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Un homme en train de faire de la corde à sauter dans une salle de boxe


Boxing skipping rope: the importance of the skipping rope in boxing

📖 Reading time: 13 min

You must have already seen boxers or some female boxers make skipping rope during their workout. And if they do it's not for nothing !


Skipping rope is a great way to work your supports, your cardio, your coordination or even your endurance. Whether for combat sports or not!


You want learn more about the benefits of jumping rope for boxing ? We got you! We will even you explain how to jump rope correctly.


Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊


Why boxing jump rope?

Une personne qui fait de la corde à sauter pour améliorer sa boxe

If we had to answer you in one sentence, it would be: To progress. Because yes, the skipping rope helps you improve your boxing. And you won't need to do it for hours a day to see and feel your progress!

1. To warm up properly

Jumping rope is also a good way to warm up. This will help you do increase your heart rate and your body temperature, but without getting tired.

This will also allow you to work on your supports before moving on to other exercises in your boxing workout. You will already be ready to do your drills well.

2. To improve your cardio and endurance

The skipping rope goes boost your heart rate, but also your muscular endurance. It is therefore a good way to be in better condition for your workouts, as for your training sessions sparring !

Especially since punching bag or in sparring, your cardio tends to increase quickly. So in jumping rope YOU get your heart and muscles used to this effort, to hold better.

Generally, the boxers And female boxers make interval skipping rope. They they are based on the rhythm of the rounds, namely 3 minutes of work for 1 minute of rest between each round.

The fact of work at this pace will you get used to keeping the rhythm of the rounds. But that's also okay improve your ability to recover fast enough after exercise !

3. To strengthen your muscles

As it is an exercise which increase your heart rate and your breathing, your muscles need oxygen. They are therefore all requested !

Additionally, you must adopt a straight posture And stay covered. You therefore strengthen your abs, shoulders, arms, thighs, glutes and calves.

Skipping rope is also a very good way to work the deep muscles which are located around your ankles and feet. Which can also prevent you from certain injuries.

4. For better coordination

For box well, you must have a good coordination. And for that, the skipping rope is perfect.

You must succeed in set the rhythm of your wrists (which turn the rope) with the rhythm of your legs to jump. This will then help you to coordinate your hands with your feet, important thing when you box.

Skipping rope also helps you have a better coordination in general. You must have the good timing to synchronize your jumps with the rope.

5. For better footwork

In boxing, everything comes from below. That is to say, your legs ! And with the skipping rope you go improve your support, your balance, your agility and your explosiveness. Everything you need to have a good footwork.

The fact of jump while still on tiptoe makes you more dynamic and more reagent on your supports. And it's the same dynamic posture that you seek to have while boxing !

The more you jump rope, the more it will become a habit of moving on your toes when you box. You will therefore have a best footwork, with some fluid movements.

6. For better concentration

When you jump rope, you are obliged to focus on your movements. Because if you have a moment d’inattention, you take the rope in the feet.

So obviously, your ability to concentrate becomes better. And that goes in particular feel on your footwork or the distance management when you go boxing.

OK, we gave you the Top Reasons for Jumping Rope in boxing. But it also presents quite a few other advantages.

Other benefits of jumping rope

  • It is practical (it's easy to transport and you can do it almost anywhere)
  • It makes burn calories to lose weight
  • A skipping rope not too expensive (around 10-20€)
  • You are not no need to do it for hours
  • There is like a massaging effect on the skin with jumps
  • That promotes blood circulation
  • YOU improve your reflexes and your reactivity
  • Your ability to speed up and slow down becomes better
  • You are more relaxed at the level of shoulders and arm
  • YOU work on your explosiveness

Now that you know All the Reasons You Need to Do Boxing Jump Rope, we will explain to you how to make it well !

How to jump rope for boxing?

Deux personnes qui sautent à la corde dans une salle de boxe

First of all, you should know that it still increases the cardio well, so it's always better to start with good physical condition.

Skipping rope also fits strain your joints. SO, make sure you don't have any problems. And especially, warm up before you start ! It is important.

