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Are you looking to protect yourself effectively in boxing? Choosing the right shin guards is essential to avoid injuries and improve your performance. This article will guide you step by step to make the right choice.
Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊
Nous allons explorer l’importance des protège-tibias, les différents types disponibles et les critères de sélection en fonction de votre discipline. De plus, nous aborderons l’entretien et la durabilité pour maximiser leur efficacité.
THE shin guards play a crucial role in boxing, whether you are a beginner or a professional. They provide essential protection during training and sparring, reducing the risk of serious injury. In boxing, kicking, especially in a combat sport like Thai boxing or kickboxing, is common and can cause significant trauma if the shins are not properly protected.
Choosing the right shin guards depends on several essential criteria. It is necessary to consider the size, THE material manufacturing, and the padding. These elements guarantee not only optimal protection, but also essential comfort for maximum performance. A good shin guard should be both sturdy and comfortable, so as not to hinder your movements while still providing effective protection.
We will detail these aspects to help you make the best possible choice and ensure your safety and that of your training partners.
Wear some Shin pads in boxing is a necessity, not only to protect yourself, but also to guarantee the safety of your opponent. Let's take a closer look at why these devices are essential.
THE Shin pads play a crucial role in the personal protection. They allow you to avoid serious injuries that could end your training or your career. Without these protections, your shins are exposed to repetitive shock, which can cause fractures, bruises and muscle damage.
Examples of injuries avoided with shin guards :
En utilisant des protège-tibias, vous réduisez considérablement le risque de ces blessures, ce qui vous permet de vous concentrer sur votre technique et d’améliorer vos performances sans craindre pour votre intégrité physique.
THE Shin pads ne protègent pas seulement le porteur, mais aussi l’adversaire. En boxe, le respect et la sécurité de votre partenaire d’entraînement ou de votre adversaire sont primordiaux. Les protège-tibias aident à prévenir les blessures infligées à l’autre combattant lors des coups échangés.
Role of shin guards in preventing opponent injuries :
Wearing shin guards is therefore a gesture of responsibility and respect towards yourself and your opponent. This shows your commitment to a safe and respectful boxing environment, essential to progressing in this demanding sport.
Lorsqu’il s’agit de choisir des Shin pads pour la boxe, vous devez connaître les différents types disponibles sur le marché. Chaque type offre des avantages spécifiques et s’adapte à des besoins variés. Voici un tour d’horizon des principales catégories de protège-tibias : avec attaches Velcro et style chaussette.
Shin guards with Velcro fasteners are very popular among boxers, especially for their adjustability and safety. These shin guards attach around the leg using Velcro straps, providing a personalized fit and secure fixation.
Benefits :
Disadvantages :
Shin guards sock style are another common option. They come in the form of elastic sleeves that simply slip over the leg. This type of shin guard is appreciated for its simplicity and comfort.
Comparison of the protection offered :
Disadvantages :
Depending on your needs, your boxing style and your personal preferences, you will choose the type of shin guards that suits you best. Velcro fasteners are ideal for those looking for a secure, stable fit, while sock-style designs are perfect for those who prioritize comfort and lightweight.
Choose the Shin pads adapted is essential to guarantee your protection and comfort in boxing. Here are the main criteria to take into account to make the right choice.
There size Shin guards are a crucial element. Shin guards that are too big or too small will not protect you effectively and may even hinder your movements. It is therefore important to choose the size that corresponds to your body shape.
Size guide according to weight :
It is recommended to try several sizes to find the one that provides the best fit and protection. Shin guards should cover a good portion of your shins without going down to your ankles or riding too high on your knees.
THE material manufacturing process directly influences the durability and comfort of the shin guards. The main materials used are cotton, durable PU (polyurethane), and leather.
Differences between cotton, durable PU, and leather :
THE padding is essential to absorb shock and protect your shins. The exterior covering must be strong enough to withstand blows without deforming.
Importance of padding for shock absorption :
In summary, to choose your shin guards correctly, you must consider the size, the material of construction, and the padding. Each criterion is important to ensure your protection and comfort. Take the time to try on different models and check their fit before making your final choice.
THE Shin pads must be chosen according to the type of boxing practiced. Each discipline has its own requirements in terms of protection and comfort. Here is a detailed guide to help you choose the right shin guards for your specific discipline.
THE muay thai and the kick boxing are disciplines where kicks and strikes with the shins are frequent and powerful. Therefore, shin guards used in these sports must provide maximum protection and good support.
Special requirements for these disciplines :
There French boxing (savate) and the full contact are disciplines where technique and precision of shots are essential. Shin guards for these sports must combine protection and flexibility to allow fluid and rapid movements.
Necessary adaptations for these boxing styles :
Depending on your discipline, it is essential to choose shin guards that meet the specific requirements of your sport. This will allow you to train and fight safely, while optimizing your performance.
To guarantee the sustainability et l’efficacité de vos Shin pads, un entretien régulier est essentiel. Cela permet non seulement de prolonger leur durée de vie, mais aussi de maintenir un niveau d’hygiène optimal. Voici quelques conseils pratiques pour entretenir vos protège-tibias et savoir quand les remplacer.
Regularly cleaning your shin guards is crucial to preventing bad odors and infections. Shin guards are in direct contact with your skin and absorb sweat, which can create an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria.
Tips for maintenance and odor prevention :
Even with proper maintenance, your shin guards will eventually wear out. It is important to know recognize signs of wear to replace them in time and avoid compromising your safety.
Signs of wear and recommendations for replacement :
By following these maintenance tips and monitoring the condition of your shin guards, you can ensure their effectiveness and your safety during your training and fights. Proper maintenance will extend the life of your shin guards, but remember to replace them as needed for optimal protection.
Choisir les bons protège-tibias en boxe est crucial pour votre sécurité. Optez pour des modèles adaptés à votre type de boxe et assurez-vous qu’ils soient bien ajustés. Cela garantit une protection optimale et un confort indispensable.
Maintain your shin guards to prolong their durability. Clean them regularly and replace them at the first signs of wear. Good maintenance ensures continued protection.
Do you want to revolutionize your sports training? Join our 50-minute sessions at the Circle. We mix the power of boxing on water bags with specific fitness exercises, all in a warm atmosphere, lit by soft lights and punctuated by motivating music.
Chez nous, l’adversaire est un sac d’eau, ce qui rend nos séances accessibles à tous les niveaux.
Our programs include 10 rounds alternating bootcamp and boxing. Work your abs, legs, glutes and upper body with dumbbells, while perfecting your combinations and dodges for an intense cardio workout.
Improve your endurance with our energetic coaches in an exhilarating atmosphere. Put on your gloves and join us in Montmartre, Beaubourg, or Bastille for an unforgettable sporting experience! 🔥
(*pizza could actually be our newsletter, but it's pretty good too)
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris