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Un homme qui s'entraine à la boxe au sac de frappe


English boxing or Thai boxing: we enlighten you on these 2 boxes

📖 Reading time: 7 min

There boxing, aka, the noble art, and the Thai Boxing, aka, the art of 8 limbs, are surely the two most popular combat sports.


There boxing not practiced only with fists. While Thai Boxing authorizes fists, THE legs, THE knees and the elbows.


YOU hesitate between English boxing or Thai boxing ? You have want to know the differences between these two sports ? In this case, You are in the right place ! We will explain everything to you.


Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊


Overview of English boxing and Thai boxing

English boxing or the noble art

Un homme qui pratique sa boxe anglaise au sac de frappe

It is probably the most popular type of boxing. There boxing, also nicknamed the noble art was notably known of the general public thanks to great boxers as :

  • Mike Tyson
  • Mohammed Ali
  • Joe Frazier
  • Floyd Mayweather
  • Etc.


English boxing has existed since the 18th century, but she was codified from the 19th century in England. You cannot use than the fists and the blows are only worn on face and at body (above the waistband).


THE blows to the kidneys, to the neck or in the back, are prohibited. On the other hand, you can hook your opponent, this is what we call clinch. But l’arbitre come break up pretty quickly if you don't get out of this position.


In boxing, THE footwork has a crucial role. This is the foundation of everything: your punches, your dodges, your travel, etc. THE dodges and the travel are moreover more important than you think when you box!


In professional, A English boxing fight takes place on 12 rounds of 3 minutes with some 1 minute breaks between each repetition. He won to points at the end of rounds on judges' decision, by knockout or by abandonment.


If you want learn more, we have a article on the boxing just for you. Take a look and you will be an expert on noble art!


Thai boxing or the art of 8 limbs

Deux combattants de boxe thai en pleine opposition

Also called muay thai, there Thai boxing is a martial art who comes straight from Southeast Asia. It is also a combat sport, enough ancestral, because the kingdom of Siam practiced it since the 15th century.


In Thai boxing, projection and percussion are authorized. Which therefore offers a wide variety of shots. There is also lots of clinch phases where you can hook your opponent at the nape of the neck.


THE muay thai is one of most complete combat sports, because are authorized :

  • THE kicks
  • THE punches
  • THE nudges
  • THE knee strikes


This is moreover, because all these blows are authorized which we call Thai boxing the art of 8 limbs ! You can even grab the legs of your opponent on a kick.


In the end, it is a dynamic and intense boxing, but also complex. For what ? Well because you must be able to control your entire body.


In Thai boxing, fights are done in 5 rounds of 3 minutes with some 2 minute breaks between each repetition. And as in English boxing, the fight ends at the point according to the decision of the judges, by KO or by abandonment before the end of the 5 rounds.


If this practice interests you and that you want to know more, we have prepared a article on the Thai Boxing. So, don’t hesitate to read it!


Although the Thai Boxing and the boxing be two combat sports, they still have differences. Guess what? We give them to you just below !


English boxing or Thai boxing, what are the differences?

Une paire de gants de boxe posée sur un ring

Before telling you about these differences, we can already start All right on the fact that the goal of the noble art and muay thai is in a way the same :

  • Touch without getting hit to score the most points over the rounds or knock out your opponent


OK, now we can move on to differences between English and Thai boxing. They are found especially in terms of shots and techniques :

  • In boxing you do not have than the fists, whereas Thai Boxing There is Also THE legs, THE elbows and the knees.
  • In boxing there are short clinch phases, but quickly stopped by the referee, while Thai Boxing THE skirmishes are allowed.
  • In Thai Boxing YOU can take your opponent to the ground with sweeps or grabbing his leg, not in English boxing.
  • THE muay thai is a combat sport, but also a martial art with a spiritual dimension, what is not the case of the noble art.
  • In boxing YOU can only hit to the face and body, whereas Thai boxing you can touch the legs.
  • In boxing there is a big focus on defense and the footwork, which is not not really the case for Thai boxing.
  • There distance management between the two is also different, in boxing she is quite short and in Thai Boxing she is a little further away.
  • Learning English boxing is a little faster than Thai boxing (be careful, it still remains a complex sport to learn).