Start gradually

When you start skipping rope, you have to go gradually. Don't go for 15 minute rounds from the start. Conversely, start with rounds of 1 minute, then 1 minute 30, then 2 minutes and so on.

Remember to breathe well

When you jump rope, it's important to breathe well. It may seem logical, but some people sometimes have a tendency to hold their breathing...

So to avoid this, focus on your breath in inhaling through the nose and in exhaling through the mouth. And if you can, try exhaling through your nose too.

Take small jumps

Often, when you start, you have tendency to jump too high to pass the rope. By doing this, you will get tired faster and more the shock wave of your jumps will be greater.

So your goal is to jump as little as possible. You just have to enough to let the rope pass, that's all !

Try practicing doing tiny jumps and you will see that it will be much less tiring.

Choose a good surface

The ideal is to find a surface not too hard. For example, jumping rope on concrete, ce n’est not necessarily the best thing to do. For what ? Because it doesn't will not absorb your jumps enough and that risks d’abîmer votre corde too fast.

Try to find a slightly soft ground who is doing well absorb your jumps. The best surfaces are for example:

  • THE wooden floors or in rubber
  • THE synthetic grass
  • There fine carpet
  • L’herbe bien courte
  • Etc.

Find a good rhythm

The goal when you jump rope is to coordinate the passage of the rope with your jumps. For this, you must have a regular rhythm.

To find this tempo, you must start slowly, even if it means exaggerating the movement a little. You can even start by jumping without the rope to get used to it.

When you have found a good rhythm jump, take the rope in one hand, and do it turn next to you. The goal is to cue the sound of the rope on the ground with your jumps. When It's good, you can jump with rope.

Jump in keeping the same rhythm for good coordinate your wrists and legs. At first you may have a little difficulty, but you will quickly get used to it.

And once you have the right timing, speed up little by little. You can then alternate between fast pace and slower pace to improve your coordination.

Twist the rope with your wrists

This is probably the most important thing to have in mind when jumping rope. It is neither your elbows, nor your shoulders, nor your arms that turn the rope, but your wrists.

A simple rotation of the wrists is enough to turn the rope. Practice using only your wrists, keeping them elbows almost glued to your body.

And you will see that with the right technique you will use less energy. Additionally, your movement will be much smoother.

The fact of use only your wrists to turn the rope is also part of the good posture to adopt !

What posture should you have to jump rope well?

Une personne qui saute à la corde

When you jump rope, the correct posture to adopt is as follows: your head, your neck and your spine have to be aligned.

Then you must keep the bust, the head and the straight neck, without you leaning forward. At first you will probably look at your feet. But try to think about straighten your head while looking ahead.

Your shoulders, they must be good released. Do not raise them towards your neck otherwise you will be tense and you will tire yourself unnecessarily.

Your feet are almost together, but do not touch each other. You must leave a small space, the same as if you were walking. And especially, bend your knees a little to have a very dynamic posture.

keep them elbows close to your hips with the flexed arms so as to have the hands parallel to the ground.

Once you are in this position, as you have been told, these are your wrists which will turn the rope. And not your shoulders or your elbows.

To rotate the rope properly, place your cuffs approximately at hip height And slightly forward. Then, you just have to rotate your wrists so that the rope turns.

And when you jump, above all, stay always on tiptoe. This is what makes your dynamic supports and allows you to jump more easily.

Okay, now that you know the posture to adopt when jumping rope, you may be wondering how long you can do it for. Guess what? We'll see that right away!

How long to jump rope?

Les mains d'une personne qui saute à la corde

In general, when you do boxing, you are going to do skipping rope as a warm-up. It usually lasts about fifteen minutes to warm up properly.

It can be 3 rounds of 5 minutes or 5 rounds of 3 minutes, with a rest time between each round.

When you finish your boxing workout, skipping rope is also a good way to slow down the pace with less intensive drilling. For example, you can do 10 to 15 minutes of rope with a quiet tempo.

