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Une femme s'entraîne au body attack


Body attack: everything you need to know about this unique combination

📖 Reading time: 9 min

Are you looking for a complete and fun fitness program? Body Attack is the answer! Mixing aerobics, HIIT and gymnastics, it boosts your physical condition, strength and agility.


Discover how Body Attack can transform your body and mind. Train with varied and intense exercises, suitable for all levels. Profits ? Muscle toning, improved balance and a motivating atmosphere.


Ready to learn more and surpass yourself? This article is made for you. Immerse yourself in the world of Body Attack and reveal your potential.


Origin and concept of Body Attack

Le Body Attack, vous connaissez ? Ce programme de fitness dynamique combine l’aérobic, le HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) et la gymnastique. Mais ce n’est pas tout ! Le Body Attack, c’est aussi un cocktail explosif conçu pour booster votre condition physique, renforcer votre force et affiner votre agilité. Imaginé pour celles et ceux qui cherchent à repousser leurs limites, ce sport est un véritable défouloir qui ne manque pas de défis.

Combination of aerobics, HIIT and gymnastics

Aerobics is the basis. Rhythmic movements, catchy choreographies to motivating music: this is something to get you moving without seeing the time pass. HIIT is there to spice things up. Short but intensive exercises, sprints, jumps, push-ups... Enough to work your cardio to the max! Finally, gymnastics brings a touch of grace and flexibility. Controlled movements, stretching, work on posture: your body works in a balanced way.

Body attack: what objective?

The Body Attack has only one goal: to transform you. Improving your physical condition is at the heart of the program. You will gain endurance, breathe better and move more easily. Strength, then, is worked on through muscle strengthening exercises. You will become stronger, more toned. Finally, agility. The gymnastic movements, the rapid sequences, everything is designed to make you a more agile, more flexible person, capable of reacting quickly and effectively. In short, Body Attack is a complete sport, intense, but so rewarding!

Benefits of Body Attack

Le Body Attack n’est pas seulement une activité physique intense, c’est une véritable révolution pour votre corps et votre esprit. Les bénéfices que vous pouvez en tirer sont nombreux et variés, parfaits pour celles et ceux qui cherchent à améliorer leur bien-être général. Découvrons ensemble les principaux bienfaits du Body Attack.

Improved physical condition

Le Body Attack est conçu pour améliorer votre condition physique de manière globale. En enchaînant des mouvements d’aérobic, de HIIT et de gymnastique, vous travaillez votre cardio, boostez votre endurance et améliorez votre capacité respiratoire. Vous vous sentirez plus énergique, moins essoufflé et capable de réaliser des activités quotidiennes avec plus de facilité. C’est comme si vous aviez une réserve d’énergie supplémentaire !

Muscle toning

Want firmer, more defined muscles? The Body Attack is the ideal solution. The varied exercises work all muscle groups, from the arms to the legs including the abdominals. Each session helps you tone and sculpt your body, for an athletic and harmonious look. And all this without having to lift heavy weights. Just with your own body and a little motivation.

Strengthening balance and coordination

L’un des aspects souvent négligés de l’entraînement physique est l’équilibre et la coordination. Le Body Attack y remédie en intégrant des mouvements qui nécessitent de la précision et de la stabilité. Vous apprendrez à mieux contrôler votre corps, ce qui réduira les risques de blessures dans la vie quotidienne. En bonus, vous gagnerez en grâce et en fluidité dans vos mouvements.

Social and relaxation benefits

Body Attack is also a social adventure. Classes often take place in groups, which allows you to create bonds, motivate each other and share convivial moments. The dynamic atmosphere and lively music make each session fun. Additionally, physical activity is a great way to release accumulated stress and tension. You will emerge from each session not only stronger, but also more relaxed and happy.


Un homme s'entraîne en body attack

Typical exercises in Body Attack

Le Body Attack, c’est une variété d’exercices dynamiques et intenses conçus pour faire travailler l’ensemble de votre corps. Voici un aperçu des exercices les plus courants que vous rencontrerez lors d’une séance de Body Attack.

