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Regime du boxeur : l'assiette d'un petit déjeuner salé


Boxer's diet: from the ring to the plate, the recipe for success

📖 Reading time: 15 min

There boxing it’s not just in the ring or in the gym. It also happens in your plate. A good distribution of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) is essential to keep up with training.


There nutrition plays a key role in the performance and the recovery. It's not just eating healthy. Each meal is planned for optimal performance (at least at a high level).


You want to know how adapt this diet in your daily life. Wondering if eating like a boxer can booster your energy. We got you! This article is your nutritional bible.


Let's get ready to rumble tiger! 🥊


The basic principles of the boxer diet

The boxer's diet is often based on a calorie deficit and a contribution of protein enough pupil. This means that you will burn more calories than you consume.


This type of diet allows keep a good muscular mass all in losing a little of weight. But you still need enough energy to keep up with your workouts. And for that, you need calories.


So yes, you need calories, but good calories. Which requires a good balance ! This is why the basic principle for the boxers' diet is a scholar blend between :

  1. Macronutrients
  2. Micronutrients
  3. Hydration


1. Macronutrients

To be a good boxer, you have to eat balance. And who says balanced diet says good distribution of the macronutrients.


The macronutrients are this:

  • THE proteins (fish, lean meats, legumes, etc.)
  • THE carbohydrates (rice, pasta, cereals, bread, potatoes, etc.)
  • THE lipids (oils, avocados, oilseeds, etc.)


The aim is therefore to to share out these 3 macronutrients so that your meals constitute a quality fuel. Because yes, what's on your plate is your fuel for the day. ⛽


A good macronutrient distribution for boxing might look like this:

  • 50 to 60% of carbohydrates
  • 20 to 35% of proteins
  • 10 to 35% of lipids


Of course it's an example. How are you depend of yours needs, of your activity daily and your preferences. But at least you already have an idea.


THE macronutrients are essential for a sporting activity such as boxing. They will help you:

  • Have some energy and store it for your body to use if necessary, this is the main role of carbohydrates. 🍚
  • Build and repair your muscles and recover well after physical exercise, this is the main role of proteins. 🍗
  • Protect your organs and improve absorption of the nutrients, this is the role of lipids. 🥑


But it's not just macronutrients that are important. THE micronutrients are also essential!


2. Micronutrients

If macronutrients are your fuel, we can say that micronutrients are a bit like your engine oil.


Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, etc. In short, everything that helps your body function well and to box well as a result. 🥊


You will find these micronutrients in foods like:

  • THE plants (broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, etc.)
  • THE legumes (lentils, red beans, broad beans, etc.)
  • THE fruits (bananas, peaches, strawberries, etc.)
  • THE Whole grains (oats, buckwheat, bulgur, etc.)


Micronutrients will allow you to:

  • Prevent possible deficiencies
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Maintain your bone and your skin in good health
  • Operating your digestive system (especially fibers)


For balance well THE macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) with micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.), there is a little rule. It’s about filling your plate with:

  • ½ fruit and vegetables
  • ¼ whole carbohydrates or legumes
  • ¼ lean protein


But what would such a beautiful, well-balanced plate be without a good big glass of water? We wonder...


3. Hydration

Having well-balanced meals is good, but with a good hydration, it's even better ! Drinking is essential, but even more so if you box.


There boxing (and other types of boxing) will make you sweat a lot. So you need to fill in this water loss. Especially when it's hot, partly to avoid heat stroke. 🥵


But beyond sweating, drinking water often and in sufficient quantity will:

  • Hydrate your muscles and the fabrics of your body
  • Regulate your transit
  • Promote the proper functioning of your body
  • Control the temperature of your body
  • Eliminate the waste And toxins of your body


So, for good hydration, we advise you to drink at least 2 liters per day. The goal is to drink a little throughout the day. And especially during your training.


To help you drink, take a reusable 2 liter flask or bottle. And force yourself to finish it at least once every day.


Okay now that you know a little more about the boxer's diet and diet, we're going to look at how divide your meals.


Properly distribute meals

For a good diet, the ideal is to favor several small meals rather than 3 large meals. For what ? Because with 3 meals:

  • You will overeat at times when you don't need to
  • You're not going to eat enough at times when you need to


THE small meals fairly regular will allow:

  • Have some energy All day long
  • Maintain a good feeling of satiety
  • Maintain your high metabolism avoiding overeating


We advise you to try to have between 4 to 5 meals per day, or even 6 if you can. Ideally, eat every 2 to 3 hours. This way you have time to digest before having your next meal or snack. 🍌


To structure your meals, you can for example do this:

  1. Breakfast
  2. Snack
  3. Lunch
  4. Snack
  5. Dinner
  6. Snack


Of course everything is fine depend on your daily rhythm. Adapt the distribution of your meals according to your activities and find the one that suits you best.


