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femme tapant dans une patte d'ours tenu par un coach sur un ring de boxe pour les bienfaits de la boxe


Focus on all the benefits of boxing!

📖 Reading time: 7 min

Fights, opponent, ring, boxing gloves, punches... Here are the first words that may come to mind when we talk about boxing. However, boxing offers many benefits and fun! Do you want to know more about the benefits of this sport? Understand how and why to practice boxing? You are in the right place Tiger! Let's go!


What are the benefits of boxing?

Boxing is a complete sport whose benefits are felt both physically and mentally. By practicing this discipline, you will lose weight and tone all the muscles in your body. You will also learn to better control your breathing, your cardio and your emotions. You eliminate stress while boosting your self-confidence.

1. You eliminate calories

Between the jump rope, dodging and punching sequences in the punching bag, a large amount of energy is required of you during a boxing training. And who says energy required, says calories burned !

Along with walking, boxing is THE sport that will make you lose the most unwanted fat. The perfect recipe to maintain your body in good health. It's the practice ideal If you want losing weight or improve your well-being. So forget about diets and constant deprivation. Instead, put on your boxing gloves and knock out the calories

2. You strengthen your body (and your game)

Boxing is a sport that requires both strength and some power. They are combined and distributed among your members of the upper body and in those of lower body : shoulders, arms, hips, legs, etc.

When you attack, on an opponent or on a punching bag, it is in your muscles that your body will seek the explosion of your strength. The more you are explosives, the better your shots. Workout after workout, your muscles gain strength endurance and in resistance. You can then increase the cadence and the difficulty of your boxing exercises over time. 

You'll train harder and longer, to burn even more calories.

3. You strengthen your core

How can you talk about your muscles without talking about the most important one? Your heart. Like most high-intensity sporting activities, boxing puts a lot of strain on your heart. With each of your movements and before sending your blows, each breath is pumped directly into your heart and your lungs.

During your training, when you chain punches together quickly, you work on the managing your breathing And you improve your endurance. Your boxing session allows you to strengthen your health. This also allows you to recover faster during stressful moments in your daily life. It's all good, right?

4. You improve your coordination and posture

We've already told you Tiger, in the ring, facing the punching bag or the bear paws, all the muscles in your body are used. A hand-eye coordination gets ready. It allows you to have a good timing and one good balance when throwing your shots. Your connection « brain to jab » improves with training.

During the exercises, you also use your back and to your abs. They help you maintain good covered posture. It allows you toto dodge shots opponents, and send a strike powerful And precise at the right time.

And then, our great friend Rocky once said: “For me boxing is a form of dance, without coordination it is not as beautiful.” Yet another reason to apply yourself and stay concentrate during your workouts.

bienfaits de la boxe - boxeur tapant dans un punching ball

What are the mental benefits of a combat sport like boxing?

The benefits of boxing are numerous, but they are not only physical. Practicing this sporting activity also allows you to strengthen your health mental and your well-being.

1. You discipline yourself

Boxing can be seen as a sport therapeutic and challenging. She teaches you about yourself discipline, to you to coordinate and she always pushes you to exceed your limits. As you go through the exercises, you will always want to challenge a little more, try to go further and improve yourself.

By working on your mind, you become, in a way, your own coach and your own motivation source. You are more demanding of yourself. When you leave the ring, the goal is to be a better version of yourself than when you entered it.

2. You are full of self-confidence

Boxing helps strengthen the pair self-confidence And self esteem. With this combat sport, it is endorphins galore And well-being.

During your first sessions, you will discover your strengths, your weaknesses, your physical abilities, your mental abilities and your boundaries. You then learn to set goals and exceed them with each workout. You will very quickly realize that you are capable of meeting the challenges you impose on yourself. You will then have more and more confidence in yourself to go further with each session. Make the tiger inside you roar!

3. You relieve stress and recharge your batteries

During a boxing session, the punching bag is your friend. He is here to help you relieve all the stress that you can accumulate in your daily life. And we're not going to lie, hitting it lets off steam! Whether for the body or the mind, boxing is the perfect sport to free you from everything that bothers you.

Nothing like a good punch to discharge your strength and to relieve muscle tension that build up when you're stressed.

