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Body Combat: a complete and motivating workout

📖 Reading time: 11 min

Are you looking for a workout that combines fun, intensity and quick results? Discover Body Combat, a discipline that mixes martial arts and fitness. This article tells you everything you need to know to get started.

Body Combat offers high calorie expenditure, strengthens your muscles and improves your endurance. It's the ideal workout to let off steam and sculpt yourself while having fun. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, there is a course for you.

Want to transform your sports routine? Dive into our complete guide to Body Combat. This article is made for you !


What is Body Combat?

Body Combat is a dynamic and energetic fitness discipline that mixes movements inspired by martial arts and boxing. This intense activity, choreographed to catchy music, offers a unique and motivating experience for those looking to improve their physical condition while having fun.

Body combat : cours collectif

Definition and origins of Body Combat  

Body Combat has its roots in various martial arts such as karate, boxing, taekwondo and muay thai. Created to offer an engaging alternative to traditional workouts, it combines combat movements with a fast pace for maximum effectiveness. It is a perfect fusion between physical exercise and bodily expression.

Inspired by martial arts and boxing

This fitness program is largely inspired by combat techniques, allowing you to perform sequences of punches, kicks, and other defensive movements. Whether you are a fan of combat sports or simply looking for a complete workout, Body Combat will help you discover the intensity and discipline of martial arts in a fun and accessible way.

Fitness class choreographed to catchy music

One of the distinctive features of Body Combat is its dynamic music that guides each session. The choreographies are designed to match the rhythm of the music, creating a motivating and energizing atmosphere. Each class is a true sound and physical immersion, pushing you to surpass yourself while following the tempo of the carefully selected pieces.

Body Combat is not just a physical exercise, it is a real sensory experience that encourages you to give the best of yourself. You don't just train your body, you experience each movement with passion and determination, to the rhythm of the music and the collective energy of the group.

The principles of Body Combat

Body Combat is based on key principles that make it a complete, stimulating and effective workout. This program is designed to work the entire body while integrating elements of discipline and coordination from martial arts.

Martial arts movement sequences

At the heart of Body Combat, you will find sequences of movements directly inspired by martial arts. These sequences include boxing, karate, taekwondo, muay thai and kung fu techniques. You will learn how to perform punches, kicks, uppercuts and hooks, while working on your agility and coordination. These routines are designed to be fluid and powerful, allowing you to feel like a real fighter while improving your technique and precision.

Intense cardio work

Body Combat is also a great way to boost your cardiovascular endurance. Each session is structured to maintain a brisk pace, thereby increasing your heart rate and promoting high calorie expenditure. High-intensity sequences are interspersed with short periods of active recovery, maximizing training effectiveness. By participating regularly, you will see a noticeable improvement in your ability to withstand prolonged and intense efforts.

Muscle strengthening

In addition to its cardiovascular benefits, Body Combat is an excellent way to strengthen your muscles. Combat movements work all muscle groups, including the abs, arms, legs and back. The sequences of blows, the dodges and jumps help tone your body in a balanced way. Muscle strengthening is not limited to visible muscles; the stabilizing and deep muscles are also used, improving your posture and balance.

Body Combat combines martial arts movements, intense cardio work and effective muscle strengthening. It is a complete discipline that helps you develop not only your physical strength but also your mental strength, thanks to varied and motivating training.

Course of a Body Combat course

A Body Combat class is an immersive and structured experience, designed to maximize your engagement and results. This is how a Body Combat session typically takes place.

Warming up

Each class begins with an essential warm-up phase. This step prepares your body for exercise by gradually increasing your body temperature and mobilizing your joints. You'll perform simple, dynamic movements, like jumps, arm rotations, and light punches, to activate your muscles and improve your range of motion. Warming up is crucial to preventing injuries and optimizing your performance during class.

Main part: varied choreographies

The main part of the course is dedicated to varied choreographies, inspired by martial arts. These sequences are punctuated by catchy music and are designed to challenge and motivate. You will perform boxing, karate, taekwondo and muay-thai movements. Combinations include punches, kicks, knees and dodges. The diversity of movements keeps you interested and works different muscle groups, giving you a complete and balanced workout.

Examples of movements

Punches : Jabs, hooks and uppercuts

Kicking : Front kick, side kick and roundhouse kick

Dodges : Briefs and ducks

These movements are integrated into fluid and dynamic combinations, allowing you to develop both your technique and your endurance.