Some boxers sometimes do sessions almost exclusively dedicated to skipping rope. In these cases, they jump rope for almost 20-30 minutes nonstop.

They do 3 rounds of 10 minutes and even 2 rounds of 15 minutes which they follow with a little rest.

But we reassure you, you don't have to do the same, unless you really like it and are used to jumping rope!

When you start, the best is to go there crescendo. Make rounds of 1 minute, then 2 minutes, then 3 minutes and so on.

If you prepare fights, that you often have sparring sessions, or that you box often on the punching bag, try do the same number of rounds on the rope. That you get used to the rhythm.

Anyway, The more you are used to the rope, the longer you will be able to do rounds without getting tired..

Alright, now you know how long to jump rope. Except that doing the same jump all the time is a bit boring. So we will see what are the different jumps you can try !

Some boxing jump rope exercises

Une personne qui essaye des exercices de corde à sauter pour la boxe

To begin, the base of bases when you jump rope, it's to make a jump with both feet for a rope trick.

Then when you master that basic jump, you can innovate a little with:

  • THE double under (1 jump for 2 rope passages)
  • THE skip boxer shorts (hop close to the ground from one foot to another)
  • THE jog step (change feet each time you pass the rope)
  • THE high-knees (knee lifts with each rope passage)
  • THE side jumps (jump 2 feet to the left, then to the right)
  • THE hopping (3 or 4 jumps on one foot before changing feet)
  • THE travel (front, back or side when jumping)
  • THE crossover jumps (cross your arms inwards then bring them back)
  • THE heel to toe step boxer shorts (boxer skip where your heel touches the ground when you change feet)

You can also do vary your jump rope rounds And play between endurance and explosiveness.

Work on your rope endurance

To make rope endurance, you can try a workout of this type:

  • Do between 3 to 5 rounds of 3 to 7 minutes according to your level
  • Take 1 minute of rest between each round
  • Try to be 50-60% intensity all the way

You can also do 3 to 5 rounds of 3 minutes hard and take 1 minute of active rest at a slow pace to recover.

You can even mix boxing drills with jump rope to work on your endurance! Make your boxing drills (punching bag, sparring, shadow boxing, etc.) and during your rest time do some rope training.

Ce genre d’entraînement est un great way to improve your endurance, but also your recovery capacity during exercise !

Work on your explosiveness on the rope

Skipping rope also allows you to work on your explosiveness. For this, you can for example try a workout like this:

  • Do 3 to 5 rounds of 5 minutes
  • Take 1 minute of rest between each round
  • Play with them intensities :
    • 30s effort at 80% Then 10s normal to follow in each round
    • 20s effort at 90% Then normal 5s to follow in each round
    • 15s effort at 100% Then 10s normal to follow in each round

Choose the intensity according to your level ! When you're starting out, start with the intensity at 80%, then change when you feel it's getting too easy for you.

And if you are a skipping rope expert, you can change intensity mid-round. For example, go from 80% to 100%, then from 90% to 100% and so on…

This will allow you improve your ability to explode while boxing. When we say explode, it means make accelerations on certain movements. For example, send a jab, followed by a cross and a front hook.

Well until now we have mainly talked to you about the whole technical part of the jump rope. But what about the rope itself ? Well we'll see right now!

Which skipping rope to choose for boxing?

Une corde à sauter posée a coté d'une paire de gants de boxe

There is 2 main types of rope that you can use for boxing:

  • THE speed rope, they are light and have a high rotation speed
  • THE weighted ropes, they are heavy and have a low rotation speed

For boxing, your rope must be very resistant. It's better if there is a good grip at the level of the handles, because you will often use them. So the more comfortable it is for your hands, the better.

Then, the most important thing is that the rotation of the rope is smooth and sufficiently fast. If the rope is a little heavy, that's no problem. On the contrary, it will use your muscles a little more.

It is interesting to be able to vary the speed with your skipping rope, so you have to find a good compromise between speed rope and thick rope.

