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Aeroboxe: a clever mix between boxing and aerobics

📖 Reading time: 4 min

Do you want to discover a new sporting discipline or learn a little more about aeroboxing? This article is “the place to be”! Say hello to your 6 pack and become a boxing pro. Let's discover together this sport which combines shadow boxing (vacuum boxing) and aerobic movements.


What is aeroboxing?

Follow the leader ! This perfect discipline for letting off steam will soon have no more secrets for you.

The principle of aeroboxing

Appearing a few years ago in France, aeroboxing has more and more fans today. It is therefore very possible that you have already heard of this activity without knowing it! Indeed, there are different terms to designate this new kind of sport: cardio boxing, cardio kickboxing or fit boxing.

This discipline combines both the skills of combat sports and the energy of fitness. See a cold mojito? You love ? Well, aeroboxing is (almost) the same thing: a mix of everything you like! But without the effects of alcohol! 100% fun, 100% well-being and 100% beneficial for your body!

A practice between combat sport and fitness classes

What's better than practicing an activity that mixes several disciplines? With aeroboxing, get ready to work the biggest punches in boxing. Jab, hook, kick, uppercut, you'll do them all! During your session, you will do them to the rhythm of the music like classic aerobic exercises.

Still not convinced? OK fine ! Please note that aeroboxing also has the particularity of being suitable for everyone, regardless of your physical condition. The movements are practiced without contact so you don't risk getting hit in return. The only thing that will be struck about you is your mood and your shape. They will make a one-way trip to the moon!

What are the benefits of aeroboxing?

Whether with advantages for your Mental Health or for your physical health, aeroboxing is beneficial for you and your body. Discover all the benefits of this exercise.

Refine your figure

During your aeroboxing class, you don't stay still. The sequence of movements to the rhythm of the music works your entire body. During the session, you will therefore burn as many calories as possible And draw your most beautiful silhouette. In addition, aeroboxing is a complete discipline. Arms, back, legs, buttocks, shoulders, abdominals, all the muscles in your body are used.

Improve your stamina

During your session, you will increase your heart rate by alternating with slow and fast sequences. All the efforts you will make will help you greatly improve your endurance. These benefits will be felt directly in your daily life. In particular, you will be able to see differences in your physical condition.

This rhythmic activity will also allow you to better manage your breathing during exercise. Working in a group will also boost you to surpass yourself andimprove your cardio ! You will have lungs of steel, no one will be able to stop you...

Reduce your stress

Nowadays, it is important to practice an activity to stay in shape, but also to put aside your daily problems. Fortunately, aeroboxing is ideal for letting off steam after a long day, or for starting it off in the best possible way. Music, kick, punch, elbow and knee, enjoy a precious cocktail to clear your head and reduce your stress. As a bonus, you will leave your sessions with your head held high and looking great!

Who is aeroboxing for?

Do you want to try a session but you don't know if you're up to the task for this combat sport? We tell you everything about aeroboxing enthusiasts.


We have already told you, this sport which combines cardio boxing and fitness is accessible to everyone. No matter your level, whether you are a beginner in the practice of sport or someone with experience, everyone will find what they are looking for.

In aeroboxing, the sessions adapt to your level. No special knowledge is required to get started. Get started!

The women

This sport is particularly appreciated by feminine gender. More and more of you are practicing cardio boxing. For what reasons ? Mainly because in aeroboxing, you don't have an opponent to hit you back. So you do combat sports movements without risking injury or ending up with a black eye. It’s still advantageous!

In addition, you discover an activity where you can let off steam peacefully, and you benefit from all the benefits of the practice. So, are you ready to have a killer bodysuit?

Alone, in front of the television, in front of a coach, or in the gym? Do what you like, as long as you spend your time while having fun. We don't care!

Old people

Are you starting to feel less toned and do you have preconceptions about practicing sport? With its many benefits, aeroboxing is the sport for you! You go keep fit, work on your body balance, improve your motor skills. All without you necessarily realizing it.

And as a bonus, you have no risk of injury. You have no one in front of you, so no one is going to knock you out. If you are an elderly person, all the ideal conditions are present to help you maintain good fitness.

Cardio boxing to music? Le Cercle has what you need!

You are still hesitant to embark on the practice of fitness boxing ? Come to Cercle Boxing, our teams will not take long to convince you. Crazy playlists, relaxed and energetic atmosphere, this is what awaits you during a session in our studio.

An uninhibited workout

At the Circle, you alternate between boxing and bootcamp for 50 minutes. You will learn the best boxing moves on our aquabags and work your muscles in depth. The 6 punches of boxing will be explained to you and you will have valuable advice on how to improve your movements. All this, with cardio and to the rhythm of our playlists made in Le Cercle.

Professional coaches full of energy

Beginner, senior or experienced athlete, everything is done to help you discover and practice our workouts in the best conditions. Our explosive coaches motivate you with a smile and push you to exceed your limits. So be careful, it's going to hit!

A team at your service

From your entry into the studio until your exit at the end of your class, our staff will pamper you. Everything comes together to make you have the best time with us.

That's it, we feel warm to come and awaken the Rocky Balboa that lies dormant in you! Come on Tiger, we're waiting for you at the studio.

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