Stretching and recovery

The class ends with a stretching and recovery phase. This section is crucial for helping your muscles relax and regenerate after intense exercise. The stretches target the main muscle groups used during the session, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, shoulders and arms. This phase helps reduce aches and improve your flexibility. It also allows you to gradually lower the intensity and end the session on a soothing and invigorating note.

A Body Combat class is carefully structured to provide you with a complete and rewarding experience. Each step, from warm-up to stretching, is designed to maximize the benefits of your workout while ensuring maximum safety and enjoyment.

The benefits of Body Combat

Body Combat is much more than just a physical exercise. It offers a multitude of benefits that affect both the body and the mind, making it a complete and enriching activity.

Improved physical condition 

Practicing Body Combat on a regular basis can significantly improve your physical condition. 

Muscle strengthening  

The sequences of blows and explosive movements work your muscles intensely. Whether legs, arms, back or abdominals, each muscle group is strengthened and toned, giving you a firmer and more powerful body.

Cardiovascular endurance

Body Combat sessions are designed to maintain a sustained pace, which helps improve your cardiovascular endurance. By increasing your heart rate, you develop your ability to endure prolonged and intensive efforts, while burning a maximum number of calories.


The various movements and stretches practiced during Body Combat also help to improve your flexibility. The variety of exercises helps you maintain and increase your range of motion, reducing the risk of injury and improving your agility.

Psychological benefits 

Body Combat not only has beneficial effects on your body, it also acts on your mind.


This discipline is an excellent way to release accumulated stress and tension. The powerful movements and dynamic music provide a real decompression valve, allowing you to fully let off steam.


By mastering the techniques and progressing through the sequences, you will gain confidence. The feeling of accomplishment after each session strengthens your self-esteem and your daily confidence.

Motivation thanks to the group

The collective atmosphere and the energy of the group are motivating elements. Working as a team and keeping up with the other participants creates a positive dynamic that pushes you to surpass yourself and persevere.

Body Combat is an activity with multiple benefits, both physical and psychological. It helps you develop better physical condition while boosting your morale and self-confidence.

Tips for getting started

Starting Body Combat can seem intimidating, but with the right guidance, you'll quickly be comfortable and ready to get the most out of each session. Here are some recommendations to get you started.

No prerequisites necessary

Body Combat is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of your fitness level. It is not necessary to have previous experience in martial arts or boxing. Instructors are trained to offer movement adaptations, allowing you to progress at your own pace. Do not hesitate to inform your instructor of your level so that he can give you personalized advice.

Hydrate before and during the session

Good hydration is essential to optimize your performance and avoid injury. Make sure you drink enough water before starting your class and keep a bottle of water handy during the session. Drink small sips regularly to maintain your hydration levels and support your energy throughout the workout.

Listen to your body and its limits

It is crucial to listen to your body and respect its limits. If you experience unusual pain or excessive fatigue, don't hesitate to slow down or take a break. Body Combat is an intense exercise, and it is important to progress gradually to avoid injury. Focus on your technique and don't try to keep up with more experienced participants at all costs.

Choose a suitable level (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

Body Combat classes are often divided into different levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Choose a course suited to your level to get started. Beginner classes will help you master basic moves and build confidence. As you progress, you will be able to move on to more advanced levels, where the sequences will be more complex and the intensity higher.

By following these tips, you will be able to start Body Combat with complete confidence and reap all the benefits. Each session will allow you to improve, gain confidence and fully benefit from this energizing and stimulating discipline.

Body Combat, a fun and addictive activity

Body Combat is not only an intense physical workout, it is also an incredibly fun and addictive activity. Here's why you could quickly become addicted to this discipline.

Motivating class atmosphere

One of the most captivating aspects of Body Combat is the atmosphere of the classes. As soon as you enter the room, you are greeted by positive energy and an uplifting group dynamic. Passionate instructors and enthusiastic participants create a motivating atmosphere that pushes you to excel. You never feel alone in your effort; you are supported by the community, making each session more engaging.

Groovy music

Music plays a central role in Body Combat. Classes are choreographed to catchy songs that set the tempo and boost your energy. The music selection is carefully chosen to match the intensity of the movements, drawing you into a flow where every stroke and movement seems perfectly in sync with the rhythm. This musical immersion makes training more enjoyable and helps you stay focused and motivated.

Feeling of challenge and progression

Body Combat is structured to offer you constant challenges and opportunities for progression. Each class introduces new sequences and techniques, challenging you to improve your coordination, strength and endurance. The feeling of mastery and progress is incredibly rewarding. You can see and feel your improvements from session to session, which fuels your motivation and your desire to come back to surpass yourself even more.

