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Une équipe de collègues en plein team building au Cercle Montmartre


Team bulding Paris: our 10 favorite activities to try!

📖 Reading time: 13 min

Whether for strengthen your team cohesion or simply to spend a good time with colleagues, THE team building is a ideal activity.

If your business is located at Paris or in Ile-de-France, you have a multitude of choices for your team buildings : escape game, sporting events, quizzes, cooking workshops, etc.

You are out of ideas for your next team building in Paris ? In this case, our article is made for you. Let's go, we'll start right away! 💥


Our 10 favorite team building activities in Paris

1. The Boxing Circle for a team building that hits 🥊

And yes, of course we were going to tell you about our concept! The circle it's what ? It's a workout 50% boxing and 50% bootcamp.

On the program, a 50 minute workout divided into 10 rounds :

  • 5 rounds boxing during which you chain the boxing combos on aqua bags.
  • 5 rounds of bootcamp during which you strengthen your muscles on the benches equipped with dumbbells.

The Circle workout goes both challenge your cardio, And test your muscles ! Ideal for let off steam And switch to off the time of a session.

In addition, you and your colleagues do not have no need to be the Tony Yoka or the Estelle Mossely of boxing. The courses are accessible to everyone, no matter your level.

Of the coaches ultra-motivating and smiling are there for guide you. They You show the 6 classic boxing moves and explain to you how to perform fitness movements on benches.

The atmosphere is worthy of best night clubs in Paris. You are immersed in the twilight, there loud music with some crazy playlists and neon lights around you.

At the Circle you don't have only need the bare minimum : a good pair of shoes sports, a suitable clothing and your most beautiful gourd. All the rest, we take care of it :

  • Of the gloves
  • Of the napkins
  • Of the showers
  • Of the lockers with code
  • Of the beauty products
  • Etc.

What is good about the Circle is that you have the choice between 2 studios :

  • Our studio located at Montmartre with 44 spots
  • Our studio located at Beaubourg with 56 spots

So for your next sports team building, do not hesitate ! come test The Circle between colleagues to surpass yourself together.

2. Les Cognées for a lumberjack team building 🪓

If you love cutting logs, SO you will love throwing axes at Les Cognées ! They took a concept from Canada and brought it back to Paris, in the 18th, right next to the the Montmartre Hill.

The goal is simple: score maximum points by throwing axes at a target. In fact it is like you're playing darts, but with an ax.

Once there, the instructors explain how to hold And throw axes well. We reassure you right away, they have never had any accidents.

There is 10 throwing lines on which you are 3 lumberjacks (or ax thrower if you prefer). This activity can therefore be done up to 30 people at the same time.

The hatchets offer you 2 different formulas for your team building :

  • A single tournament which lasts 1 hour
  • A doubles tournament which lasts 2 hours

THE single tournament is done in 3 matches per team. A ranking is established following these 3 matches. Then, the 2 top teams meet for the final.

THE doubles tournament is done in several group matches. At the end of this group phase, you take a short break before attacking the final stages, Then consoling.

To the end of each tournament, you can test other models of axes. Then you finish your activity with a group photo to immortalize your team building.

If you wish, it is possible to book the activity beyond 2 hours. There are also drinks, snack or catering options at an additional cost.

THE ax throwing at Les Cognées is a team building at the same time fun and unusual. It allows you to let off steam, of to amuse you and of test your address between colleagues. So, don’t hesitate to test!

3. Aqua by for gentle sports team building 🌊

You probably already have heard about aquagym, but do you know aquabike ? At the house of Aqua by, you will be able (re)discover aquabiking from another angle.

You are going to test a real sports experience in unique studios. All this while doing gentle sport thanks to the benefits of water.

THE concept is simple : propose a complete workout (arms, abs, glutes, thighs, etc.) through aquabike.

THE sessions last approximately 45 minutes and are designed for burn calories while getting stronger.

Aquabike is ideal for saying goodbye to cellulite And work your muscles without shock. In addition, with the benefits of water, you can forget the aches of the next day

At Aqua by you can choose different types of courses :

  • Aqua performing
  • Aqua cross
  • Aqua HIIT
  • Aqua CAF (Thighs Abs Glutes)
  • Aqua palming

No matter what session you decide to do with colleagues, Aqua by is accessible to all levels ! Of the coaches are there for guide you and adapt the course according to your objectives.

