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cross boxe : un homme exécute un cross sur un aqua-bag


The cross boxing technique: how to master it?

📖 Reading time: 6 min

Are you interested in combat sports? THE cross boxing is a type of exercise that allows everyone to surpass and D'achieve a higher level of fitness. Suitable for all levels, cross boxing can transform your upper body but also your perception of boxing. Curious to know more? Join us for the warm-up! 

Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊


Introduction to cross boxing

Cross boxing uses both boxing and fitness techniques. This is a training method, often practiced in English boxing. It is designed for all those who want to let off steam while sculpting their bodies. It is therefore the perfect alliance between the cardio intensity of boxing and the muscular rigor required by fitness! 

Presentation of cross boxing

More concretely, what is cross boxing? This name designates a direct and powerful punch, coming from the back hand, used in combat sports. The blow must cross the center line of the body to reach the opponent. Unlike the jab, the cross is a blow heavy, used to hurt. Cross-country technique requires rotation of the body and a extension complete rear arm, drawing power from the feet, through the hips, and channeling it into the fist. The cross is often used for English boxing sequences

What is cross boxing and why practice it?

Explain the principles of cross boxing

The “cross” punch in boxing is a fundamental one that appeals for its simplicity and his efficiency. Particularly used in English boxing, it allows develop her synchronization, there precision and the power. Beyond a demonstration of brute force, it is the result of a coordination perfect throughout the body, from the feet anchored to the ground to the fist reaching its target. This technique also teaches the importance of custody, because after throwing this punch, the boxer must be ready to quickly return to a defensive position.

Examples of exercises with cross

To master cross country, several exercises can be integrated into your training routine:

  • Shadow boxing with emphasis on cross : these are workouts where cross country is the final blow. So you can improve your accuracy and your ability to return to guard. 
  • The punching bag : you can work on the power of your cross by hitting the bag. The goal is to focus on rotating the body to maximize the force of the punch. 
  • Training with paos : your partner or coach holds the paos and guides you through different combos including cross. This exercise aims to improve precision, timing and speed. 

Rotation exercises

  • Russian rotations
    • Sit on the floor with your legs bent and your feet slightly elevated.
    • Lean your torso back slightly to engage your abs.
    • Hold a weight (dumbbell, medicine ball) with both hands in front of you.
    • Turn your torso from side to side, bringing the weight gently from one side of your body to the other.
    • Keep your abs engaged and rotate with your torso, not just your arms.
    • Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions on each side.


  • Woodchoppers with dumbbell
    • Standing, hold a dumbbell with both hands at hip level.
    • Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
    • Keeping your arms straight, bring the dumbbell diagonally upward to the other side of your body, simulating an “axe swing” motion.
    • Your head and eyes should follow the movement of your hands, ensuring complete rotation of the torso.
    • Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
    • Perform 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions on each side.


cross boxe : une homme réalise un cross sur un sac de frappe

How to perform the cross boxing technique?

Steps to achieve an effective cross

Mastering the cross in boxing requires understanding and practicing each component of this punch. Here's how to run an effective cross, step by step:

  1. Starting position
  • Get into a guard position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. If you are right-handed, place your left foot in front and your right behind or right foot if you are left-handed.
  • Balance your weight by putting more on the front foot, be sure to keep your knees soft. Position your hands in guard posture, close to your face, elbows close to your body. 


2. The arm movement

  • From the guard position, throw your back hand in a straight line toward the target.
  • Your fist should rotate, palm down, just before impact, maximizing impact area and power.

The rest of the steps

3. Body rotation

  • As you throw your punch, pivot on your back foot, allowing your hips and shoulders to rotate forward.
  • This rotation should be smooth and fast, generating the force needed for a powerful blow.


4. The impact on the target

  • At impact, your arm should be almost fully extended, maximizing the range and force of your blow.


5. Return to custody

  • Immediately after impact, quickly withdraw your fist along the same path as outward, returning to the guard position.
  • Prepare to dodge or block a counterattack, maintaining a strong, balanced posture.

Our tips for improving your cross

To improve your cross country, we suggest some areas for improvement: 

  • Work on your balance : practice balance exercises to improve your stability in movement.
  • Strengthen your rotation : we know, cross country depends a lot on rotation. So, you can train with specific strengthening and flexibility exercises to improve your power. 
  • Improve your speed : for a faster cross, you can perform speed exercises. In particular, shadow boxing or training with paos. 
  • Perfect your precision : To successfully hit your target, focus on specific points on a punching bag or training dummy. 


By integrating these elements into your training, you will develop a stronger, more precise and efficient cross.

What are the benefits of cross-country boxing? 

Cross boxing offers a full range of physical and mental benefits. This discipline is not only an effective way to get in shape, but it also contributes to the general balance of well-being. Let's take a closer look at the benefits it brings.

Physical benefits of cross boxing 

  • Burn calories : Cross country is a high-intensity exercise that boosts your metabolism and burns calories. This makes weight loss easier. 
  • Refine the silhouette : cross-country boxing helps to tone and sculpt the body, contributing to a more refined and defined silhouette.
  • Strengthen muscle mass : cross training mobilizes all the important muscle groups, which promotes muscle strengthening. 
  • Increase stamina : cross country is a repetitive and intensive exercise, which increases cardiovascular and muscular endurance. 
  • Improve coordination and agility : THE boxing techniques require hand-eye coordination and a certain agility. By practicing regularly, you improve these skills. 

Mental benefits of cross country

  • Let off steam : boxing in general provides the opportunity to release stress and anger in a controlled and positive environment, contributing to better stress management.
  • Release tension : boxing stimulates the production of endorphins, the feel-good hormones, which helps reduce anxiety. 
  • Strengthen self-confidence : Mastering boxing techniques and improving physical fitness builds self-confidence and self-esteem, bringing a sense of personal accomplishment.
  • Improve concentration : Combinations and blows require optimal concentration. So, boxing improves concentration and presence of mind. 


cross boxe : une femme s'entraîne à faire un cross sur des paos


By improving your cross kick in boxing, you not only improve your strength, endurance and coordination but also your progress in the discipline! With its many benefits, both physical and mental, this discipline encourages not only continuous improvement on a personal level but also greater self-confidence and better stress management.

Cross like no one else at the Circle

Want a new physical challenge? You can count on the workouts of Le Cercle

What awaits you in the club? 50 minutes of workout which mix movements of boxing on a aqua bag and exercises fitness on a bench. All in the twilight, to the sounds of hot playlists

Rest assured, at the Circle, no duel is not expected. Only the aqua-bags return the blows! In addition, you can arrive with peace of mind sinceno experience is required

In the program : 5 rounds of bootcamp and 5 rounds of boxing

  • Side boot camp, you work your abs, thighs, glutes and upper body using dumbbells. 
  • Side boxing, perform boxing combinations and dodging techniques on the aqua-bags. Full cardio!


So, to have the best cross country in Paris in a wild atmosphere accompanied by more than lively coaches, you know where to head! Put on your gloves and get into the ring of your choice: Montmartre, Beaubourg or Bastille. A spot is made for you. 🔥

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