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exercices avec un banc de musculation : une femme fait un exercice pour les jambes


Exercises with a weight bench: targeted exercises for each zone

📖 Reading time: 7 min

Want to transform your workout with just a weight bench? You are in the right place. Whether you are aiming for belly loss, the rleg strengthening or the abdominal sculpting, a weight bench offers a versatile platform to achieve your goals. We show you how to choose and adjust your bench for effective exercises with a weight bench, maximizing each session.

Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊


How to use a weight bench

Are you wondering how to effectively integrate cardio and strength training into your routine with exercises using a weight bench? Here you will find specific exercises, tips and advice for a complete workout. So, ready to discover how simple equipment can become your best friend during your sessions?

Presentation of the different types of weight benches

Ah, the weight bench! This faithful ally of our training, as versatile as it is essential. Let's start by taking an overview of the different types of benches: from flat At inclined, passing through the declined and until multifunction. Everyone has their own specificity, their own way of spicing up our routine.

Are you looking for the right bench? The key is knowing what you really want to do with it. Are you aiming for diversity exercises ? Compactness for a small space ? Or maybe the robustness for intensive sessions? Balance your needs, your budget and the space you have to find your perfect match. A bit like a relationship, but with fewer compromises to make!

Weight bench settings

Now, let's talk settings. A good bench adjusted, it is the guarantee of an effective and safe training. Whether you are about to squeeze, fly Or rower, the adjustment of the bench adapts not only to the exercise in question but also to your body. Size, scope, level ofexperience : everything counts.

Imagine adjusting this bench as if you were preparing the cockpit of your plane – each lever, each dial, finely calibrated for a flight, sorry, a workout, without turbulence. More than a simple precaution, it is a crucial step to maximize the impact of your sessions and keep your muscles and joints in proper alignment.

It's time to take ownership of your bench, adjusting it until each tilt, each height just be perfect. And now you are ready to take off towards your goals of fitness, with the precision of a pilot and the determination of an athlete.

How to lose belly fat with a weight bench

Do cardio

Do you want to say goodbye to that little belly that clings to you with as much affection as an old college friend? Cardio on a weight bench can be your new best friend. Yes, you heard right. The bench is not just there to support your weight training sessions; it can also be transformed into a formidable tool for burning calories.

To get rid of that stubborn belly, let's turn your weight bench into your personal takeoff runway for weight loss before continuing with a bear paw training. Here's how :

Step-up: Facing the bench, raise one foot, then the other, as if you were climbing a step. Then go back down, alternating feet. This exercise, performed in rapid series, transforms your bench into a staircase to the sky, burning calories in the process.

Mountain climbers: Get into a plank position with your hands on the bench. Alternately bring your knees toward your chest, keeping the rhythm. It's like climbing a mountain, but without leaving the room!

Bench burpees: Standing facing the bench, lower into a squat position, place your hands on the bench, then kick your feet back to find yourself in a plank position. Return to a squat and jump into the air with energy. It's the ultimate all-in-one exercise to say goodbye to calories.

Muscle strengthening

But don't stop there. THE cardio, It's good ; combine it with muscle strengthening, it's even better. Do you dream of a flat stomach? You'll have to convince the muscles hidden beneath the layer of fat that it's their time to shine. The weight bench is there for that too, ready to accommodate your squats, your lunges, and why not, deadlifts. Because yes, we can build muscle in boxing

To sculpt and tone, here is your plan of attack:

Bench squats: Standing with your back to the bench, lower yourself until your butt lightly touches the bench before standing back up. Imagine yourself sitting in an invisible chair, then getting up to escape gravity.

Lunges with foot on the bench: Facing away, place one foot on the bench behind you. Bend your knees as you lower your body. It's like taking a big step forward, but with style and a bench as your partner.

Single Leg Deadlift: Standing facing the bench, lean forward keeping your back straight and touch the bench with one hand, the other leg extended behind you for balance. It is the muscular balancer, perfect for strengthening the back and legs while working on balance.

Each exercise must be performed with attention to shape, to the breathing, and at the regularity. The idea is not to rush, but to feel each muscle working, to breathe through the effort, and to visualize the fat melting like snow in the sun. With these exercises, your weight bench becomes a formidable weapon in your quest for a flat and toned stomach. Take your time, focus on the technique, and the results will follow.

exercices avec un banc de musculation : un homme fait un exercice pour les jambes

How to strengthen your legs with a weight bench

The benefits of strengthening your legs

Strengthening your legs is like laying the foundation of a strong house. Muscular legs improve posture, mobility, power And sports performance. It is the assurance of a balanced body, ready to take on all challenges.

