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Combien de round boxe : un ring de boxe


How many round boxing? Discover the workings of this sport

📖 Reading time: 6 min

Wondering how many rounds there are in a boxing match? This article provides you with clear answers on the different types of boxing and their specificities. Whether you are a fan of combat sports such as English, French or Thai boxing, discover the rules that determine the duration of fights.


Understanding the different types of boxing

Each discipline has its own round rules, adapted for safety and spectacle. So, how many rounds in boxing and why? You will learn why these differences exist and how they influence combat. From professional to amateur boxing, explore the intricacies of each format.

English boxing

There boxing, also called noble art, is undoubtedly the most famous form of boxing in the world. It is practiced with padded gloves and focuses exclusively on punching. Fights generally take place in a square ring, surrounded by ropes. Each boxer seeks to score points by hitting their opponent with clean, clear blows, while avoiding being hit. The rules of boxing are strict: blows below the belt, to the back or behind the head are prohibited, and any unsporting behavior can result in disqualification.

French boxing (savate)

There French boxing, or savate, is a martial art that has its origins in France at the beginning of the 19th century. Unlike English boxing, boxing combines punches and kicks, making it a very complete and technical discipline. Fighters wear shoes specially designed for the savate and blows are delivered with the feet and fists. The savate is distinguished by its elegance and precision, highlighting technical mastery and tactics.

One of the most famous slipper champions is undoubtedly Richard Sylla, multiple world champion. Known for his impeccable technique and his ability to anticipate the movements of his opponents, Sylla marked the history of savate with his exceptional performances and his inimitable style. His influence continues, inspiring many French boxing practitioners around the world.

Other styles of boxing

THE Muay Thai, Or Thai boxing, is a combat sport originating from Thailand. Often called the art of eight limbs, it allows the use of fists, elbows, knees and shins. Muay Thai fights are renowned for their intensity and the diversity of techniques used. Traditionally, boxers perform a ritual dance called Wai Khru Ram Muay before each fight, paying homage to their trainers and their traditions.

THE Kung Fu, although more generally considered a martial art, includes several styles that incorporate boxing techniques. Sanda, or Sanshou, is a modern form of free fighting derived from traditional Kung Fu. It combines striking and throwing techniques, allowing fighters to use punches, kicks, and holds. Sanda is often practiced in competitions where athletes demonstrate their agility, strength and strategy.

There Burmese boxing, or Lethwei, is a traditional combat sport from Myanmar. Often called nine limb boxing, it allows the use of fists, elbows, knees, feet and head. The Lethwei is renowned for its brutality and uncompromising approach. Fights generally take place without gloves, only with bandages wrapped around the hands, which increases the dangerousness of the blows delivered. Lethwei is a true test of resistance and courage for fighters.

Combien de round boxe : un homme au sol pendant un round

The number of rounds per type of boxing

Professional English boxing

In professional boxing, heavyweight fights are generally the most followed. These clashes usually last 12 rounds of 3 minutes everyone in the men with one minute of rest. This format requires exceptional physical condition and a carefully planned strategy. The rounds test not only the strength but also the endurance and resilience of the boxers.

For other weight categories, fights vary from 8 has 12 rounds, depending on the importance of the match and the experience of the boxers. World title fights and some major events tend to use the 12-round format, while less high-profile fights may take place in 8 or 10 rounds.

Professional fights female are generally shorter, ranging from 8 has 10 rounds of 2 minutes each. This difference aims to protect the fighters while maintaining the intensity and excitement of the clashes. The female boxers demonstrate technical skills and strategy just as impressive as their male counterparts.

Amateur English boxing

In amateur boxing, men's fights consist of 3 rounds of 3 minutes. This short format emphasizes technique, speed and aggression. Boxers must score points quickly and avoid taking unnecessary blows, as time to make a difference is limited.

For the women, amateur fights take place in 4 rounds of 2 minutes. This format aims to offer a balanced and dynamic competition, while guaranteeing the safety of the boxers. The brevity of the rounds encourages rapid exchanges and high intensity from the start of the fight.