The more you hit, the more your concentration increases and the better the quality and the shape of your actions. Blow by blow, you say goodbye to stress while becoming a better boxer.

4. You relax

As a good combat sport, boxing follows all other physical activities: a session is above all pleasure. When you enter the studio or you get in the ring, you make a break and you cut yourself off from the outside world.

With this activity, you can unwind after a long, stressful or exhausting day. It is the ideal sport for externalize and find yourself with yourself.

In addition, when you box, you secrete endorphins, which are pleasure hormones. During your session, your mind becomes lighter and relieved. So you come out a lot more relaxed and of better mood. Why deprive yourself of it?

What are the disadvantages of boxing?

As you know Tiger, boxing is part of the category of combat sports. Its main inconvenience is therefore the fear fights against another boxer.

Indeed, during combat phases, the disadvantage is that there are risk of injury. According to types of boxing practiced, the parts of the body that are exposed vary. And poorly placed blows, to the chest or head for example, can unfortunately leave after-effects.

Sometimes you can also encounter fighters who are much stronger than you. The hits received can then alter your morale and your self-confidence.

However, the way you practice boxing is a question of choice according to your goals, your preferences and the benefits that you want to benefit from with your practice. Some will want to work their spirit of competition, while others will simply want se exceed And maintain their health. Everyone has their own view of the benefits of boxing.

How to benefit from the benefits of boxing?

There are many ways to do boxing today. The best known type of boxing is boxing. It is practiced only with punches and gloves to protect the fighters' hands.

If you want to use other parts of your body in your workouts, you can try a foot and fist boxing such as the French boxing where the muay thai.

And if you want to enjoy the benefits of boxing without taking any punches in return, try lessons fitness boxing.

Choose the type that best suits your desires and goals. To lose weight without being injured, the cardio boxing is your best option. But if you're looking to be a little more challenged in your practice and the punches don't scare you, opt instead for Thai boxing or mixed martial arts.

Anyway Tiger, only you can decide which boxing to turn to. Do not hesitate to take trial lessons to test the different concepts. You will be able to form an opinion on them more easily once you have tried them.

In any case, to benefit from the benefits of boxing, what matters most is your regularity. It is by doing your exercises regularly that you will be able to improve the shape of your blows, but also your resistance and your coordination. Keep going!

To become a better boxer, you can also add boxing exercises. muscle strengthening in your boxing training. The alliance bodybuilding-boxing allows you to work on all the attributes of a good boxer. It also facilitates your weightloss and your progress in the discipline. Do not neglect it !

femme assise sur un ring avec des gants pour les bienfaits de la boxe

To conclude

As you will have understood, practicing boxing can benefit you on many points:

  1. Each muscle in your body is called upon when you box. You thus improve your resistance, your coordination and your posture.
  2. This discipline allows you to take care of your health and helps you losing weight. YOU eliminate calories, tone your muscles, strengthen your heart and your endurance.
  3. Boxing is also a very good psychological leverage to ease your mind and improve your self-confidence. It allows you to de-stress and rrecharge your batteries.
  4. There are many types of boxing : English boxing, French boxing, mixed martial arts, cardio boxing, etc. Choose the type that suits you best according to your goals and your expectations of such sporting practice. The benefits will follow if you are regular in your practice.

Find all the benefits of boxing at Cercle Boxing

Are you convinced by the benefits of boxing and want to get started? Come and discover fitness boxing 100% uninhibited And 100% fun.

At Boxing Circle, we have the solution you need. During 50 minutes, 10 rounds, alternate between exercises boxing English and of muscle strengthening. All at the rhythm of playlists motivating in a room plunged into the dark.

And if you have any doubt Tiger, no, you don't have to be a seasoned boxer to get into the studio. Our courses are accessible has all. No duel, no shock. The aqua-bags take your blows but they don't distribute them. You are sure to be a match for your opponent.

In addition, with our coaches explosives And smiling, you will learn to master the classic shots English boxing without the hassle. The strike !

It's time to get your knuckles crossed with yourself! Discover a new way to take care of your health and eliminate your stress!

Switch off Tiger. We're waiting for you around!

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