Tips for building leg muscles with a weight bench

Before diving headfirst into the exercises, keep these tips in mind:

Choose the right weight: heavy enough to challenge your muscles, but not so heavy that you compromise your form.

The right number of repetitions: aim for between 8 and 15 repetitions for muscle growth.

The right rest time: between 60 and 90 seconds to allow your muscles to recover, but not too long to keep your heart rate elevated.

The correct range of motion: complete, to engage your leg muscles as much as possible.

Exercises to do

Leg press with a bench: Sit on the bench with your feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Place a weight on your thighs and hold it with your hands.

Extend your legs fully in front of you, then slowly return them to the starting position. Imagine pushing the wall in front of you with your feet.

Leg curl with a bench: Lie on your stomach on the bench with your ankles under a barbell or free weight. Bend your knees to bring the weight toward you, then slowly return. It's like trying to kick your own butt, except this time it's for a good cause.

Leg extension seated on a bench: Sit on the bench with weights on your ankles or using an elastic band. Extend one leg at a time, pushing against resistance, then return to the starting position. Imagine that you are drawing a rainbow with the tips of your feet.

Each exercise should be performed with emphasis on the control and the precision movement, rather than speed. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you will not only transform your legs but also your overall performance, building rock-solid power and endurance. Remember, the key is consistency and constant progress. The legs are the pillar of your strength; treat them with the respect and attention they deserve.

How to work your abs with a weight bench

Tips for working the abs

Before we dive in, let's remember that working your abs is a bit like sculpting a work of art. It takes technical, patience And regularity. Here are some tips to maximize your efforts:

Contract your abs: imagine trying to bring your belly button closer to your spine with each exercise.

Breathe correctly: exhale during exercise for maximum contraction.

Vary the angles and intensities: to target all abdominal muscles and avoid routine.

Control the duration: longer sets for endurance, short, intense sets for power.

Exercises to do

Incline bench crunches: Adjust the bench to an inclined position. Lie on your back with your feet secured under the supports, if available. Cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head without pulling on your neck. Contract your abs to lift your upper body toward your knees, then gently return. Imagine a thread pulling your chest toward the sky.

Leg raises on bench: Sit on the edge of the bench with your hands next to your hips for support. Extend your legs in front of you, then lift them while keeping your knees slightly bent, without your feet touching the floor. Bring them back slowly. Visualize your legs drawing a perfect arc in the air.

Torso rotation with weight: Sit on the bench with your feet on the floor, holding a dumbbell or medicine ball in front of you with both hands. Lean back slightly without rounding your back, engage your abs. Twist your torso from right to left, shifting the weight from side to side. Imagine that you are a beacon, sweeping the horizon with your light.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you're not just tackling the surface with classic crunches, but you're diving deep into your core strength, sculpting every muscle fiber for a firm, toned stomach. As in any artistic pursuit, the key to success lies in consistency and attention to detail. Your abs, those unsung heroes of your overall strength, deserve all your dedication.

exercices avec un banc de musculation : un homme fait un exercice pour travailler ses abdominaux


Using a weight bench maximizes your workouts to target each area of the body. Precise settings and adequate selection of exercises ensure effective and safe sessions. Cardio and strength training combine to burn fat and sculpt the body, while specific exercises strengthen legs and core, contributing to improved posture and increased strength. Exploring other techniques and equipment can enrich your routine and help you achieve your fitness goals with commitment and variety.

Work out at the Circle

Ready to take on a unique physical challenge? The workouts of Le Cercle offer you an intense experience of 50 minutes, combining boxing on aqua bag And fitness on bench in an intimate setting lit by soft lights and animated by motivating music.

With us, forget direct duels: the aqua-bag is your only rival. Whether you are a novice or advanced, no prior level is required to join us.

The program includes 5 rounds of bootcamp aiming to strengthen abs, thighs, glutes, and upper body with dumbbells, as well as 5 rounds of boxing For refine your combos and dodging moves, ensuring complete training of the cardio.

If the idea of improving your cardio while enjoying an electrifying atmosphere and energetic coaches seduces you, put on your gloves and choose your decor: Montmartre, Beaubourg or Bastille. Find your spot and embark on the adventure! 🔥

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