French boxing

In French boxing, the fights are composed ofassaults of 3 minutes each, with no predefined limit of rounds. Boxers continue until a fighter is clearly defeated or a referee decides to stop the fight. The notion of “assault” in savate is different because it combines technical, endurance And strategy over a potentially variable duration, making each fight unique.

The savate assault focuses on the technical and the precision rather than brute force. Judges rate shots based on their sharpness and control. This approach promotes a fluid and aesthetic fighting style, highlighting skill and mastery of the art of French boxing.

Thai boxing

Professional Muay Thai fights take place on 5 rounds of 3 minutes. This format is traditional and allows boxers to show the extent of their technique and endurance. The rounds include not only exchanges of blows but also clinches (melee), which makes each round intense and strategic.

In amateur competition, Muay Thai fights take place on 4 rounds of 2 minutes. This structure aims to provide an intense but shorter fighting experience, suitable for less experienced boxers. This allows amateurs to develop their skills in a competitive but secure environment.

Why these differences in duration?

Boxer Safety

The safety of boxers is a priority in all disciplines. The different round durations and total number of rounds are designed to minimize the risk of injury serious. Shorter and fewer rounds reduce the accumulation of blows and therefore head trauma. For example, in amateur English boxing, fights are limited to 3 rounds of 3 minutes for men and 4 rounds of 2 minutes for women, in order to limit the risks linked to repeated impacts.

Regulations and traditions

Each boxing discipline has evolved with its own rules and traditions, influenced by its original culture. For example, Muay Thai, with its 5 rounds of 3 minutes, reflects Thai rituals and culture, where fights are also a traditional spectacle. The savate, with its 3-minute assaults without fixed round limit, emphasizes technique and precision, reflecting the elegance and rigor of French martial arts.

The rules of boxing have evolved significantly over the decades. In the 1800s, fights could last dozens of rounds, sometimes until a fighter was unable to continue. The introduction of 3-minute rounds by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules in 1867 standardized the length of fights, bringing more structure and safety to the sport.

Show and entertainment

The length of rounds and fights is also designed to maximize spectacle. Shorter rounds and more condensed fights keep the pace high, captivating the audience's attention. Muay Thai fights, with their 5 rounds of 3 minutes, are intense and dynamic, offering a continuous and captivating spectacle. The shorter rounds in amateur boxing create a fast-paced, tense competitive atmosphere ideal for spectators.

Audience expectations play a crucial role in the structure of fights. Viewers are looking for action, strategy and suspense. In professional boxing, 12-round fights allow the development of a dramatic narrative where boxers must manage their endurance and tactics over a long period of time. On the other hand, the shorter and more intense fights in amateur boxing meet the expectations of an audience who wants to see fast and dynamic competitions.

Combien de round boxe : deux boxeurs s'affrontent dans un round


Boxing, with its different styles and round formats, is a sport rich in diversity and history. Whether it is English boxing, boxing or Muay Thai, each discipline has its specificities in terms of rounds to guarantee the safety and intensity of the fights. Understanding these differences helps you appreciate each style and choose the one that suits you best.

Variations in round length reflect considerations of safety, tradition and spectacle. This helps protect the boxers while providing a captivating spectacle. Each type of boxing offers a unique experience, suited to different tastes and endurance levels.

Develop your boxing skills at the Circle

Want to energize your sports training? Come take part in our 50-minute sessions at the Circle. We combine the power of boxing with targeted fitness exercises, in a warm atmosphere with unique light shows and a motivating playlist.

Our sessions are accessible to all thanks to the use of water bags instead of traditional opponents.

Each program includes 10 rounds alternating bootcamp and boxing. You'll strengthen your abs, legs, glutes and upper body with dumbbells, while perfecting your combinations and dodges for intense cardio.

Improve your endurance with our energetic coaches in an electrifying atmosphere. Put on your gloves and join us in Montmartre, Beaubourg or Bastille for an unforgettable sporting experience! 🔥

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