cours de boxe et travail des bras


Is body attack good for losing weight?

📖 Reading time: 2 min

No need to prolong the suspense: yes, body attack is an excellent sport for losing weight, and with a smile! Invented by Les Mills, the body attack is defined as an energizing fitness class for both beginners and experienced athletes. By combining athletic movements and strength training exercises, your body transforms throughout the sessions. Because who says fitness and muscle strengthening, said disappearance of fats and superfluous calories!


femme faisant un entrainement de renforcement musculaire

Body attack: a demanding but accessible sport 

THE what is body attack ? Regardless of your age, your abilities and your physical fitness, the only condition for doing body attack is to be motivated. That way, no excuses! Very complete and energetic,the body attack is a intensive sport, certainly, but the movements to be carried out remain simple. It's up to you to push your limits!

Is your goal to lose weight? Whether you opt for body attack sessions of 30, 45 or 55 minutes, it is recommended to practice it 2 to 3 times a week to obtain maximum results.

Lose pounds with body attack

Strengthen muscles

Flexions, jumps, push-ups, squats, abs, glutes, cardio peaks... We might as well tell you that no muscle is spared in body attack. It is for this reason that this sport is also effective for firming up the entire body, and therefore losing weight!

Burn calories

It is by toning the muscles of your body that you will be able to melt fat which come to be stored there. And, hold on tight, a body attack session allows you to burn up to 730 calories!

Refine the silhouette

Curved buttocks, defined waist, flat stomach, defined legs and arms, do you dream of it? The body attack does it! So, if you are looking to slim down and sculpt your body, don’t hesitate to try it!

What other sport to lose weight?

Good news : Body attack is not the only “calorie killer” sport that is effective for losing weight! You love yourself let off steam to music? The following sports should please you:

Body combat : the sport inspired by martial arts to develop agility and tone the entire body, particularly the abdominal area.

The body sculpt : the ideal physical activity to quickly and effectively reshape your figure.

Aquabiking: the complete aquatic sport which guarantees in-depth, gentle muscle work.

Boxing : the sporting activity which does as much good for the morale as for the physique with a single watchword: let go! Do you want to put on the gloves and have fun? Join us at the studio The circle !

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