The little extra: the sauna and hammam who are waiting for you at the end of the session to relax.

And at Aqua by come mind and light bag, you do not have only need your swimsuit. THE stay East At your disposal :

  • Of the napkins
  • Of the showers
  • Of the beauty products
  • Of the hair dryer
  • Etc.

Aqua by welcomes you to its different studios for your team building Paris :

  • Aqua by Réaumur (Paris 3)
  • Aqua by Bastille (Paris 11)
  • Aqua by Charonne (Paris 11)
  • Aqua by Boulogne

So, for a sports team building, but very soflty, don't hesitate to try Aqua by !

4. Marcopolette for a team building in an electric tuk-tuk 🔋

What's better than a electric tuk-tuk to discover Paris time for team building? Marcopolette offer you different routes aboard his tuk-tuks for a fun and playful rally.

By team of 6, you are driven by a driver. It then takes you to locations that allow you to solve puzzles and challenges.

Follow the road book and go to search for clues. For to validate your riddles and your challenges, you have to interact with the staff by sending them Pictures And videos. Which makes the rally even more lively.

Each course proposed to his own itinerary. So you have the choice between 8 different paths :

  • Montmartre
  • Auteuil
  • Buttes Chaumont
  • Left Bank
  • Paris center
  • Jatte Island
  • Bercy
  • Seine

This electric tuk-tuk rally is ideal for strengthen team cohesion and individual skills. In addition, it allows you to (re)discover Paris from an unusual angle.

So for your next team building in Paris, do not hesitate to test this rally made in Marcopolette !

5. POSES Studio for relaxing and sporty team building 🧘

You would like to make a sports team building, but all relaxing ? In this case, POSES Studio is made for you and your team!

At POSES you will discover a real visual and auditory immersion. The studio offers different workouts inspired by yoga, of the bar method and pilates.

Choose your flow (yoga, barre or pilates) and let yourself be carried away by the coaches and POSES playlists (a mix between hip-hop and indie rock).

You can therefore choose from these 3 different flows :

  1. Yoga flow, A dynamic workout inspired by vinyasa yoga where you chain the postures together.
  2. Pilates flow, A workout based on the physical concentration, THE pilates and the cardio.
  3. Flow bar, A muscle strengthening workout inspired by the bar method.

The goal is to unwind these 3 practices and make them accessible to everyone. And that, no matter your level.

Each workout mixes both the movements of your flow with some muscle strengthening sequences specific to POSES, called Pulse&POSES.

We were telling you about a visual and auditory immersion a bit higher. Indeed, for your session, you are plunged into darkness. Only neon lights bring a little light for a relaxing atmosphere.

THE coaches YOU guide And you accompany throughout the 50 minute workout. If you have afraid of getting lost in the movements, do not panic they will be there to help you !

In addition, at POSES, everything is at your disposal :

  • Of the carpet
  • Of the blocks
  • Of the napkins
  • Of the beauty products
  • A water fountain
  • Etc.

POSES Studio is a place perfect for letting go as a team. You will be able to relax while doing sports. And that, without judgement And no experience necessary.

There is even a chance that the minimalist and solar design of the studio makes you want to go back! Moreover, the studio is located in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris (Daughters of Calvary).

So, for a sporty but relaxing team building, don't hesitate to take a look at Studio POSES.

6. Hint Hunt for team building like on TV 📺

Your colleagues watch a lot of quiz shows on TV ? In this case, the boxing quiz of Hint Hunt is the next team building activity you need !

In a decor inspired by TV sets, you confront each other in teams through several rounds (quizzes, blind tests, etc.). The aim is therefore to answer questions as quickly as possible For score maximum points !

Throughout this boxing quiz, you will answer lots of questions about different themes :

  • Movie theater
  • TV series
  • Cartoons
  • Culture and society
  • Video games
  • Sport
  • Blind test

What's really nice is that you can choose the game level, THE themes and also the game modes. For example, you can choose to only do the blind test.

There gaming session lasts 1 hour in which you confront each other in pairs. You can also be up to 24 players.

This boxing quiz is perfect for revealing your competitive spirit and that of your colleagues. And as you are pair, it also helps develop good cohesion !