On the other hand, you must keep in mind that the most important meals when you do boxing are:

  • Your breakfast, because it is he who will give you energy in the morning and which dictates the rest of the day.
  • Your pre-training meal, because you need to have the energy to last throughout your workout.


OK, now you're starting to get the hang of the boxer's diet. We can therefore look at what are the recommended foods And not recommended


Foods to favor and avoid

Everything will revolve around your boxing training. You will eat food more or less different depending on the timing of your training :

  • Before
  • During
  • After


What to eat before boxing?

As we told you, the pre-training meal is the most important, along with breakfast. It will you give energy To hold. You must therefore eat well, but not overdo it to avoid storing fat. 🔋


Try to encourage carbohydrates and the proteins. We recommend complex carbohydrates (low glycemic index) and lean proteins instead. With them you will have long-term energy and avoid muscle fatigue.


The ideal is to take your meal 2 to 3 hours before training. Especially if your plate is quite substantial. That way you can digest to have enough fuel and it won't be a roller coaster in your stomach!


What you can eat

Favor them complex carbohydrates such as wholemeal pasta, brown or wholegrain rice, wholemeal bread, wholegrain cereals, etc.


In fact, we speak of complex carbohydrates, because they have a low glycemic index. This type of carbohydrate causes little fluctuation in your blood sugar and insulin levels. This prevents your body from storing too much sugar too quickly and therefore transforming it into fat.


With these carbohydrates you will have a durable energy, you will be fuller longer and you will avoid hypoglycemia.


In addition to complex carbohydrates, you can opt for lean protein. Chicken, turkey, fish or eggs are good examples. They will facilitate the protein synthesis and taking muscular mass.


Protein synthesis

The body is like a factory that builds bricks, called proteins. By eating, we give our factory the parts needed to make these bricks. “Protein synthesis” is the assembly of these parts to create the bricks.


On the other hand, try to limit lipids before going to box. How are you to slow down your digestion and it can also cause you gastric disorders. 🤒


That doesn't mean you shouldn't eat it! You just shouldn't overuse it. So, go easy on dairy products or butter for example.


What you should avoid

Foods that are bombs concentrated in sugar are to be avoided. For example, candy or soda. They will just cause a blood sugar spike without giving you energy in the long term. In other words, it's not what you need...


Also try to avoid what is too salty. We think in particular of chips, sauces or cold meats. These types of foods can promote Water retention And hypertension.


Also remember to set aside too spicy foods Or too acidic. For example, chili pepper, vinegar or citrus fruits. Afterwards, if you love it, don't deprive yourself of it either. But go about it in moderation. 🌶️


Because yes, anything spicy and sour can irritate your stomach and cause burns or some reflux.


Finally, just before your workout, we advise you to limit foods rich in fibers. Raw vegetables or dried fruits for example. Before going boxing, they can cause you bloating, or even diarrhea.


What to eat while boxing?

During your training, you need to be fishing. For this, favor the simple carbohydrates like fresh fruit or energy bars. You will quickly have a little energy boost and what's more they digest quickly. ⚡


Next, the basics during your boxing session is drinking. Drink a lot of water. Not a lot at once, but a lot little by little.


Besides water, you can also drink isotonic drinks. These drinks have almost the same concentration of particles as blood. They will bring you electrolytes.


These famous electrolytes are in fact minerals (sodium, potassium, etc.). They will help regulate nerve and muscle function, but will also maintain your acid-base balance.


This type of isotonic drinks are therefore interesting since they help to compensate for the loss of mineral salts by perspiration. As a result, your nervous and muscular system continues to work like clockwork!


On the other hand, you must avoid THE energy drinks or with caffeine. You should avoid them during your training. They are going increase your cardiac frequency and your blood pressure. 🫀


Also try not to do not drink soft drinks. In the middle of training they can make you burp, or even have nausea. On the other hand, outside of your training sessions, soft drinks can be useful to you.


What to eat after boxing?

After giving your all during your boxing lessons, it's time to fill the tank. To do this, you must encourage complex carbohydrates and the lean protein.


