Vous cherchez une activité sportive complète ? Vous avez peut-être entendu parler du cardio boxing ou de l’aerobox ? C’est une activité fitness collective, fun et dynamique, inspirée de la boxe. Tout droit venue des States, this practice allows you to let off steam, improve your physical condition and lose weight.
Forget the fights and focus on cardio, strengthening and energy expenditure. Here are all the reasons why cardio boxing is (surely) the combat sport for you.
A curved and harmonious body, this is what you can expect by practicing this activity regularly! Your lethal weapon to get there? Boxing gloves. Absolutely all your muscles are engaged during a cardio boxing class: arms, shoulders, back, legs, glutes, and even abs.
In 50 minutes of fit boxing, you will undoubtedly lose the equivalent of your water bottle in sweat. But you will also have gotten rid of several hundred calories au passage ! C’est donc le moment de boxing to lose weight ! Indeed, cardio boxing helps you effectively burn calories and unwanted fats.
On vous l’accorde, le nom de la discipline avait un peu spoilé cette partie. La pratique du cardio boxing alterne entre des periods of intense effort and périodes de récupération à l’aide d’exercises on a weight bench or with entraînements avec des pattes d’ours. This increases your heart rate and improves your cardiovascular capacity. In other words, you will never again be out of breath climbing the stairs of your friend's building who lives on the 5th floor without an elevator. I promise !
Bye bye tensions and frustrations, hello endorphins and well-being! If there were to be a golden rule, it would be this: let off steam to the fullest. Cardio boxing is ideal for pushing your limits and relieving your stress. By following the rhythm of the music and the encouragement of the coaches, you are invited to let go of everything, sometimes directly into a punching bag. And it feels really good!
To the long list of benefits of cardio boxing, you can add the development of coordination, of the strength and some flexibility. Sprinkle it all with better self-control and a handful of confidence. You get an activity with which you can face everything in life.
Du débutant au futur sportif de haut niveau, il y a des exercices pour tous les goûts. Si vous souhaitez atteindre votre objectif, checkez notre liste d’activités à tester ! Go !
Calisthenics are extremely effective for building your endurance and strength. Anyone can practice these exercises from anywhere.
Le must dans tout ça : vous n’avez no equipment needed !
Ce type d’entraînement travaille tous les muscles du haut du corps, en stimulant les petits et grands groupes musculaires.
Jumping Jack, squats, planche, chin-ups, les différents types d’exercices semblent simples et basiques. En réalité, ils sont très efficaces pour develop your cardio. You can do a circuit workout, for example combining 10 repetitions of push-ups and pull-ups, jump squats, crunches and burpees.
We'll keep it short: skipping rope can be learned quickly! It has multiple benefits:
In addition to that, you strengthen your explosiveness while having better coordination of your movements. The perfect combo to progress in boxing. What more ?
15 minutes of jumping rope is about 45 minutes of jogging. If you're a beginner, start by jumping with both feet for as long as possible. Next, try increasing the difficulty by alternating every other leg.
Alors si vous avez la flemme de courir ou d’aller dans une salle de sport, prenez votre corde à sauter et oubliez le chrono. Sortez les écouteurs, éclatez-vous, et… jump Tiger !
L’un des points forts de cet exercice est le fait de pouvoir work on your endurance depuis n’importe où. Pas besoin d’un coach, ni d’un adversaire ou d’un sac de frappe pour vous entraîner au shadow boxing.
The only equipment you need? Your determination !
In addition to working on cardio, you also improve your boxing moves. You will therefore be more efficient and more enduring during your workouts.
En vérité, donner des coups de poing dans le vide, c’est épuisant. Bon ok, ce n’est pas un combat au corps à corps, mais quand même ! Il vous faut une motivation de lion (ou de tigre) pour profiter des bénéfices du shadow boxing.
So, motivated? Great!
A little advice : always make a warming up before starting the session, especially if you use weights or gloves. This will help you avoid getting tendinitis.
Honnêtement, il s’agit de l’exercice le plus facile à réaliser pour improve your physical condition. La marche rapide permet d’augmenter votre endurance et renforcer vos muscles de manière simple. Accessible à tous les niveaux, cette discipline peut se réaliser partout : en ville, en forêt, et même dans une salle de sport.
In addition, you improve the flexibility of your joints depending on your walking speed. Easy!
Get used to doing 1 hour of brisk walking at least once a week, then gradually increase the frequency to develop your endurance.
Working with a punching bag will help you gain strength and speed. This practice helps improve your cardio while engaging the upper part of your body.
The goal is to quickly hit the punching bag for 30 seconds. This exercise can quickly increase your strength and your cardio.
An advice : make sure you are a good distance from the bag. Extend your arms when you punch can actually damage your joints.
Et puis, frapper dans un sac de frappe c’est toujours mieux que frapper dans le vide, n’est-ce pas ?
Les burpees. Un cauchemar pour certains, une routine pour d’autres. We feel you ! But with good preparation, everything will be fine.
Even though they are hard to perform, burpees are a good indicator of your fitness level. But above all, they are among the best exercises for boxing. Thanks to burpees, you develop your explosiveness and your endurance, all by using your upper limbs.
Le cyclisme est bénéfique pour améliorer votre cardio pour la boxe. En plus, il a moins d’impact sur vos genoux. C’est donc l’exercice parfait pour work on your leg strength and your endurance, while having fun.
However, it is true that running is much better for boxing. But there's nothing wrong with looking for another method to be at your peak physical capabilities. So, add one or two cycling sessions to your routine to boost your cardio.
Il n’y a pas mieux que le running pour avoir une bonne endurance sur le ring. Road to the 5th round ! Les footings longs permettent justement de boost your stamina. Ils vous permettront de tenir plus longtemps à la boxe et aussi d’augmenter l’intensité de votre entraînement.
Vous avez aussi l’opportunité de faire du split avec des sprints. C’est le parfait exercice pour développer votre explosivité et avoir un cardio à toute épreuve pendant vos mouvements à haute intensité.
Si toutes les légendes de la boxe ont inclus la course à pied dans leurs entraînements, ce n’est pas pour rien. Les sessions de split se basent sur des sprints intensifs. Elles reproduisent quasiment à l’identique l’effort demandé lors des enchaînements explosifs d’un combat de boxe.
Des séances de sprint sont idéales pour booster votre endurance. C’est simple pour le corps et sans risque de blessures aux genoux. Comme tous les HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training), sprinting increases your heart and breathing rate to a high level in seconds.
Tempted by a cardio boxing class ? Circle training is a very energetic cocktail of boxing and of HIIT.
For 50 minutes, our coaches don't let go: warming up in music, boxing on aqua bag, muscle strengthening on fitness bench and stretching end of session.
Are you starting out? Have you just started exercising again? THE Circle sessions are accessible to all and the coaches are there to support you. It doesn't matter what your level is, as long as we have fun!
So, are you ready to make the tiger inside you roar? In any case, we can't wait to meet him! See you in the Tiger ring!
(*pizza could actually be our newsletter, but it's pretty good too)
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris
Our studios
Le Cercle Boxing – Boxing club in Paris
6 rue de Clignancourt, 75018 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Beaubourg – Boxing club in Paris
60 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris
Le Cercle Boxing – Studio Bastille – Boxing club in Paris
28 rue Popincourt, 75011 Paris