Given these differences, we can almost say that Thai boxing is more complete than English boxing. Which is not false, but above all it is that it offers more offensive opportunities.


At any rate, these two combat sports remain very complete, especially when it comes to staying in good physical shape.


English boxing or Thai boxing to stay in shape?

Un entraînement de boxe aux pattes d'ours

For take care of your body and your health, THE noble art as the muay thai are perfect.


These are two very physical sports which allow both strengthen your muscles and of work your cardio. So you will improve your endurance and your physical condition.


Furthermore, the English boxing like Thai boxing allow you to let off steam and externalize your stress. It is also a good way to have more confidence in yourself and to have bases to defend yourself.


However, you should not only focus on the physical condition aspect. Otherwise, you abandon the whole martial art and combat sport side, which is Most important. You have to find the right balance !


English boxing or Thai boxing for self defense?

Un sparring de boxe anglaise

THE two allow you to have good basics in case you need to defend yourself. You can apply what you have learned in Thai boxing or English boxing if the situation requires you to do so.


However, we remind you that in a conflict situation, the best thing to do is to avoid street fighting. You don't know who you might run into. Especially since boxing must stay in the gym with your coach or in the ring !


But for the self defense, THE noble art will you help to dodge and defend well. More than with Thai boxing in fact.


With the boxing, you can also better manage close distance. So you have best reflexes.


On the other hand, with the muay thai, you have more attack possibilities (elbows, knees, etc.). You also learn to boxing from a distance using kicks, which may be useful to you.


Finally, each boxing has its advantages for self defense. But if you are looking to boxing just for that reason, SO maybe it's not the right sport. Direct yourself instead towards the self defense course or Krav Maga.


Other types of boxing

Une femme qui perfectionne sa boxe aux pattes d'ours

Until now we have talked about English boxing and Thai boxing, but there is also other boxing styles. So, for your culture or even to arouse your curiosity, here they are:

  • THE kick boxing, Who looks like muay thai, because the shots are the same, except that the elbows are not allowed.
  • L'aerobox, which is not really boxing, but rather a mélange d’aérobic et de boxe sans contact.
  • There sanda boxing, also called Chinese boxing, authorizes feet and the fists as well as ground projections.
  • THE lethwei or the Burmese boxing, Who looks like Thai boxing, but who allows headbutts and is practiced almost with bare hands.
  • There French boxing Or French boxing shoe which authorizes feet and the fists, but not the shins.
  • There American boxing Or full contact, a boxing feet-fists, but without blows below the belt.
  • THE muay lao, the martial art of Laos Who looks a bit like muay thai, but who combines traditional culture and codified combat.


And if you wish learn more about these combat sports, we have concocted a article with small onions on the different types of boxing. So, you know what you have to do…



Noble art and muay thai are two quite different combat sports. There main difference between English and Thai boxing is notably in terms of shots and techniques :

  • There boxing, which does not allow than the fists, is more focus on the travel, there defense (whose dodges) and the footwork.
  • While the muay thai is mostly axis on the kicks, and all the others attack techniques (elbows, knees, legs, fists, grappling, etc.).


Therefore the noble art is made for you si vous ne vous sentez pas à l’aise à l’idée d’utiliser tout votre corps pour boxer. And conversely, turn towards the Thai Boxing if you want to practice complex boxing !


Test English boxing from a new angle at the Circle

There English boxing warms you up ? But one traditional boxing gym a little less ? In this case, go and try Le Cercle !


The concept is simple: a workout 50% boxing 50% bootcamp to switch to off for 50 minutes.


Our sessions are divided into 10 rounds or you alternate between English boxing sequences on the aqua bags And muscle strengthening exercises on the benches equipped with dumbbells.


The circle it's a true immersion accessible to anyone. For what ? Because we want unwind boxing ! That you have already boxed or not, you have your place with us !


In addition, there is no no contact and no fighting. There only thing you're going to hit are the aqua-bags. And guess what? They take the blows without returning them !


So for discover English boxing differently with some coaches who give you the potato and in a crazy atmosphere, book your session at the Circle.


And how nice we are, we let you choose your studio in the heart of Paris : Beaubourg Or Montmartre. No excuse not to come and let off some steam! Come and join us tiger! 🔥

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