For your team building Hint Hunt offers different formulas :

  • A standard formula which lasts approximately 1h30
  • A VIP formula which lasts about 3 hours with a final cocktail
  • A VIP+ formula Who adapts to your needs

So, if you want to challenge you on questions between colleagues, do not hesitate to go to Hint Hunt in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris !

7. DECIBEL for a team building that moves 🪩

Your colleagues and you love to dance ? In this case, DECIBEL is the place you need to your next team building.

The concept ? A dance inspired workout Who mix of cardio choreographies And muscle strengthening movement.

DECIBEL wishes uninhibit dance. And for that, the studio puts you in a real night club atmosphere : you are plunged into darkness with some light effects.

During 45 minutes you go alternate intense cardio choreography with dance and the muscle strengthening movements with the workout.

Don't panic, choreographies are simple and designed for everyone. Whether you have the groove in you or not, you will be able to follow the rhythm.

Anyway, the wild playlists will only give you one desire: let go and let off steam during your session!

To come, you simply have need of your best sportswear and your most beautiful gourd. The rest, DECIBEL takes care of it :

  • Of the napkins
  • Of the beauty products
  • Of the showers
  • Of the code lockers
  • Of the water fountains
  • Etc.

Plus, you'll love the high-end studio design located at Beaubourg in the 4th arrondissement of Paris.

So if you have want to let off steam to some Beyoncé, of Daft Punk or Drake between colleagues, test DECIBEL !

8. The Dark Dreams for a scary team building 👻

Your team loves horror movies and series ? In this case, horror escape game, The Dark Dreams is the place ideal for your next team building !

The Dark Dreams mix of labyrinth, escape game and immersive theater to make you experience a experience worthy of the best horror films and series.

You are immersed in a dark room of 1000 m2 with a terrifying decor at a time immersive and interactive.

Throughout this haunted maze, you will have to solve puzzles to find the exit.

But you can imagine that it's not going to be as easy as that... Your journey is strewn with pitfalls. Of the actors and special effects will give you back difficult task.

You can participate in this escape game up to 12 people. Count between 45 minutes and 1 hour to complete this maze.

And if you want to scare yourself even longer, you can even ask to privatize the space !

However, you must arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of your session to receive the explanations and the presentations of the place.

So if you have want to scare you as a team, direction Montreuil to test The Dark Dreams.

9. DRIP for intensive team building 🥵

You want to surpass yourself as a team with an intensive sports session ? OK then DRIP, it really is the ideal place for your team building.

DRIP is a HIIT studio (High Intensity Interval Training) based on group spirit where the goal is to give it your all during your workout.

The training takes place in 3 rounds of 7 workshops. You pass 1 minute on each group workshop before switching.

THE 7 workshops are the following :

  • Skierg
  • Medicine ball
  • Cardio
  • Dumbbell
  • Kettlebells
  • Assault bike
  • Bodyweight

YOU chain so the different workshops without rest ! And yes, the goal is to increase your cardio, so it could quickly increase...

THE sessions are punctuated by motivating playlists. Of the coaches are there too to help you give your all And show you how to do each movement correctly !

Count approximately 45 minutes to finish the 3 rounds. What's cool about DRIP is that the exercises are never the same from week to week !

Additionally, you don't have no need to be an expert in crossfit or cross training to do HIIT. At DRIP, everyone in their place, no matter your experience.

THE aim it's only you have fun All by surpassing yourself thanks to group spirit. In the studio the watchwords are: solidarity and mutual aid !

Prepare to sweat, but on the other hand, for prepare your bag, you just need one good sports outfit and a large gourd. THE stay is put At your disposal :

  • Of the napkins
  • Of the showers
  • Of the beauty products
  • Of the code lockers
  • Of the water fountains
  • Etc.

So, if you and your colleagues have want to surpass yourself together for your next team building, go take a look at DRIP next to Monceau in the 8th !

10. iFly for a mind-blowing team building experience 💨

Your colleagues and do you like intense sensations ? If the answer is yes, in this case, iFly is the place you need to your next team building !

iFly is a free fall simulator which gives you the same sensations as a jump from 4000 meters. Except that suddenly, you are in a glass tube.

THE free fall simulator is done indoors thanks to a vertical wind tunnel which propels you into the air.