Body Combat is an activity that combines pleasure and effort. Its dynamic class atmosphere, catchy music and the feeling of constant challenge make it a discipline that is both fun and addictive. You will not only come for the physical training, but also for the overall experience and personal satisfaction that each session provides.

Where to practice Body Combat?

Body Combat is an accessible discipline that can be practiced in various environments. Whether you prefer the energy of group classes or the flexibility of training at home, here are some options for practicing Body Combat.

Gyms offering group classes

The most common way to practice Body Combat is to join a gym that offers group classes. These classes are usually led by certified instructors who will guide you through the routines and help you improve your technique. The collective atmosphere and the energy of the group are important motivating factors. Gyms often offer several levels of classes, allowing beginners and advanced exercisers alike to find a program suited to their level.

Some boxing or martial arts clubs

Some boxing gyms and martial arts clubs also offer Body Combat classes. These environments may offer a slightly different approach, with particular attention to combat technique. In addition to physical training, these clubs often emphasize learning martial disciplines and improving mastery of movements. This is a great option for those who want to combine fitness with in-depth martial arts learning.

Ability to watch videos at home

For those who prefer to train from the comfort of their home, many online platforms offer Body Combat videos. Fitness streaming services and dedicated apps offer classes you can complete at your own pace. This option is ideal for people with busy schedules or who prefer the flexibility of a home workout. Make sure you have enough space to perform the movements safely and a good sound system to fully enjoy the motivating music.

Body Combat can therefore be practiced in various settings depending on your preferences and your lifestyle. Whether in a gym, a boxing club, or at home with online videos, there is a solution for every need. The important thing is to find the environment that motivates you the most and engage in this energizing and rewarding activity.

Body Combat, the slimming ally

Body Combat is not only a complete and motivating workout, but it is also an excellent ally for those who want to lose weight and gain muscle mass. Here's how this discipline can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

High calorie expenditure during class

Each Body Combat session is designed to maximize caloric expenditure. The sequences of rapid and intense movements, combined with combat techniques, work your entire body. A typical session can burn between 500 and 700 calories, depending on your intensity and fitness level. This high calorie expenditure directly contributes to weight loss, helping you burn excess fat.

“After-burn” effect thanks to the intensity

Body Combat does not stop at calorie expenditure during class. Thanks to the intensity of the exercises, your metabolism remains high even after the session is over. This phenomenon, known as the “afterburn” effect (or EPOC, for “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption”), means that you continue to burn calories several hours after training. This effect maximizes the effectiveness of each session, increasing your overall energy expenditure.

Weight loss and muscle mass gain

Body Combat is ideal for losing weight while building muscle mass. Combat movements and intense sequences work your muscles in a variety of ways, promoting toning and muscle strengthening. By building more muscle, you also increase your basal metabolism, which helps burn more calories at rest. This combination of fat loss and muscle gain allows you to achieve a more sculpted and firmer body.

You will have understood, Body Combat is a powerful slimming ally. It combines high calorie expenditure during classes, a prolonged “after-burn” effect and effective muscle strengthening. This discipline offers you a complete and dynamic method to achieve your weight loss goals while improving your general physical condition.

Body combat : cours


Body Combat is the perfect training for young executives. It combines martial arts, lively music and a group atmosphere. You burn calories, strengthen your muscles and improve your endurance.

Each course offers motivating challenges and constant progression. You de-stress, gain confidence and benefit from the collective energy. Whether in the gym or at home, Body Combat is suitable for everyone.

Curious to know more? Explore our articles on sports nutrition, stress management and other fitness disciplines. Transform your routine and achieve your goals with our expert advice.

Come let off steam at Le Cercle 

Do you want to transform your sports routine? Take part in our 50-minute sessions at the Circle. We combine the strength of boxing with specific fitness exercises, all in a friendly atmosphere, with unique light shows and a catchy playlist.

Our sessions are open to all thanks to water bags which replace traditional opponents.

Each program includes 10 rounds alternating bootcamp and boxing. You'll work your abs, legs, glutes and upper body with dumbbells, while improving your combinations and dodges for an intense cardio workout.

Improve your endurance with our dynamic coaches in an energizing atmosphere. Put on your gloves and join us in Montmartre, Beaubourg or Bastille for an unforgettable sporting experience! 🔥

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