This is why the best jump ropes for boxing are probably those made of PVC plastic or polyvinyl. Otherwise a slightly thick speed rope will work very well too!

However, the choice of your rope will also depend on what you like. The best thing is to try several and choose the one that suits you best!

How to choose the right skipping rope for boxing?

THE heavy ropes especially go strengthen your shoulders and wrists. This is a good thing for boxing. For what ? Because you need strong wrists to throw punches and compact shoulders to absorb certain blows.

THE weighted ropes are going exercise your muscles even more. You will therefore work more on your muscular endurance.

THE steel strings, kind speed rope, are very fast. Above all, you will be able to work with speed and explosiveness. It's very interesting for agility and liveliness.

THE cotton and nylon ropes born don't spin too fast, they are good to start. On the other hand, they have tends to wear out quite quickly...

THE leather strings they are enough versatile, they suitable for just about anyone. However, you must use them indoors so as not to damage them too much.

THE vinyl strings are interesting, because their rotation speed is neither too fast nor too slow. On the other hand, as with leather strings, you must use them indoors so as not to wear them out too quickly.

There are also some strings with ball bearings. These are the most fluid and they don't roll up! Additionally, you can easily accelerate the rotation with these ropes.

What size should your jump rope be?

There Golden Rule to choose the right size is as follows: Better a rope too big than a rope too small. Because yes, of course, you can shorten a rope that is too long, but you cannot lengthen a rope that is too short.

You can easily know if your rope is too big. If she does too much noise when hitting the ground, she is surely too big. And a rope that is too long is less aerodynamic…

Logically Conversely, a rope too short never will not turn because you are going constantly getting caught up in it. This is why you must finding the right balance between too long and too short !

For find the right size, follow this little tutorial:

  • Place un foot in the middle of your rope
  • Stretch it out in a way the 2 handles come together 
  • For find the right size, they must reach you at bust level :
    • For beginners, there rope must arrive at shoulders
    • For confirmed them, there rope must arrive at the chest
    • For the experts, there rope must arrive at armpits

In general, it is said that it is necessary leave about 20-30 cm between your head and the rope when you jump. And for those who are regulars, you can leave between 5 and 15 cm.

Alright, now you know how to choose the right rope. Mais vous vous demandez peut-être s’il y a des disadvantages of jumping rope.

The disadvantages of jumping rope

Un homme qui fait de la corde à sauter avant de boxer

To tell the truth, There are not a lot… The only disadvantages of the jump rope that we can give you are the following:

  • It's not not for people with joint problems
  • It's not also not made for those with spinal problems
  • That can traumatize joints, notably the knees and the ankles
  • It can be frustrating not to succeed at first


There jumping rope it's a very beneficial exercise for boxing. It's mostly okay improve your supports, your cardio, your balance and your coordination. Elements essential for boxing well !

When you start, it's true that it is a little complicated and it can become frustrating. But don't give up! The more you do, the easier it will become..

And it will become almost essential for your boxing workouts. A bit like the shadow boxing and the heavy bag.

Work on your cardio and endurance without a jump rope at Le Cercle

YOU love boxing, but the skipping rope doesn't heat you too much ? In this case, The Circle is made for you !

At the Circle, you will be able to test a workout 50% boxing 50% bootcamp. The goal is simple, switch to off And let off steam for 50 minutes.

THE workout se divided into 10 rounds or you alternate boxing moves on the aqua bags And fitness exercises on the benches equipped with dumbbells.

OUR objective is of unwind boxing. This is why at the Circle there is no no contact And no fight. Aqua-bags take hits, but don't hit them back!

Our sessions are accessible to everyone, and that, whether you are a boxing pro or not. Everyone has their place in the round!

In addition, the best coaches in Panama are there for guide you through each session. But they are there too to push you to surpass yourself !

So, for a workout that hits, in atmosphere worthy of the best nightclubs in New York, book your session at the Circle.

We leave you the choice: Beaubourg Or Montmartre. Our 2 studios are located in the heart of Paris, SO no apologies ! Come join us tiger! 🔥

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