You are sure accompanied by instructors during your flight. But also Before ! The instructors give you a briefing for you explain what flight position to adopt. They also show you the cues to use during your session.

iFly offers you two packages for your free fall experience:

  1. A group package
  2. A privatization package

THE group package understand :

  • A free fall baptism
  • A training brief
  • Complete equipment (glasses, suit, helmet)
  • A customized indoor free fall flight certificate
  • A monitor demonstration at the end of the session

The deprivation package includes:

  • There privatization of the tunnel for a maximum of 13 people per session
  • A training brief
  • Complete equipment (glasses, suit, helmet)
  • A customized indoor free fall flight certificate
  • A vertical takeoff offered by participant
  • Of the Pictures And videos of your flight dematerialized version
  • A demonstration of the instructor at the end of the session
  • A access to private lounges

So if you want to experience a sensational team building between colleagues, you know where to go! Direction iFly at La Villette park in the 19th.

Unusual team building ideas in Paris

Rather, you are looking for unusual ideas for your future team building? If so, we have what you need. We have prepared you a little list that might please you :

  • Sensory journey (SENSAS Paris 18)
  • Introduction to Quidditch (Vincennes)
  • Commando training (Xtreme Nature Bootcamp Saint-Germain-en-Laye)
  • Segway tour of Paris at night (Wheels and Ways Paris)
  • Top Chef Workshop (Nugget Paris Paris 6th)
  • Quiz on Seine (Marcopolette Paris)
  • Singing contest (Singing Studio Paris 17th)
  • Escape Game CSR (Urban Gaming Paris)
  • City Express treasure hunt (Autreman Paris)
  • Let off steam and break things (Fury Room Paris 2)
  • Make a short film (Les Ateliers du Court Métrage Paris 17)
  • Escape game Bureau of Legends (Under caption Paris 6th)
  • Treasure hunt at the Louvre Museum (CBR Paris)
  • Fly over Paris in virtual reality (Fly View 360 Paris 2nd)
  • Archery (Paris 6th Team Building Pack)

What activities should you choose for team building?

THE favorite corporate activities for a team building are often :

  • THE escape games
  • THE investigation games in the city
  • THE cooking workshops
  • THE urban tours by bike or scooter
  • THE culinary tastings, of wines or beers
  • Etc.

There are also some team building nature which are sometimes favorite when summer and spring approach :

  • THE bike rides
  • The treetop adventure
  • THE paintball
  • THE outdoor treasure hunts
  • Etc.

But the team building activities that you are going to choose will also go a lot depend on the needs of your team : motivation, social aspect, general atmosphere, communication, etc.

Because yes, each type of team building can meet your needs differently !

So that your team communicates with each other informally, you can opt for recreational activities. For example, a escape game or one investigation game. This will allow break down communication barriers.

For maintain team cohesion and your colleagues’ taste for challenge, you can turn to physical activity. For example, a obstacle course or some olympiads. These activities are also beneficial for morale!

THE team sports and the cultural discovery activities are also interesting for strengthen team cohesion of your employees.

For motivate your team and maybe help them discover new talents, THE training workshops are very interesting. For example, a cooking workshop or beer brewing.

Where to organize a team building?

For now, you have several possibilities. Everything goes depend on the number of people present for your team building. You can opt for:

  • THE location of your seminar, if you are in a seminar
  • THE location of service provider you have chosen
  • THE offices of your company if you have enough space
  • THE public places or natural outdoor spaces if the activity allows it

But in general, the easiest way is to go directly to the location of the activity you have chosen. Everything is already on site and you can often have access to meeting rooms.


For a team building in Paris, A wide range of entertainment available to you. Between sports activity, rally, quiz, escape game Or free fall simulator, choose what suits your colleagues best!

There is of course many other activities. So, if you want to find other team buildings that are a little more unusual feel free to dig a bit more !

Test Le Cercle before your team building

You want try a session at the Circle before your team building ? No worries, enter the circle and discover Le Cercle before your colleagues!

You have already understood, the Circle concept is a 50-minute workout divided into 10 rounds :

  • 5 rounds of boxing on aqua bags
  • 5 rounds of bootcamp on benches equipped with dumbbells

THE sessions are accessible to everyone, And this, no matter your level. In addition, there is no no shock, the aqua-bags take the blows, but don't give them back!

So for test the Circle workout before your colleagues, join our tigers and put on the gloves !

Beaubourg Or Montmartre, you have the choice, come join us. 🔥

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