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4 tips to improve your shadow boxing

📖 Reading time: 2 min

Used by the greatest boxers, the shadow boxing is a practice which consists of striking into the void while putting oneself in a combat situation. It is used to perfect your boxing technique without being disturbed by an opponent and without risking being hit.
The goal of this foolproof training practice? Slowly work and repeat your boxing movements as perfectly as possible so that they are effective in real life! It really is an exercise in its own right which requires rigor and concentration and allows you tohave better coordination

The Circle Boxing Studio gives you all his advice to improve your shadow boxing!


femmes qui boxent les aqua bags

The elastic to stay slim

Usually when we box, we tend to bend down and spread our legs too far. This position is not good because it reduces our size and thus makes us lose our power.
The solution to this? Perform shadow boxing movements with an elastic band! This exercise will allow you to keep a small distance between your feet and thus remain perfectly slender in order to maintain the benefits of your height. The principle is simple: you place an elastic band around your legs, at the level of your ankles.

As a bonus, the use of a elastic in shadow boxing will allow you to develop your endurance.

The tennis ball for travel and defense 

Ideal for improving your footwork, channeling your movements, ensuring your defense and limiting the risk of KO, the tennis ball will become your best shadow boxing accessory! In order to improve your movements and your defense, the tennis ball can be used in different ways. First, dribble like a basketball to perfect your footwork. Otherwise, you can place it between your elbow and your bust or between your chin and your chest. This last way allows you to seal your defensive side.

Dumbbells for power 

The use ofdumbbells in shadow boxing allows you to improve your precision and reinforce the power of your strikes. How it works ? Simply hold a dumbbell in each hand and focus your attention on it by looking at it each time you punch. It is also a good way to strengthen your arms !

Squatting to strengthen your support

At the end of the training session, the Cercle Boxing Studio advises you to perform shadow boxing by lowering yourself. This allows you to work on your supports and strengthen your legs !

Whether you are a novice or experienced boxer, the shadow boxing East the perfect workout to do alone at home. No need for a ring or a lot of equipment to face your shadow: motivation and energy are enough.

Le Cercle Boxing awaits you with 45min workouts combining the best of boxing and shadow boxing in the coolest studio in Montmartre!

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