Boxe éducative


Educational boxing: what is it?

📖 Reading time: 2 min

The strength is within you. Determined as ever to awaken the boxer in you. A combat sport, ok, but… ending up on the ground and going home with a swollen face is less tempting, right? So maybe you will get a taste for educational boxing. We explain everything to you without forgetting its benefits. GO!


Educational boxing assault 

Educational boxing is a sport without violence, accessible to all, including young children. In principle, the rules of boxing remain the same in all its forms. It is mastery of blows which makes all the difference from other sports by relying on three fundamental values:

  • win without harming your opponent,
  • know how to contain the power of blows
  • avoid being disqualified for violent behavior. 

With a good workout, you will be able to face your opponent without risk of injuring him. The only objective is to get into the movement while respecting the other fighter. Yes you CAN!

Why do educational boxing? 

Practice boxing gently

This form of sparring is special. In clubs, members wear all necessary boxing equipment for their safety: helmet, protective belt, undershirt.

Develop your self-confidence

Educational boxing helps to practice a combat sport in an uninhibited way. You can have fun with complete confidence without fear of ending up on the ground.

Tone your body 

Although all sports work the muscles, this activity is perfect for women who need find the line smoothly. In addition, boxing is beneficial for strengthening your muscles and work on your cardio. The winning combo, why deprive yourself of it?

Let off steam

In practice, several words may come to mind when we think of combat sports: boxer, assault, face-to-face, power, counterattack, left hook, speed... Except that from the start, you enter into the game in confronting adversaries without violence of your category.

Push one's limits 

In the ring, our students learn to carry out their attacks with the technical side and a endurance handle to better manage the effort. The presence of the referee is necessary to ensure the safety of the boxers and compliance with the rules.

Strengthen your physical and mental abilities

Gradually, you benefit from the many benefits of educational boxing which could even help you make you want to go even further. Practical, right? With a pinch of energy, you will surpass yourself under the encouragement of the coach. Like a boss ! 

Come attack the aquabags of the Circle

Are you interested in boxing? That's good. Man or woman, join the Tigers gang in an explosive atmosphere on the aquabags. Crossfit, bootcamp, boxing…. Our coaches will not let you go during these 50 minutes of sport to let off steam in the coolest club in Paris, promise!

Are you starting boxing? Put on your gloves and you will leave pumped up, roaring like a tiger… or tigress. The Boxing Circle awaits you in the next round. Enter the round!

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