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All the advice you need before you start boxing!

📖 Reading time: 4 min

Boxing is today a very popular combat sport. In recent decades, its popularity has increased massively, notably thanks to its media coverage. Whether through television coverage of boxing matches, or famous boxing films like Raging Bull, Ali and, of course, Rocky, the sport has continued to attract new fans.

Although it is possible to make a living from it, it is not what is sought by the majority of new registrants. Many see it as a hobby, a physical and social activity.

Taking classes at a boxing club is a great way to sculpt your body and feel in a better mood. You will have understood, boxing is a must have for what we have most precious: our health!


How to start boxing?

Before you start practicing boxing, start by identify the reasons that make you want to enter a boxing gym. Do you want to compete? Do you want to learn how to defend yourself? Do you aspire to better physical condition and a boost in self-confidence?

Identifying the reasons that motivate you will help you break down the steps needed to achieve your goal.

Get boxing equipment

Your fists and feet are a good start to manhandling a punching bag! Most boxing clubs already have some essential equipment, such as boxing gloves and a helmet. We recommend that you get your own. Depending on the boxing gym you go to, the equipment provided may be worn, damaged and unhygienic…

The most important piece of equipment is a good pair of boxing gloves ! Avoid buying poor quality, it's not worth it. It's a long term investment and you certainly don't want to have to change it every month! It would be a shame…

For effective training, it is worth purchasing a good skipping rope ! It is an essential tool for working on your cardio. Depending on the type of boxing you plan to practice (full-contact, kick-boxing, French boxing, English boxing, etc.), you can also invest in additional equipment such as boxing shoes to keep your feet safe!

Join a boxing club

Once you have registered in a boxing gym, no more excuses! Stop finding any excuse not to exercise. You did the hardest part so stay on track…

Today, there are partners of all ages and all social backgrounds. Look at the boxing clubs around you, grab your bag, your gloves and go check out what they offer !

At what age should you start boxing?

It all depends on the type of boxing. English boxing distinguishes several categories: recreational boxing Or educational boxing, there amateur boxing and the professional boxing. Amateur boxing is the type of boxing you see in the Olympics. Many Olympic champions (like Tony Yoka or Anthony Joshua) go on to become professional boxers.

There amateur boxing can be practiced from 13 to 39 years old. However, to continue until age 39, you must have obtained your first license before age 34.

There recreational boxing Or educational is aimed at a much wider audience and can be practiced from 7 to 77 years old. Boxing techniques remain the same with one notable exception: the goal is not to throw powerful punches to beat your opponent.

The best reasons to start boxing


Complete training

A typical boxing workout stimulates all muscle groups and offers a perfect combination of exercises endurance and of high intensity.

Indeed, boxer training is guaranteed to put anyone in best shape of his life. It improves all types of physical abilities: strength, power, coordination and endurance.


The physical and mental well-being, brought by the practice of boxing, brings lucidity and great confidence in his abilities. We have full knowledge of our body, we know how to manage our emotions and our mind is sharpened to manage situations that require composure.

Stress relief

Boxing is certainly the sport par excellence for knock out stress. There you will find the best in terms of muscular sensation and stimulation of the cardiovascular system. These two elements strongly contribute to improving psychological well-being.

After an intensive workout, the dose of endorphin generated will alleviate your stress and put you in a radiant mood!

The values transmitted there

Like many combat sports, boxing promotes values that generate strong cohesion among practitioners. Here are a few :

  • The respect : an essential value found in sport in general, it is all the more highlighted in a boxing gym. In training, no ego issues! Kindness and mutual aid between partners are essential!
  • humility : practicing boxing also means knowing how to lose. We learn not to underestimate our opponent and to analyze our failures to progress and continue to improve!
  • Self-denial : boxing is certainly one of the most demanding sports in terms of both physical and mental investment. The training is sometimes difficult, the battles can seem endless and our courage is often tested. These are necessary steps to build a mind of steel!
  • Discipline : Very demanding for both beginners and experienced practitioners, boxing requires investment in and outside the boxing gym, in order to progress quickly. A good diet and quality sleep will be your best allies to practice this sport effectively!

Come and test the Cercle’s boxing concept!

What if you decided to introduce yourself to boxing with an innovative concept? Here, there is no ring where we exchange blows against an opponent. At the Circle, you just have to put on your boxing gloves and let yourself be guided by the advice of the coaches during 50-minute workout sessions!

With us, there is no need for mouth guards or protective helmets. We are developing its technical and his strike force in throwing punches in an aquabag. Once filled with water, this type of punching bag is ready to cushion your most powerful punches! In addition to being more resistant than a classic punching bag, it has the advantage of preserving the joints and being closer to the real conditions of a fight.

Muscle strengthening exercises are also planned to increase your endurance and sculpt an athletic body!

Accessible to all, the sessions take place in a dimly lit environment and are accompanied by varied playlists that will make you want to fight with your fists!

Whatever your level, whether you are a beginner or experienced, the Cercle boxing concept is a unique experience to try at least once! If you have chosen to come and let off steam with us, you will be warmly welcomed to fill up on endorphins in an uninhibited atmosphere!

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