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Blessure boxe : deux boxeurs en plein combat de boxe


Boxing injury: how to prevent and avoid boxing injuries

📖 Reading time: 11 min

THE boxing injuries most regular are the blue, THE bruises, THE bleeding, THE openings, THE fractures, etc.

They arrive rarely in training (although sometimes in sparring). In boxing, an injury is more due to blows received during a fight in competition or professionally.

It exists several types of injuries. Don't worry, you can of course Avoid them, and if you are ever injured, we will see together how to treat yourself.

Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊


Injuries in English boxing

There boxing is often seen as a dangerous combat sport where the injuries are very present. While in truth there is as many injuries in boxing as in football For example.

Combat sports, and especially boxing, cause very few training injuries. Especially when it is well supervised.

The little injuries which occur during a workout often take place during a punching bag drill or in sparring.

On the other hand, the competitors And competitors have a little more chance of being injured. It all comes from power of the blows sent and received. They are logically stronger than in training.

But the rules are now more and more adapted. The aim being to reduce the risk of injury, Above all to avoid the concussions among boxers and boxers.

When you box just for fun training, THE injuries thereby are often minor. So, don't panic, you have little chance of ending up in hospital.

But there are still areas more vulnerable than others :

  • THE bone (nose, face, ribs, etc.) which are subject to fractures.
  • There skin and the muscles, sensitive to wounds, blue And bruises.
  • THE brain, subject to trauma during the professional fights.

Regular injuries in boxing

When you box at a certain level and you start in competition, you will quickly see that some injuries are common among boxers:

  • THE bruises/contusions
  • THE wounds, openings And lacerations
  • THE nosebleeds
  • THE fractures
  • THE sprains And tears
  • THE concussions

THE superficial wounds are the main lesions which may affect your face. At the level of the arcade and cheekbones For example.

There may also be brain damage in combat. But they are becoming more and more rare. For what ? Because the rules became strict regarding concussions.

Some lesions can also be chronicles because of repetition of blows. For example, your hands and your wrists are often injured because of this.

THE hands and the wrists may also be subject to traumatic injuries. That is to say, an injury occurs as a result of a single blow.

THE injuries for which you need to take a little trip to the hospital are bony, muscular, ligaments And tendons.

These injuries include due to improper use of one of your muscles and your joints. Usually this is when you poorly warmed up, that you have overworked a muscle, that you made a “Wrong move", etc.

In fact, in boxing there is certain types of injuries that you will find more in this sport than in others. And that’s what we’re going to see now. 🔎

Types of boxing injuries 

THE main types of injuries that can happen to you boxing are :

  1. THE cuts
  2. THE nosebleeds
  3. THE blue (also called bruises)
  4. THE fractures
  5. THE concussions
  6. There shoulder dislocation
  7. THE sprains

1. Cuts

They appear mainly during the fights or when you are in sparring. THE cuts to the face are the most common, particularly at the level of the arcade.

In fact, the cuts are visible Above all when you take blows on a area with bones sticking out.

2. Nosebleeds

They are due to lacerations (wounds due to a tear in the skin) the inside of your nose.

It can come in just one time, or several, taken at nose Or next to the nose. As a result, these internal lacerations will cause bleeding.

3. The bruises

They appear when blood leaks from your blood vessels And stays under the thickness of your skin. This is why blue spots form.

Also called bruises, the bruises appear after having received a fairly strong punch. Or because of repeated blows in the same place.

4. Fractures

This is an injury that often happens in boxing. Especially at the level of nose, of the wrists, of the hands, of the jaw and ribs.

There is also a well-known fracture in boxing : there boxer's fracture. She is at at the level of the metacarpal bones. It is in fact a rupture of the 5th metacarpal bone, And sometimes from the 4th metacarpal bone.

She appears when you hit something hard with a lot of power. For example, it could be the rigid punching bag in your boxing gym.

What happens is that when you send a powerful and poorly delivered blow, there strength will spread towards your palm and go curve your metacarpal bones.

And it's there curvature of your bone that causes the fracture. It can also cause contusion, A swelling, of the pain, etc.

5. Concussions

It's here injury not to be neglected in the boxer and the boxer. A small concussion can quickly get worse if you don't get enough rest.

In fact, the concussions occur after a big blow, Or several repeated blows to the face. Your brain go then move against your skull and cause concussion.

A concussion may cause a loss of consciousness, of the vomiting, of the headache, of the dizziness, etc.

