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type de boxe


Type of boxing: which boxing is right for you?

📖 Reading time: 7 min

Increasingly democratized and publicized in recent years, boxing is a combat sport which today has many followers around the world. No matter your age and no matter your level, the idea is to let off steam and exercise. Whatever your vision of combat and boxing, you will inevitably find a discipline in line with your aspirations.

There are many types of boxing and it can be difficult to know where to start. Don't panic, we present to you the different types of boxing that may interest you. And as a bonus, we give you advice to identify what type of boxer you are. Follow the leader !


What are the different types of boxing?

Considered one of the most complete sporting disciplines, boxing can be practiced in many ways. There are in fact many types of boxing depending on the region of the world: English boxing, French boxing, American boxing, or even Thai boxing. This diversity reflects the richness of this sporting practice and its accessibility for all styles of fighters.

English boxing

There boxing, also called noble art, is the most popular type of boxing in the world.

What is English boxing?

The popularity of this combat sport is explained in particular by the fact that this discipline is more accessible, as well as by its seniority.

More recently, it has been highlighted in popular culture. Remember famous films or sagas such as Raging Bull, The rage in my stomach, Million Dollar Baby, Ali, or Rocky  Or Creed !

And if we tell you the names of boxers like Tyson Fury, Mohammed Ali, or even Mike Tyson, there's a good chance you've already heard of them!

It's normal, English boxing is the most combative sport publicized. It is also the only boxing category to have its place in the Games Olympics.

The rules of this combat sport

To practice English boxing, it is better to have sturdy gloves! In fact, this discipline is the only one where we use only punches. You are only allowed to hitabove the belt of your opponent. Your legs only serve you for your movements and your body rotations.

There can be different conditions for a fight to end outside of regulation time. Following a legitimate blow, a boxer who finds himself on the ground has a time limit to get up and resume the fight. 20 seconds if he falls out of the ring and 10 seconds if he is in the ring. If the fighter is unable to get up after this time, he is considered KO and the meeting ends. If he manages to get up, but does not want to continue or the referee considers that he is incapable, we then speak of Technical knockout and the fight stops. If the match comes to an end, it is the boxer with most points who wins.

French boxing

There French boxing first appeared under the name savate to be officially renamed French boxing shoe in 2002. As its name suggests, this boxing discipline feet-fists is especially popular in France.

In French boxing, the punches and the kicking are allowed. A fighter cannot use his shins to attack or protect himself from blows. Boxers also wear slippers.

The end of a fight is subject to the same conditions as in English boxing, that is to say by Direct knockout of his opponent, a abandonment of his own free will, or on referee's decision. If the match continues to its conclusion, the boxer with the most points also wins.

Thai boxing or muay thai

As indicated in its name, the Thai boxing, also called Thai boxing or muay thai, has its origins in Southeast Asia. Thailand is a country where martial arts are particularly popular.

In Thai boxing, boxers have a great freedom of action. Punches, kicks, elbows, knees and sweeps are allowed. The difference is that muay thai practitioners can also use elbow strikes and clinch grabs.

There are several ways for a fighter to win a duel. The first is to put your opponent KO. The second is when a boxer is in theinability to continue the fight. Whether it is his will, that of his coach or that of the referee. If he is deemed unfit to continue the match, it is over for him. The third way to win is by scoring more points than your opponent at the end of the fight.

American boxing

There American boxing is focused on the close combat between two adversaries. This is where the other name by which the discipline is better known comes from: full contact.

In this boxing, kicks and punches are authorized. Only blows below the belt are prohibited, with the exception of sweeping.

To emerge victorious in a match, you must collect more points than your opponent. As with the different types of boxing seen previously, a KO Or Technical KO also marks the end of the fight.

Chinese boxing

The term Chinese boxing brings together several disciplines. This name actually designates several hundred martial arts of Chinese origin. Here, we will tell you about sanda.