Sprints on the spot

Les sprints sur place sont un incontournable du Body Attack. Ils boostent votre cardio, augmentent votre endurance et brûlent un maximum de calories. Imaginez-vous courir à toute vitesse, mais sans bouger de votre tapis. Vos genoux montent haut, vos bras balancent énergiquement et votre cœur bat à tout rompre. C’est intense, mais terriblement efficace pour améliorer votre condition physique.

Side slits

Side lunges are perfect for strengthening and toning your legs and glutes. By performing lateral movements, you use muscles often neglected by traditional exercises. You get into a standing position, then take a big step to the side, bend your knee and return to the initial position. These movements also improve your balance and coordination. Who knew lunges could be so full?

Modified pumps

Not a fan of classic pumps? The Body Attack modified push-ups have you covered. These variations allow you to work on upper body strength while being accessible to all levels. Whether on your knees or with your hands on a bench, each push-up strengthens your pectorals, triceps and shoulders. And as a bonus, they also work your abdominals for increased stability.

Varieties of abs

A flat stomach and rock-solid abs, what do you think? Body Attack includes different varieties of abdominal exercises to target every part of your core. Crunches, planks, twists… Each movement is designed to strengthen and tone your core muscles. Result: a stronger trunk and better postural support. Say goodbye to lower back pain!

Exercises for all levels

Le Body Attack, c’est pour tout le monde ! Peu importe votre niveau de forme, chaque exercice peut être modifié pour s’adapter à vos capacités. Les débutants peuvent commencer avec des mouvements simplifiés, tandis que les plus aguerris peuvent ajouter de l’intensité. L’objectif est de progresser à votre rythme, sans pression, tout en vous défiant constamment.

Progress of a Body Attack session

Participating in a Body Attack session means diving into an hour of intensity, fun and surpassing yourself. Here's how a typical session goes, step by step.

Warming up

Each session begins with an essential warm-up. For about 10 minutes, you perform gentle and progressive movements to wake up your muscles and prepare your body for exercise. Stretching, small jumps, light aerobic movements: everything is done to gradually increase your heart rate and avoid injuries. It's the perfect time to get in the mood and get motivated!

Sequence of cardio and strengthening exercises

Once the warm-up is over, it's time for the heart of the session: the sequence of cardio and strengthening exercises. The movements are varied and include sprints, jumps, push-ups and squats. Each exercise is designed to increase your heart rate, burn calories and strengthen your muscles. The high-intensity phases are interspersed with short periods of active recovery, which allows sustained effort to be maintained throughout the session. Expect to sweat!

Work on posture and agility

Le Body Attack ne se limite pas à l’intensité. Un bon nombre d’exercices mettent l’accent sur la posture et l’agilité. Vous effectuerez des mouvements qui exigent précision et contrôle, comme des fentes latérales ou des déplacements rapides. Ces exercices améliorent votre coordination, votre équilibre et vous aident à développer une meilleure conscience corporelle. C’est aussi l’occasion de corriger vos postures et de prévenir les douleurs musculaires.

Gradual recovery

After the effort, comfort. The session ends with a progressive recovery phase. For 5 to 10 minutes, you perform gentle stretches and slow movements to help your muscles relax and your heart rate return to normal. It's a quiet moment where you can appreciate the efforts made and congratulate yourself on your session. Proper recovery is essential to avoid muscle soreness and promote muscle regeneration.

Adaptability for all levels

What makes the Body Attack unique is its adaptability. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, each exercise can be adjusted according to your level. Coaches always offer variations to make the movements more accessible or more challenging. This way, everyone can participate and progress at their own pace, without ever feeling overwhelmed.

Each Body Attack session is an adventure in itself, where you leave your comfort zone to come back stronger. 

Body Attack for weight loss

If you are looking to lose weight with body attack in an efficient and fun way, this sport is made for you. Here's why this program is so great for burning calories and sculpting your body.