Don't panic, concussions only arrive very little in sparring, but rather in combat. And even, less and less, because as we told you, the rules are becoming stricter on concussions.

6. Shoulder dislocation

This injury happens often after a major trauma the level of arm or the shoulder. Shoulder dislocation can also come from a wrong movement of your arm on a punch for example.

Shoulder dislocation is actually when your arm bone (the humerus) comes off your shoulder blade (scapula). This injury also causes big pain.

There is also other injuries which may appear in shoulders, particularly at the level of the rotator cuff.

7. Sprains

They arise mainly because of rapid, repeated movements. In boxing, sprains are located at the level of arm, of the knees, of the shoulders and ankles.

They are not not always very painful, but become quickly annoying. Especially since they affect muscles and ligaments.

OK, now you already know a lot more about boxing injuries. It's time to see how you can avoid them. 🌪 

How to avoid boxing injuries?

Of course, there is no no zero risk in terms of injuries. But for the restrict, there are many things you can do before, during and after your boxing practice:

  1. Put some boxing bands
  2. Take the time to warm up
  3. Work your defense
  4. Listen to your body 
  5. Wear some protections
  6. Improve your physical condition
  7. Moisturize your nose to prevent it from bleeding
  8. Perfect your boxing technique
  9. Use vaseline
  10. Have a good food hygiene


They are essential when you box. They protect your hands and wrists possible injuries. And the more your wrists are supported with your bands, the better.

When you put your bands, you must protect both the bones of your hands (metacarps, etc.) and those of your wrists.

For good protect yourself with your bands, you must always start with your hand outstretched. Like this, when you make a fist, there band will tighten.

And if you want to know how to put on boxing wraps, we wrote a article dedicated to this subject just for you. 🫵


This is the most important step of all your workouts. Warming up will allow warm your neck, your muscles, joints, tendons And ligaments to reduce the risk of injury.

Because yes, one warmer muscle is a more “reactive” muscle and who has less chance of injury.

THE regular stretching can also allow you to gain amplitude in your movements

So, for good heat your body, you can use elastic or some resistance bands For mobilize your muscles and your joints.


Know how to block, parry, to dodge, And you move For limit blows It is essential. Because yes, you will reduce potential blow-related injuries.

Defense is also important when it comes to to absorb the impact of punches of your opponent. A absorbed blow is already less dangerous one blow that hits you directly.


It may seem silly, but yes your body sends you signals, is that you must listen to it to avoid injury.

For example, you feel that you are tired, you are not not in top form, you have some small annoyances, etc. All this represents signals of your body.

And in these cases, it is better do not force And take rest to avoid injury.


We spoke to you about boxing bands, but it is not not the only protective equipment that you should use.

When you do sparring, depending on the intensity, you must also wear a helmet, A mouth guard, a shell, etc.

Don't neglect the quality of your protection, because it can really save you from injuries.

And that also goes for your gloves ! Choose the right ones gloves depending on your training. For example, for sparring put some minimum 16 oz gloves.


With a better physical condition, you will be able (a little) better withstand certain blows. But it also allows you to have healthy muscles who are less likely to be injured.

In addition, with a best condition, you will be able to hold, and of move longer For avoid blows.

So, think about work on your endurance and resistance. To do this, do muscle strengthening and cardio exercises!


Actually, the drier your nose is, the more nosebleeds you will have. THE lacerations and the cuts will be even more important when dry.

To avoid this, consider moisturize your nose. For example, you can use nasal drops, A nasal spray, of the inhalations, etc.


Master the basics of boxing this is important to protect you, but also your opponent. You must know how to throw a punch without risking hurting yourself.

And for that, your wrist should always be well aligned with your elbow and shoulder. These are the heads of the pasterns which must touch.

So when you learn to throw a punch, always think technique before power. This will save you from unnecessary injuries.

When we talk about boxing technique, it is also for travel and your footwork. A twisted ankle or to knee East arrived quickly with a displacement error.

So, it's the same, take the time to master your footwork to move correctly and don't make a mistake.


This is especially useful when you have a fight or that you are doing sparring. For what ? Because the vaseline will allow make the blows a little less hard in dragging them.

In addition, vaseline will also help to make the skin slightly smoother, flexible And elastic. So you have less risk of having small cuts.


Let it be your food or your hydration, your food hygiene is primordial. It is your fuel and with a bad fuel your body breaks down.

SO, to avoid injuries, eat quality food. Also try to have enough macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements).