THE carbohydrates will allow you to replenish your glycogen stores. Because yes, with your training, you used them well. And the lean protein, they will especially come repair muscle fibers


Also try to eat foods with antioxidants. They will help reduce potential inflammation. The more colors on your plate, the more. For example, red fruits or green vegetables contain it. 🍓


And of course, again and always, think of drink enough water. You lost a lot of water during your boxing session, so you need to rehydrate your body.


There are also recovery drinks. They can be useful for:

  • Restock your energy quickly enough
  • Repair your muscle fibers
  • Rebalance your body's pH
  • Provide antioxidants


On the other hand, they should not replace water or your diet. It's just a little extra that can help you further with your post-workout recovery.


Now that you know a little about which foods to favor, we will give you a sample menu for a day. This way you will have a little idea of what your plates might look like.


An example of a typical menu for a boxing day

For the breakfast you can try :

  • Oatmeal with milk, a banana, honey, almonds and a little peanut butter


For a morning snack, you can test:

  • A cereal or dried fruit energy bar with a piece of fruit, a small glass of juice and a square of dark chocolate


For the lunch here is an example of a dish to make:

  • Wholemeal pasta with grilled chicken, broccoli, tomato sauce, yogurt and fruit


For a afternoon snack, you can take :

  • Low-fat plain yogurt or skyr with red fruits, honey and almonds


And for the dinner could you do :

  • A quinoa salad with tuna, cucumber, feta, tomatoes and avocado
  • A small slice of wholemeal bread with cheese at the end of the meal


It's very simple, but it gives you an idea of what a boxer's diet day can look like.


Moreover, most of big boxers have some simple diets. This is the case of Anthony Joshua, former heavyweight champion. He eats 6 meals a day based on:

  • Complete rice
  • Quinoa
  • Fish
  • Smoothie
  • Chicken
  • Dried fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Etc.


Of course, don't hesitate to vary sources of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and micronutrients.


And according to your objectives, adjust your total calorie intake. You're not going to eat the same way if you need to lose weight or gain weight for boxing.


Our advice for managing your weight and fitness

In boxing, the weight is very important. It is he who will determine your weight category. And to fight, as an amateur or professional, you must be at the weight on the day. ⚖️


There is several ways to pass the weigh-in before a fight. In professional boxing (and other combat sports), there is a quick, but dangerous method that is often used. This is called cutting.


We do not recommend cutting. Even less if you box as an amateur. It is very dangerous, because it relies on dehydration. It therefore presents too many risks for your health.


There are manners more healthy and more progressive to manage your weight. Especially since you may not be going to box professionally later (unless…).


To lose weight

Weight loss will come from a calorie deficit. That is, you need to expend more calories than you consume. For this, you must decrease little by little your caloric intake Or increase your physical activity.


We advise you to reduce your caloric intake 200 to 500 kcal max. And above all, you don't have to reduce your calories every day. This will happen over the long term (every month and every week). ↘️


On the other hand, you must keep A good protein level in your diet. It will give you that feeling of satiety, but it will also help you maintain your muscle mass.


For the carbohydrates, you have to decrease a little. But not too much either. Remember that they are the ones who give you energy necessary for your training! Try playing with quantities. See how your body reacts during training and adapt.


Above all, you must try to reduce THE saturated fats (fried foods, butter, etc.) and added sugars. They are your main enemies who can make you miss the weigh-in. 🧈


And for increase your calorie expenditure, some activities can help you:


Those are quiet activities which will help you burn more calories. And since they are quite soft, you won't get more tired.


HIIT can also be interesting if you don't have much time for additional activity. It's short and intensive and it burns calories.


You just have to find the right balance And the activity that you agrees. Afterwards, it's just a question of regularity to reach the target weight.


To gain weight

It's the caloric surplus which will help you gain weight. In other words, you need to consume more calories than you expend. ↗️


You have to increase your calorie intake daily step by step. A small increase in 200 to 500 kcal may be enough to gain weight. But of course it is on the long term (weeks and months).


If you increase too much at once, you will gain too much fat too quickly. Because hey, if we told you that you could gain weight without gaining fat, that would be a lie.


But it is possible to limit fat gain by choosing the right foods. Above all, you must increase THE complex carbohydrates and the lean protein. They are the ones who will participate in muscle growth. 💪


You also have to eat a little more lipids to increase the total calories. Anything fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado, etc. But not too much either because it can quickly turn against you.


When you are looking to increase your weight on the scale, you must avoid all that too fat And too salty. This is what makes you gain fat. And what's more, it's bad for your health.


