Les Tigers du Cercle Boxing qui apprennent à boxer


Learn boxing: The first steps to becoming a great boxer!

📖 Reading time: 10 min

Boxing is a fascinating sport, complete and accessible to everyone. Anyone can learn boxing: in a club or at home, the only thing you need is motivation.

So if you have just rewatched the complete Rocky series and your new goal is to become a boxer. Put on your gloves, prepare for battle!

Legend has it that Muhammad Ali learned the basics and found his calling by reading this article, why not you?


Learn alone: Focus on you

The cool thing about boxing is that it can be done anywhere. The training sessions are simple to set up and the equipment is inexpensive. Let's start with a short guide of 5 simple and effective exercises to learn the notions and basics of this sport.


Round 1 – Jumping rope

It is the essential accessory for any good boxer, as much as the gloves. Skipping rope allows you to work on your cardio and endurance. The more enduring you are during a fight, the more fun you will have. It works the whole body, toughens your arms and heals your footwork.


As the heart rate and breathing increase, all the muscles are used because they need oxygen. Jumping rope is therefore a very complete activity that allows you to work several muscles at the same time. This allows you to tone your entire body: shoulders, arms, chest, abs, back, glutes, thighs and calves!


Some boxers put weight in the handles to increase the difficulty and work on their movements.


Round 2 – Punching bag, punching ball or speed bag

Obviously, in boxing, we throw punches! And for that, you don't necessarily need to go to a room, have a coach or an opponent. Do your training at home with a punching ball or punching bag.


When you are a beginner, it is perfect to start measuring your power and understanding the basics of boxing which is to land punches and work on body position in relation to the target.


It's also a practical way to let off steam at home, as long as you take care to have the right equipment to avoid getting injured from the first punch.


Round 3 – Run

This is the least expensive workout on the list. All you need is a pair of sneakers! Boxing is a combat sport, but as seen previously it is also an endurance sport.


You have to train your arms, without forgetting to train your heart. And for this running is the best option, you manage your training yourself. It's also a great exercise to challenge yourself, always trying to find the extra stride or kilometer to cover. 


Activate warrior mode, you are competing against yourself!


You can also run up and down stairs like Rocky did before his fight of the century. This will allow you to work on your explosiveness and learn to synchronize the movements of your body with those of your hands. Essential in boxing!


PS: Listen to “Eye of the Tiger” during this exercise to double your performance.


Round 4 – Shadowboxing

Boxers call it “shadow boxing” because you have to box in a vacuum. You must stay on guard and use a mixture of strikes, parries, and dodges.


Stand in profile, one foot in front of the other, to prevent your opponent (virtual, imagine your mother-in-law) from approaching you.


You have to jump back and forth and throw punches while moving at the same time. You will be more lively in combat or in front of the bag!


You will need the help and advice of a coach who can share their experiences and tips with you in order to become a competent boxer for this training.


Round 5 – Abs and lower back

If you ever plan to take part in a boxing match, you will need an abdominal strap and reinforced concrete lower back. This will allow you to take hits without risk and remain stable against your opponent.


To train, you must have a bench, a lumbar table or a simple gym mat.


Little tip: Lie on your stomach and simultaneously extend your legs and arms as far as possible. Repeat this exercise a few times.


It goes without saying that if you want to do English or French boxing without having to go to a boxing room or club in Paris, you must have the necessary equipment for this purpose. Consider this advice before you start training.


In boxing, as in other sports, you have to be sure of what you are doing when training alone. Warm up before and stretch after exercise.


Do not hesitate to ask for advice from a coach beforehand to be sure you have the right recipe without taking the risk of injuring yourself.


With these 5 key boxing exercises, you can start training at home Tiger! Nothing can stop you, you will soon be ready to climb into the ring.


(Ah yes, remember to drink a lot of water during your training, soon there will be no more)


Besides, how long does it take to say that you know how to box?


How long does it take to learn boxing?

Like all sports, boxing requires a lot of training. But, when can you say that you are a real boxer?


Set yourself goals…

At the start, you have to set a goal and know what you are looking for through this sport. Either it's about French boxing, English or Thai. These different practices require different techniques and therefore different ambitions. There are several reasons to box: lose weight, let off steam, gain discipline, strengthen your cardio, gain muscle mass...