Hydration is also a essential pillar. You have to drink enough, before, during and after your training. And the more you drink, the better.

A good food hygiene will then help you avoid muscle injuries (cramps, tears, etc.). But also physical fatigue which can cause small problems.

These 10 things to put in place before, during, and after boxing should you help reduce injuries. But sometimes your body decides otherwise. So, we'll see how you can take care of yourself. 🩹

How to treat yourself in case of injury?

To heal you, This will depend on the pain and severity of your injury. If it is a small injury, you can start treating yourself before going see a specialist in the hours and days that follow.

On the other hand, when you have a big injury, you have to directly consult your doctor where to go to the emergency room if the pain is unbearable.

The problem with the small injuries, is that you sometimes have tendency to neglect them. You also tend to make your own diagnosis.

But these are things to avoid, because this may make your symptoms worse. To prevent this from happening, whatever your injury, Go on consult your doctor.

To help you a little, here is a list of what you can do based on your injury :

  • If you have some blue, apply a cold compress For reduce pain And constrict blood vessels.
  • If you have some small wounds, clean them and put a bandage. If the wound East too big, go to EMERGENCIES, you will need points of suture.
  • If you bleed, stop the bleeding by pressing on the wound with a compress.
  • If you have a cramp, tense your muscle And massage it to reduce the pain and make it go away.
  • If you have a elongation, apply cold And massage the affected muscle. And especially, let your muscle rest.
  • If you have a sprain, put it affected area at rest, apply ice, And elevate the joint.
  • If you have a fracture, stay in your position, you must not move, call the emergency services.
  • If you have a shoulder dislocation, don't move either, put a bandage to hold your arm and go to the hospital.
  • If you have a concussion, you have to rest, consult your doctor And quickly go see a neurologist.

These tips are of course not exhaustive.. These are only first steps to take. THE best reflex rest of see a doctor Or to call the emergency services in case of unbearable pain.


It's a bit first thing to do when you are injured. You need energy to train yourself, but also to allow your body to heal.

In you relaxing, so you give more energy to your body to help heal your injury.

And who says rest also says quality sleep. You have to sleep well, but above all get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for the well-being of your body and his healing. So, don’t hesitate to take naps if you can.


THE cold and the ice are especially useful in the first days (about 3 days) which follow your injury. If you are swollen and you are in a lot of pain, the cold will help you. How are you help control these symptoms.

For example, on a blue, apply cold directly to reduce pain, THE swelling and the risk of bleeding.

Think carefully wrap your cold pack, or ice, of a towel. He must not no direct contact with your skin, otherwise you risk burning yourself.

Keep the pocket on your injury for about 20 minutes. You can apply it 3 times a day 4 hours apart.


THE massages and the self-massage can be useful when you are in full recovery. For the self-massage, you can for example use a ball, A massage roller or even a massage gun.

They will help you in particular to:

  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Promote blood circulation
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Promote your recovery


There is two types of creams that you can use to help you recover:

  • Those with warm effect For relax your muscles.
  • Those with cold effect For reduce pain and the swellings.

It also exists certain herbal ointments who can help for some particular pains.

THE creams are of course to be used in addition to your recovery. They are not going to make you heal, but will contribute to it. It's a little more who can help you.


In boxing THE injuries most common are in particular the bruises, THE bleeding and the fractures. But rest assured, they are quite rare during training.

For avoid getting hurt, there most important thing what you must do is always take the time to warm up.

You must also remember to put your bands on correctly and to use quality protections for a fight or a session of sparring.

In case of injury, YOU do not minimize it. Consult your doctor directly, or go to EMERGENCIES if the pain is too strong.

And if you want learn more about sparring in boxing, THE footwork, etc. we invite you to take a look at our article on how to progress in boxing !

Avoid injuries by boxing at the Circle

Taking hits isn't really your thing? But you love hitting the punching bag ? So you will love it The circle.

At the Circle, the workout Is simple : 50 minutes of workout for a mixture 50% boxing – 50% bootcamp. You have 10 rounds For let off steam And to give everything.

  • Side boxing, you send your best wetsuits on aqua-bags, who take, but do not return the blows.
  • Side boot camp, YOU strengthen your muscles And you work your cardio with some fitness exercises on the benches.

And what's even better is that you don't need to know how to box to enter the round. THE Circle workouts are accessible to everyone, no matter your level!

No fight and no shock, come boxer without complex in our nightclub-style studio. SO, join our tigers in the 18th has Paris to break it all down during a workout! 🔥

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