Since the goal is to limit fat gain, the best is to gain muscle in place. So, for that, you have to do some muscle strengthening. You can do it with body weight or with weights, it's up to you.


To maintain your weight

It's the caloric maintenance which will help you stabilize your weight. That is to say, you must more or less consume as much calories that you spend. 🟰


For this, you must eat your fill. You need to be full, but without stuffing yourself and forcing yourself. In general, to have a maintenance calorie intake, you need a lot of protein and not too many carbohydrates and fats.


Keep going train normally and that should do it. To find out if you are on the right track, weigh yourself from time to time. Be careful, don't do it every day. It's no use, because your weight fluctuates too often.


But you can weigh yourself approximately every week Or every 2 weeks fasting in the morning. Adapt your activity and your calorie intake according to changes in your weight:

  • If your weight increases, eat less or spend more
  • If your weight is decreasing, eat more or spend a little less


You should also try to vary your diet. This is the best way to avoid deficiencies. And then it will also prevent you from falling into monotony.


Also, do not hesitate to treat yourself from time to time. On the other hand, we see you coming... That doesn't mean that for a whole day you can eat whatever you want.


It's more of a meal where you can treat yourself. This allows you not to restrict yourself too much while still maintaining a good diet. Either way, you have to like what you eat. That's the key! 🔑 


And if you have a little trouble with certain foods, there are also food supplements which can sometimes make your job easier.


Food supplements useful for boxing

Supplements can help you meet certain nutritional needs. On the other hand, they should not especially not replace your diet. They are not always necessary.


As their names suggest, they complement your diet. Among the food supplements that can be useful for boxing, we can cite:

  • There creatine which can help increase explosiveness And endurance
  • There whey which can promote the recovery and the muscle growth
  • THE BCAA who can help better to recover and stay efficient
  • THE magnesium who can help reduce there fatigue and the cramps
  • THE multivitamins which can improve the recovery


Mistakes to avoid

Eating well is not always easy. This is why you can sometimes make certain mistakes. And that, without you even realizing it.


But since we are kind and thinking of you, here are some mistakes you should not make:

  • Skipping meals or make prolonged fasts, which reduces your energy and slows your metabolism. 🪫
  • Eat too much, Or not enough, before or after training, which disrupts your digestion and recovery. 🛏️
  • Eat processed foods and fast food, which leads to empty calories and is not good for your health. 🍔
  • Abuse of the dairy products, of gluten and soy, which can cause intolerances and inflammations. 🥛
  • Deprive of carbohydrates or lipids which are essential for the functioning of your brain and muscles. 🧠


We have also put together a small list of food that you must to throw through the window (just kidding, no waste) for your diet:

  • Hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, etc., high in saturated fat
  • Pastries, candies, sweet drinks, etc., high in sugar
  • Ready-made, pre-packaged meals, canned goods, etc., and all other processed foods
  • Fried foods, condiments, canned soups, etc., high in sodium
  • Beer, wine, alcohol, etc., which are empty calories, bad for your health and promote dehydration



The boxer's diet isn't just about calories. Proteins, carbohydrates complex, and good hydration are the major elements of your diet. 


Energy, strength, endurance: everything comes from the plate. But this is the combination, THE timing and the food quality which determine a good diet.


There are no shortcuts, just science and some determination. This is also how you can lose weight with boxing.


And if you want learn more about the noble art and benefits of boxing, there is everything you need on our blog. Take a look! 👀


Show that you have the skills at the Circle

Is diet OK for you? So, the time has come to show us what you have in your belly at the Circle!


The Circle is a boxing concept which boxing mix And boot camp. The goal ? Unwind English boxing! 🥊


We make you (re)discover the noble art with 50 minute sessions, top time, divided into 10 rounds:

  • 5 rounds of boxing on the aqua bags to send your best punches
  • 5 rounds of reinforcement on the benches to sculpt yourself a concrete body


Don't panic, the best coaches from Panama are there to accompany you. They motivate you with the banana and explain each movement to you!


In addition, at the Circle, there is no question of level. THE course are accessible to everyone, whether you have ever done boxing or not. 🫶


And since the goal is to make boxing simpler and more fun, there is no no fight And no contact. You box the aqua-bags, but they don't hit back!


So, if you're keen to come switch to off in crazy studios, we give you meet at the Circle in Paris.


There is not 1, not 2, but good 3 studios Le Cercle ! Bastille, Beaubourg or Montmartre, you are spoiled for choice when it comes to coming and letting off steam. Come join us ! 🔥

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