As a general rule, you need at least 7 boxing classes, lasting 2 hours, per month for 6 months to start having the right reflexes and adopting a natural posture. Don't become the next Mike Tyson or Floyd Mayweather whoever wants. But you can do it.


Arm yourself with your motivation, set goals, exceed them and start again!


…and have fun!

In boxing, the main thing is not the fight. “Knowing how to box” does not mean “knowing how to knock out everyone”. Like all sports, you have to leave room for pleasure. The main thing is that boxing is a bubble in which you can escape, surpass yourself and progress. It's not just fighters who know how to box.


At the Circle, you can come and let off steam without a fight. You don't need to know all the techniques, your motivation is enough. Beginners and experienced players are welcome.


The training offered is divided between boxing and muscle strengthening. You work on your balance, your punch, your posture, your abs, your back and all without needing to take a single hit! The base.


Sport is not limited to competition, if you enjoy it and want to progress, then you know how to box. 


Why learn to box?

1. Challenge yourself

In life, you have to know how to challenge yourself! Running more and more kilometers, being faster and faster in the face of the speed trap, lifting heavier and heavier during muscle strengthening, trying to put ever more force into your strike... The examples are numerous!


Boxing is a great way to do this, being a complete sport that is not limited to letting off steam on a punching bag, it allows you to challenge yourself with a multitude of exercises.


It's good for morale (it's good), for the body and for the mind. Practicing boxing allows you to work on your perseverance and your competitive spirit.


Training after training you will get a taste for the challenge and you will quickly be addicted to it.


2. Right to the heart

Thanks to beginner boxing class , you will maintain your physical condition but above all your heart. Like the majority of high-intensity sporting activities, boxing puts a lot of strain on it. Every puff, every breath, every breath you take to chain the movements is pumped directly into your heart and lungs.


In boxing, the rapid sequence of punches and footwork training are great exercises for breathing management and for working on your endurance. You will leave your boxing class with strengthened health, which will also be used to recover very quickly during moments of stress. Beneficial, no?


3. Coordination is the key

In the ring, facing a punching bag or a speed pear. All the members of your body will be used, this is the basis of this sport. Coordination is one of the key techniques in boxing.


As you learn how to sequence the movements, a “hand-eye” connection will be established. It will help you direct your body movements and punches.


You will also need to use your back and abdominals to maintain a strong posture ready to dodge or deliver an unstoppable strike.


Thanks to boxing, you will put rhythm and coordination into your movements. You will learn to know yourself better and have a better understanding of your body and its capabilities.


“To me boxing is a form of dance, without coordination it’s not as beautiful” – Rocky


4. Discipline, always

Boxing is an activity that can be seen as therapy, it teaches discipline, coordination and always pushes us to surpass ourselves. Throughout the rounds and fights, you will always try to go further in practice, to do better.


You work on your mind and are your own coach, your source of motivation. You will become more demanding as you see the progress you make, discipline will be your guide and will direct you with each punch. 


This discipline will also serve you in everyday life, in your job and in the way you manage your projects. Boxing is a sport rich in concepts which are not only used to fight, they help the boxer to build himself as a person.


Join the club!


5. Take the best, F*** the stress

Finally, as with all sports, boxing is above all fun. You enter the room to take a break and to cut yourself off from the world around you.


Thanks to boxing, you can stretch yourself after a long day during which you have accumulated tension. Put on some power and enjoy yourself!


It's a sport in which there is no level required to be able to have fun. All you need is 2 arms and a few concepts to get a good dose of endorphins!


Leave your problems outside the room, this is your time. With boxing you will learn to relieve stress, anxiety and anxiety while doing your body good and relieving your mind.


It’s typing, isn’t it? I would say it’s worth it!


Learn boxing – basics

1. The classic movements of English boxing

The Jab

THE jab, also present in savate, is the most fundamental punch. This is your main weapon in most combinations.


It is used to weaken your opponent, to attack, parry, defend and gain points. Standing in your appropriate stance, the jab is a quick straight punch coming from your non-dominant hand.


