cross training, many exercises will allow you to improve your technique.

With each exercise, keep in mind that it is your gesture and the way to position yourself which are really important. These are the areas that you need to focus on to progress session after session.

Develop your physique

Who can call themselves a boxer if they cannot hold out for the entire duration of one or more rounds? Person !

As a boxer, having a good endurance is vital. Your physical preparation will help you improve it and be more than ready to enter the ring in good conditions. 

To do this, you will have to work on your sequences, your footwork, and even carry out workouts very focused on the cardio, type HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

All these exercises are the best way to perfect your hitting technique in terms of speed, of precision, of strength, but alsoexplosiveness

Strengthen your mind

Like any other sport, you need to have a mind of steel to successfully complete your training or a possible fight.

But preparing your mind is not the easiest thing to do, on the contrary. 

In order to not give up during your workouts, you must first and foremost release your stress and perhaps your fears. For this, relaxation or sophrology exercises can help you. 

Also think about clearly define objectives that you want to achieve. Then repeat them out loud every day to motivate yourself.

If your goals are well defined in your mind, then anything will be possible for you. 

Your typical training program 

In combat sports, doing a good training session can be learned. If you really want to progress in boxing or simply improve your practice, follow the guide. 

Warm up properly

Before even putting on your gloves and entering the ring, you must put yourself in good physical and mental condition. 

Warming up before your session will allow you to prepare your body exercise and therefore limit the risk of injury.

Start by gradually increasing your body temperature with jumping on the spot, heel-and-butt exercises, or light jogging. 

Then carry out exercises whose movements are specific to boxing. Jumping rope and shadow boxing are essential here to warm up your muscles.

 Also consider adapting your boxing warm-up depending on your needs and your training environment. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned competitor, inside a gym or in the rain, you're not going to warm up for the same length of time or with the same intensity.

Jump rope

We just told you, jumping rope can help you warm up. However, this key piece of equipment for boxers also provides you with many other benefits.


Jumping rope will indeed allow you toimprove your cardio or even work your footwork and your explosiveness. By varying the rhythms and support of your jumps, you accustom your body to always staying in motion and being responsive in all circumstances.

As a bonus, all of your muscles are engaged during this exercise. Among other things, you tone your arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles.

Scrub your poweak ints with shadow boxing

Practicing punches in the air will help you improve the technique of the strikes you distribute.

By slowly repeating all your movements, you prepare your body to give fair and effective strikes in real conditions. 

If you do it in front of a mirror, this exercise also helps you correct your faults in real time. You can also focus your exercises on the weak points that you want to strengthen: cardio, power or even precision.

THE shadow boxing is one of your best assets to progress at your own pace but with rigor and concentration. Don't neglect it!

Punch a punching bag

To become a better boxer, you also have the option of chaining punches in a bag ready to receive your strikes. 

Whether with a punching bag or a punching ball, this exercise helps you gain speed, power and endurance. 

In addition, with a punching bag training, you no longer need a training partner to improve. Take the opportunity to perfect your technique, learn to better manage the distance, and release your stress at the pace you want. 

Our 5 tips for progressing in boxing

You don't really know how to go about your combat sports training successfully? Here are our tips for improving your skills.

1. Choose the boxing that suits you

The first piece of advice we can give you is simply to practice a type of boxing that you like. In this way, you will necessarily be more able to surpass yourself and give the best of yourself in each session.

For example, you can opt for French boxing, also known as foot-fist boxing, or even Thai Boxing which uses the feet, fists, knees and elbows. There boxing However, it remains the boxing most often practiced initially because you only use your fists. 

To find which type of boxing you prefer, we advise you to try several sessions before making your decision. Then, all you have to do is sign up for a club or boxing class of your choice.

2. Train as long as you need

If you are taking up boxing or any other combat sport, keep in mind that it is important to train regularly.

The more diligent you are, the more you will feel the benefits of your training, session after session. There regularity is the key to your progress.

Work as well on your cardio that your mental and your strength. You can't just work out at home and then do cardio for 30 minutes once a month. Your whole body needs to be trained and ready to enter the ring in due time.

To have a complete training program, you can, for example, alternate between boxing classes at home, classes supervised by coaches as well as cardio or muscle strengthening sessions.

3. Adopt the right boxing equipment for your training

Whether you have a beginner or advanced level, have the right boxing equipment is necessary to practice safely and continually improve. 

If you are training alone, you will need boxing gloves as well as liners or bandages. They protect your fists and help cushion shock against punching bags. 

Besides, you're going to need these too. There are many types of bags ready to receive your strikes. Suspended punching bag, inflatable punching bag, aqua-bag or even punching ball, they all allow you to work efficiently while remaining autonomous

For a workout with a training partner, you can also add bear paws or boxing targets called PAO. If you simulate a fight against him, protect yourself by putting on your helmet and mouth guard before the first round.

4. Do weight training

Preparing for training or for a fight also means preparing your body to face a possible opponent. 

By doing bodybuilding, you will strengthen your body without necessarily needing to buy specific boxing equipment. 

The fitness exercises performed will allow you to gain muscle power and prevent the occurrence of injuries. You will thus improve your strength and your ability to withstand an opponent's blows. 

But be careful: the goal of strength training for boxing is simply to gain strength. You don't want to gain muscle mass and risk losing movement speed or changing categories if you compete.

With this goal in mind, you can then plan your workouts at the gym. Three full sessions per week are more than enough to progress. Remember to incorporate exercises that mimic boxing movements in order to properly develop the muscles that you will use during your boxing sessions.

5. Develop your boxing skills

You understand, to become a better boxer you must find your balance in the technical – physical – mental alliance. 

These three areas will allow you to optimize the precision, there speed and theexplosiveness of your punches.

However, any good boxer must also develop other skills: 

  • THE a look, to anticipate and counter your opponent's blows
  • there mobility, so that your opponent has difficulty reaching you
  • there strategy, to have a plan to follow each round and not let yourself be destabilized by your opponent.

As you can see, being a boxer requires many qualities. We're not going to lie to you, you won't get them at a single glance, quite the contrary. However, our advice is simply to continue training to reach the level you want. Your attendance will always pay!

How to do boxing training at home?

Do you really want to do boxing at home? Don't have time to attend classes or prefer to train whenever you want? Make a boxing training at home, with or without hardware, is your best option.

To improve your boxing practice, you must first know how to train.

For the structure of your training, keep the same structure as training carried out in a club:

  • Warm up properly with a jump rope 
  • Improve your striking technique with shadow boxing
  • Work on the power of your punches with a punching bag
  • Strengthen your muscles with light dumbbells or body weight

After each workout, simply aim to have better know-how than your previous session. Training also means knowing what you're doing and having the right energy, no matter your sport.

The Circle: perfect for your intensive training!

If you want to discover a new way of doing boxing, the sessions of the Boxing Circle are made for you! Technical, physical and mental work, in our Parisian studio, we help you find your three-dimensional balance

During 50 minutes, you alternate between sending your best shots into our aqua-bags and strengthening all of your muscles. As a bonus, you have no risk of getting hit. Our sessions are without a fight And without shock.

To strengthen your mind, you can count on the kindness and hyper motivation of our coaches. Throughout the session, they push you to give your all and have fun, always in a good mood.

Don't wait any longer, and come and try our Tiger boxing classes! We are waiting for you in the circle of the Circle! 

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