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What sport to strengthen your arms?

📖 Reading time: 3 min

You can want to strengthen your arms without trying to look like a bodybuilder. Because strengthening your muscles allows you to burn unnecessary fat and thus tone the area worked. Do you find that your biceps and triceps lack pep (yes, we are modern-day poets)? Do you dream of firm, shapely arms? Find out what sport to practice to lose weight and strengthen your arms, without making them swell!


plusieurs personnes faisant des exercices avec des haltères

Why strengthen your muscles to lose weight in your arms?

Fat likes to be stored in the arms. So much so that it is difficult to dislodge once installed. Do you feel like your arms are lacking strength? Do you find them too soft for your taste? Melt unwanted fat from your arms by gaining muscle mass! By replacing fat, muscle will strengthen, firm and refine your arms, while giving them attractive curved shapes.

If your goal is to lose weight, you will need to complement your sports practice with a (relatively) healthy diet. Indeed, taking up sport to lose weight, in your arms or elsewhere, without balancing your diet at the same time is not very effective. Conversely, dieting without regular physical activity can lead to sagging of the skin on the arms, causing the dreaded “bat wings” effect (you know it yourself). To remember: the combo of sports practice and healthy lifestyle works miracles!

How to strengthen your arms?

The best sports to work your arms

The swelling, very little for you? That’s good, there are a number of effective sports for burn calories  build muscle mass in your arms and reshape them, without ending up like He-Man.

  1. Boxing is a complete sport and very cardio which mobilizes all muscle groups. It's no surprise to anyone, hit a punching bag is a great way to let off steam, but also to strengthen your arm muscles!
  2. Swimming is a gentle cardio activity that helps you tap into the fat mass of your entire body. It is also very effective for building fine arm muscles, the resistance of the water intensifying each effort.
  3. Rowing or rowing uses the arms and shoulders, but also the back, abs and legs in a single movement. Who says better ?
  1. Yoga and pilates are ideal activities for gently working, among other things, the deep muscles of the arms.
  2. Cross training or cross fitness is an essential sport for developing muscle mass, including in the arms. This fitness method combines endurance, strength and agility.

What else is needed besides exercises?

Comme vous voyez, vous pouvez choisir entre de très nombreux exercices pour renforcer et développer les muscles de vos bras. Par ailleurs, il existe des exercices pour muscler ses bras sans matériel. Donc, ne vous inquiétez pas si vous n’avez pas de grands moyens ou si vous n’avez pas le temps d’aller dans un sports establishment.

Of course, to have strong arms, exercises are important. However, this is not enough, you also need a good, well-balanced diet. Also make sure you get plenty of rest. It is essential to balance training with diet and rest, especially sleep. Don't forget about exercises for other parts of your body. Indeed, punching power does not only rely on arm strength.

Another point that you must keep in mind, stay motivated and focused. If you are already a great athlete, then there is no need to remind you. On the other hand, if you are a beginner, know that it takes perseverance and endurance before you have good results. Also very important, consider using the services of a coach if you really want to avoid mistakes, whether for exercises or foods to consume.

Strengthen your arms with the Boxing Circle workout

Exercising to lose weight, sculpt your figure or clear your head: why choose? At Le Cercle, we have developed a boxing workout x bootcamp to help you achieve all your goals. The idea is to practice a sporting activity that is as fun as it is effective!

After performing jabs, hooks and uppercuts on your aqua-bag, and muscle strengthening exercises on your fitness bench, your arms will regain all their tone and power. Even Rocky would do well to stay away...

Come show us what you have in your hands in the next round.

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