High calorie burning

Le Body Attack est l’un des programmes les plus efficaces pour brûler un maximum de calories. En combinant des exercices de haute intensité avec des périodes de récupération active, ce type d’entraînement augmente considérablement votre dépense énergétique. En une séance d’une heure, vous pouvez brûler entre 600 et 800 calories, selon l’intensité et votre métabolisme. C’est comme courir un marathon, mais en beaucoup plus fun et varié !

Sculpts the body and promotes weight loss

But losing weight isn't just about burning calories. Body Attack also helps sculpt your body by toning your muscles. The exercises work your entire body, from your legs to your arms to your abs. Result ? You gain muscle mass, which increases your basal metabolism. In other words, even when resting, you burn more calories. It's a virtuous cycle: the more you exercise, the more efficient your body becomes at burning fat.

Improves metabolism

L’entraînement en haute intensité du Body Attack booste votre métabolisme même après la séance. Ce phénomène, connu sous le nom de « post-combustion », signifie que votre corps continue de brûler des calories pendant des heures après l’entraînement. Une simple heure de Body Attack peut donc avoir des effets prolongés sur votre dépense énergétique, optimisant ainsi vos efforts de perte de poids.

Motivation and pleasure

The key to lasting weight loss is to find an activity that you enjoy and that motivates you. Body Attack, with its catchy music and group atmosphere, makes exercise fun and stimulating. Each session is different, you never get bored. In addition, the energy of the group and the encouragement of the coach create a motivating environment that pushes you to surpass yourself. It's much easier to stick to your goals when you enjoy training!

Body Attack vs. Body Combat: what are the differences?

Body Attack and Body Combat are two popular fitness programs, but they have distinct approaches and goals. Here's a quick overview to understand their differences.

Body Attack: Intensity and Cardio

Vous l’aurez compris, le Body Attack se concentre sur l’endurance et le cardio. Il combine aérobic, HIIT et gymnastique pour améliorer votre condition physique globale. Vous alternez entre sprints, sauts et exercices de renforcement, ce qui en fait une activité idéale pour brûler des calories et tonifier le corps. L’objectif principal est d’augmenter votre endurance, votre force et votre agilité.

Body Combat: Power and Combat Techniques

THE Body Combat, quant à lui, s’inspire des arts martiaux. Vous enchaînez des mouvements de boxe, de karaté, de taekwondo et de muay thaï. Cette discipline est parfaite pour ceux qui veulent développer leur puissance et apprendre des techniques de combat. Les coups de poing, coups de pied et autres mouvements de défense sollicitent intensément vos muscles et votre cardio. Le Body Combat est aussi excellent pour la gestion du stress et la confiance en soi.

Choosing between Body Attack and Body Combat

So, which one to choose? If you are looking to improve your endurance and general fitness, opt for Body Attack. If you prefer to work on your strength and learn combat techniques, Body Combat is for you. Both programs are intense, motivating and suitable for all levels. Why not try both and see which one suits you best?


Un homme s'entraîne en body attack


Le Body Attack est un programme dynamique qui combine aérobic, HIIT et gymnastique. Il améliore la condition physique, tonifie les muscles et booste l’agilité. C’est parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à se dépasser tout en s’amusant.

The sessions are varied and adaptable to all levels. You burn calories, sculpt your body and enjoy social benefits. All in a fun and motivating atmosphere.

Curious to know more about other fitness programs? Discover our articles on Body Combat and tips for better health!

Boxing reinvented at Le Cercle

Want to revolutionize your sports training? Join our 50-minute sessions at the Circle. We combine the power of boxing with specific fitness exercises, all in a warm atmosphere, with a unique light show and a motivating playlist.

Our sessions are accessible to all thanks to water bags which replace traditional adversaries.

Each program has 10 rounds alternating bootcamp and boxing. You'll work your abs, legs, glutes and upper body with dumbbells, while refining your combinations and dodges for an intense cardio workout.

Boost your endurance with our energetic coaches in an exhilarating atmosphere. Put on your gloves and join us in Montmartre, Beaubourg or Bastille for an unforgettable sporting experience! 🔥

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