In relation to the position of your body, it is your punch which will require the least energy and which goes the furthest. It is most used by fighters regardless of their boxing level, advanced or beginner. It is part of the basic notions, it is the first move that we learn.


The hook or the hook

A hook uses either hand in a horizontal movement. It is an effective move and ideal for surprising the opponent because it comes from the side, usually out of their peripheral vision.


THE hook can be used on both face and body. Bring your elbow up to your shoulder line, holding it at a 90-degree angle and your hand as if you were holding a cup of coffee. Your hips accompany the pivot movement on the toes corresponding to the striking arm. Return to guard.


It's one of the most fearsome punches in boxing. Professional fighters often use the hook as a finishing move during fights. A good hook followed by a great dodge thanks to solid footwork and your opponent is not done dancing.


This is undoubtedly the knockout blow: good night, little ones!


The uppercut

Choose your hand, right or left, bend your knees, tilt your torso and send maximum power as you stand up. The impulse starts from the bent legs, coordinated with the hips, we catapult our fist towards the stars.


The uppercut is used to hit the opponent in the chin and is a great punch to finish a combo.


It's also a pretty spectacular move when it's successful, enough to have the whole room chanting your name if you knock out your opponent. Always use your legs and hips to generate power. Surprising, powerful and ambitious, it sends anything into orbit.


Practice your uppercuts on the aquabags in the Circle room, they are ideal for refining your combat techniques and strengthening your punches.


Now that you have the moves, here are 3 tips to be a pro!


3 tips to become a pro

Vary the sequences

English boxing is characterized by the large number of sequences that there can be during a fight or training. A good boxer knows how to vary the sequences, for example:

  • Cross, jab, jab, uppercut
  • Hook, jab, hook
  • Uppercut, uppercut, jab, cross..


There are many possible combinations!


Firstly, you have to vary them to be unpredictable! During a competition, you have to know how to go through all the combinations to surprise your opponent with each punch and maximize your chances of winning.


Then, you need to know as much as possible to be a complete boxer. By working all the sequences, you will work on your cardio and your position to find yourself in the best possible posture with each stroke! You will have a solid base like Rocky's arms, ready for competition!


More rigor, More Tiger

As we have seen throughout this article, boxing is a complete sport that requires the engagement of your entire body as well as the focus of your entire mind.


Don't limit boxing! It's not just punches. A good boxer is a complete boxer who knows how to work on everything that is necessary: footwork, muscle strengthening, recovery, sequences, cardio, competitive spirit (even against yourself), regular and intensive training.


Make a list of goals, check them off, and reevaluate them as you progress.


Unfortunately, there is no secret recipe. A good boxer does not need to think boxing, eat boxing, sleep boxing and breathe boxing. You just need to train, listen to yourself and move forward at your own pace.


And for that, he needs the right club.


Find the club that suits you

As mentioned above, you should ideally turn to a boxing gym for your practice. The offer is diversified, some are specialized in combat, others in high level, you also have to choose the type of boxing you want to practice: English, French, savate... Take the time to study or to test all types of boxing to find the one that suits you best.


It is the best option to flourish and make the most of the benefits that this sport offers. With this in mind, several points must be taken into account so as not to miss anything in your decision and choose the right boxing gym:

  • Define your needs: competition, fun...
  • Check the reliability and support offered in each room: varied coaches, personalized support, etc.
  • Ensure the quality of the equipment provided: benches, bags, gloves, etc.


Learn boxing at the Circle!

If after reading this article you want to turn to a fun, uninhibited mode of boxing accessible to all. Opt for the immersive concept of Le Cercle !


No levels: You don't have to be a great boxer. No duel, no shock. The aqua-bag absorbs the blows but does not distribute any, no footwork on the part of your opponent, you are sure to hit him with each blow.


Disconnect: Live an immersive experience, where you can become who you want to be, no judgment! Just great support from our caring and motivated coaches with the sole aim of getting you to switch on.


Always fun : having fun is the basis! At Le Cercle you will learn all the classic moves during complete training combining boxing and muscle strengthening.


Put on your gloves and become Paname's best shot!

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