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homme qui boxe sur un ring


How to build muscle with boxing?

📖 Reading time: 5 min

Want to let off steam, build muscle and release pressure? Motivated like never before to move your booty, put on the gloves and get into the ring? Yes, but... ending up on the ground every class, and sacrificing your nose and teeth, on the other hand, it heats you up a lot less. We feel you, and we even have a solution for you! Discover how to start boxing with beginner boxing lessons in Paris or variations of boxing without combat. Enjoying the benefits of boxing without taking any punches, isn't it tempting? In our opinion, the question is quickly answered… 


Beginner boxing classes in Paris 

For you, boxing is a ring, an opponent, fights and nothing else? You can then turn to sports halls or boxing clubs which offer beginner level boxing class. There you will learn the basics of the sport and face opponents of your level. Essential for starting boxing without getting injured and understanding the rules. 

SO, where to box in Paris when you've never put on gloves in your life (no, the time you dressed up as Rocky doesn't count)? So go take a look at the Battling Club (Paris 10 and 17), the Salle Boxing Club (Paris 17) or the Temple Noble Art (Paris 1, 11 and 17). Some of these clubs even offer beginner-level boxing classes just for women. 100% badass! 

Start boxing in Paris in a boxing class without combat

What is boxing without fighting? 

Energy and enthusiasm, you have it. THE moves and the electrifying atmosphere of boxing, it boosts you. On the other hand, you wouldn't be against avoiding blows... A problem? One solution: boxing without combat! This practice consists of carry out exercises using a weight bench and boxing movements in a vacuum or on a punching bag. In other words, without physical contact! The goal here is to exercise, more than to perfect your boxing techniques and train for combat, while hitting… bars. 

That said, it can be an excellent introduction to boxing, before entering the ring!

Why do contactless boxing? 

Because we can let off steam and enjoy the multiples benefits of boxing without hurting yourself, then it would be wrong to deprive yourself of it: 

Work on your cardio

– Improve your endurance, balance and coordination; 

– Burn calories (on average 600 kcal / course); 

Strengthen and tone the entire body

Refine your silhouette

– Gain strength and self-confidence; 

– … 

Boxing without combat and its variants 

Seduced by the idea of punching without taking any in return and sweating while having fun? That’s good, there are more and more studios offering contactless beginner boxing classes in Paris. Boxing fitness or fit boxing classes, cardio boxing, body attack, shadow boxing, sweat boxing… It’s up to you to find the boxing concept that suits you according to your desires and your objectives! 

Le Cercle Paris, the boxing concept that hits 

What if you started boxing by exploring the new boxing concept of Cercle Paris, an immersive experience that brings a smile (and muscles) ? At Cercle Boxing, we practice contactless boxing and safe for maximum enjoyment. Our 50 minute sessions alternate between boxing movements on aqua-bag and HIIT on fitness bench. An explosive cocktail intended for both beginners and Rocky Balboas in the making! 

The Circle Boxing workout is 10 rounds for learn classic boxing moves, do muscle strengthening and work on your cardio. Are you afraid of not lasting? Wait to meet our coaches, always ready to encourage you and share their ideas with you. best boxing tips. And to spice things up? Urban music playlists selected with taste and love! 

Don't wait any longer to book your next boxing lessons At Boxing Circle (Paris 9) and join the gang!

In the category of best sports to have a toned body, the jury prize is awarded to boxing! Complete and intense, this sport uses all the muscles and ensures maximum lasting results on the body. And since at the Circle we like slightly crazy ideas, we wanted to spruce up boxing a little by combining it with bootcamp. (What’s the matter?!) Result? An electric workout to build muscle, get leaner and smash it all, while having fun. 


Whether you are a man or a women, here's what you need to know about boxing if you want to get a firm and muscular body!


Boxing: a complete sport for a toned body

Since you typed “female/male fitness body” into Google Images, have you been thinking of finding a motivating sport to build muscle? Boxing stimulates all the muscles, making it a particularly effective sport for toning the body. Simple. Basic. 


Upper limbs : shoulders, biceps, tricepseverything goes! As you might have guessed, alternating between jabs, hooks and uppercuts allows you to use all the muscles in your arms. 

Stomach, back and chest : obtain a six-pack and pecs without even realizing it becomes possible by practicing boxing. We strengthen the abs, pectorals and back muscles thanks to numerous rotations of the trunk. 

Glutes, thighs and calves : doing a series of kicks, jumps and movements guarantees you a shapely silhouette, from the booty to the feet. 

The mind : yes, boxing not only allows you to strengthen your body, but also to shape your state of mind to become a real warrior. To boost self-confidence, there's nothing better!


Build muscle with the Circle’s boxing concept 

What does a workout at Le Cercle look like? 

THE Circle concept comes down to a formula: A boxing x bootcamp concept for 100% of results and fun. We'll explain it to you. A boxing session at Le Cercle is 50 minutes of energetic workout, 10 rounds to set things on fire, 6 punches to learn and a few liters of sweat lost. But there is only one rule to remember: let go! 


After a warm up atmospheric, the workout is organized in two stages on a certified soundtrack Good vibes only

  1. A series of exercises, inspired by crossfit, on the fitness benches to do muscle strengthening (legs, arms, abs, pecs) and work on cardio. The objective? Have a toned body! 
  2. A series of boxing moves to reproduce rhythmically on the aqua-bags (jabs, uppercuts, etc.) to build muscle and let off steam. 


And after ? We don't forget to stretch, congratulate ourselves and shower (yes, yes) before leaving the studio, smiling from ear to ear. 


How to sculpt and firm your body quickly thanks to Le Cercle boxing training?


Build muscle with boxing and get leaner with bootcamp, the winning combo? In any case, this is what we offer you at Le Cercle with our hybrid boxing classes! Cool cool cool, but after how long can we see the effects on the body? We'll keep it short, practice regularly (2 to 3 times a week) and adopting a balanced diet at the same time is the guarantee of a more toned body from the first weeks! 


Oh and if you were wondering, Cercle boxing classes are accessible to everyone. Our coaches are there to support you and adapt the exercises to your level. So, are you ready to take action? Join The Circle in the next round, in our Paris boxing gym !

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