The sanda allows the use of fists, of the feet, of the elbows and knees. However, depending on what part of the body you are targeting, not all shots will be allowed. They may be in some cases, but will not earn points. This discipline also allows fighters to use projections in addition to strikes against their opponents.

In Chinese boxing too, the different ways of being designated winner are in the following ways. You can be declared the winner at the end of the match by having fought better than your opponent, thanks to your number of points; or you can also win by simply not allowing him to stand in front of you until the end of the meeting.

Shadow boxing

THE shadow boxing is a practice related to boxing which consists of moving alone by throwing punches and/or kicks in the air. This popular exercise for fighters allows them to:

  • ofrefine their techniques of fight
  • of condition their bodies
  • of warm up during their training
  • and even prepare yourself mentally before a confrontation.

Done correctly and with the right goals in mind, shadow boxing helps you improve your technical, your strength, your power, your speed, your endurance, your pace, your footwork, your attack and your defense. In short, everything you need to set the ring on fire!

The best place to do shadow boxing is in front of a mirror. When you watch yourself performing your techniques, you may notice various flaws and nuances in your movements that, although subtle, can be difficult to correct. It is important to keep an eye on your movements. This is exactly what shadow boxing in front of a mirror allows you to do!

Some other types of boxing

There are far too many styles of boxing to list them all here. However, if your curiosity is piqued and you want to know more, here are some additional disciplines that might interest you:

type de boxe

What is the best type of boxing?

The answer is simple Tiger, there are not any. This will depend on your goals and what you wait practicing an activity like boxing. The boxing that is best for you may be different from your neighbor's or your trainer's. And that's completely normal.

How to choose your type of boxing?

Let it be to harden you as well mentally that physically, sharpen your reflexes, learn to defend yourself or simply exceed your limits, all types of boxing meet these criteria perfectly.

Now ask yourself if you feel like taking high-kicks, elbow strikes or knee strikes? Or maybe you prefer to limit yourself to fists protected by boxing gloves to practice boxing?

It is clear that English boxing is more accessible for a beginner than Thai boxing for example.

It will also depend on the type of boxing practiced in the clubs near you. If you are hesitant and you have the possibility, the easiest way to get an opinion is totry different types boxing.

What type of boxing for women?

Although at the professional level, women remain a minority, the number of female boxers competing at the amateur level is increasing exponentially!

Concerning combat boxing, the different disciplines mentioned above are open to both men and women.

There fitness boxing, also called fit boxing or cardio boxing, is a discipline that arrived from the United States in the early 1990s. Particularly popular with women, this practice uses the movements used in boxing, and in particular the punches of English boxing.

In addition to working on your technique, fitness boxing allows you to work your entire body with intensity ! You have all the benefits of boxing without the blows from your opponent in return and without the bruises that go with it.

type de boxe

To conclude: the essentials on the types of boxing

As you will have understood, in combat sports, a multitude of types of boxing exist, each with its own specificities:

  • There boxing English, or noble art, is the best known and most popular boxing today. It is only practiced with punches.
  • The so-called boxes feet fists allow kicks and punches like French boxing.
  • Other boxes, such as Burmese boxing or MMA (mixed martial arts), allow headbutts in fights.
  • Some boxing classes are inspired by the techniques of these martial arts without offering contact between participants. These are in particular the courses of fitness boxing and of cardio boxing.
  • There women's boxing today attracts more and more participants who want let off steam And release the stress Daily.

Get started with combat sports with Le Cercle Boxing

Still don't know what type of boxing is right for you? Do you feel like you need to get your body back into shape? Are you interested in fitness boxing? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, we have the solution you need!

Enter the round of Le Cercle. You will be able to work on your cardio, strengthen you muscularly and you get used to punch in a bag with boxing gloves. All of this, in music and in an atmosphere casual !

Half bootcamp, half English boxing, each workout lasts 50 minutes. It's more than enough to come out of it completely exhausted, but also completely peaceful!

Let yourself be tempted by this immersive experience and awaken the Rocky Balboa in you! We'll see you soon at the studio for a boxing class!

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