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Notre coach Anne K s'entrainant en boxe sur les aqua bags du Cercle


Progress in boxing: 6 tips to improve your boxing!

📖 Reading time: 10 min

There boxing is a combat sport more technical than it is. Master each facet noble art (attack, defense, etc.) takes time and learning.

For progress in boxing, some steps are indispensable. In particular the sparring, THE shadow boxing and the conditioning. Regular training is key of your progress.

You want to know how to optimize your progress ? SO, this article is made for you ! We have prepared you 6 tips that will help you perfect your boxing.

Let's get ready to rumble, tiger! 🥊


Our 6 tips to improve your English boxing

There is Several things that you can set up to progress in boxing. But for make your job easier, we have listed the 6 most important tips :

  1. Master the basics (punches, footwork, etc.) at your fingertips 
  2. Work on your defense
  3. Do shadow boxing
  4. Don't neglect conditioning
  5. Do some sparring sessions
  6. Study the fighters


Without the basics noble art, you will have struggling to improve your boxing (this also applies to other combat sports). These are the fundamentals that will allow you to learn more advanced techniques.

When we talk about basics, we think of:

  • How send the classic shots (jab, cross, hook, uppercut)
  • Know the most used combinations
  • How defend on punches and combinations
  • How move your feet And use your footwork
  • Etc.


For master these fundamentals boxing, you have to go step by step. A bit like when you learn to skateboard. You're not going to start doing a kickflip if you don't know how to roll...

Who says solid foundations, also says good coach. More your coach East experienced, the more he or she will be able to give you precious advices to master every aspect of boxing.

Your coach goes too spot your mistakes And teach you not to do them anymore. So it's always important to listen to it.

Besides, one thing that your coach will tell you is to think technique and precision before power. It works just as well for punches than for others movements (movements, dodges, etc.).

This is especially essential for your punches. The better your technique, the better your movement will be.

Then, when your technology is getting cleaner and cleaner, there you can try to put more speed and power.


When we talk about base, we necessarily think of elementary boxing punch, THE jab. THE straight from your front arm must be your main weapon.

Before we can move on to the other moves, you must master the jab. It's really the base of bases. Start with work on your jab technique slowly before adding speed.

Your jab must be long, do not keep your arms bent. On the contrary, you must make a full elbow extension.

Once your jab is good, you can move on to other moves : cross, hooks, uppercuts.

Your direct (jab and cross) must be tense, while your hooks And uppercuts must be done with the semi-flexed arm.

Then, the aim is going to be work on the sequences, long, but also short. Your combinations do not have to never exceed 5 shots.

For work on your combos and punches, you can boxer in the bag, do shadow, work at Bear paws, etc. It is important to vary the drills to train your shots differently.


Your footwork is also part of very important basics of boxing. The more you know how to use your legs, the more you progress in boxing.

To have a good footwork, start with learn basic movements (front step, step back, etc.). Make them slowly to start, then when you are comfortable, add speed.

Who says good footwork, said good support. The more you will have solid supports And reagents, the more your blows and your travel will be effective. For good support, consider:

  • Have the legs slightly bent
  • Always to be on tiptoe and never on the heels
  • Keep the same foot spacing (neither too far apart nor not far enough)
  • Properly distribute your body weight on both legs
  • Hold your straight back, do not lean forward or backward


Once you know how to move, be stable on your supports And send punches, you must go to the defense. Because yes, boxing is about touching without being touched! 👊


And yes tigers, boxing is not just about throwing punches ! You must also know the to dodge, THE to block, THE parry, etc.

For progress in boxing, there is no doubt, you must work on your defense. For example, to properly defend:

  • When you make slips, make small steps (the size of a glove)
  • When you make rotating dodges, add a no side.
  • Etc.


For improve yourself, you have to always think about defense, and that even when you attack. Whether it be Before, during Or After A cut. Move your head, like that, you become hard to touch.

A good defense it is also a way of counter more easily your opponents. For example, when you block Or pare one shot, one opening can be created to counter.

And especially, do not hesitate to counter even before your opponent finishes his sequence. Don't wait, surprise your opponent with a well-placed counter!


Obviously, a good defense goes through a strong guard. For that, keep them hands held high, THE low elbows and the tucked chin.

You can work your guard by making shadow boxing rounds where you focus only on your defense.

For example, take a tennis ball or a piece of money. Stick it to your cheeks. The goal is to go through the rounds without her falling. In this way you are forced to keep your hands glued to your face.

The rope exercise is also interesting for work on your guard and your dodges. To do it, stretch a rope between 2 walls at shoulder height.

The goal is to move from one side of the rope to another in holding your guard and in dodging. This exercise will allow you:

  • Improve the coordination of your steps
  • Improve your dodges
  • To force you to keep your guard up


Do several round trips towards the front then towards the back. Once you are comfortable, you can add strokes.

You can also improve your bear paw guard. It's an exercise interesting to teach you how to return to guard after a sequence.

In addition, on the legs, it is your partner who dictates the pace. So you will work on your reflexes, your timing and your a look.

With all these little drills and advice, you will improve your defense and so progress in boxing. And what's better than shadow boxing for step up? 🌑


It is one of Most Underrated Workout Exercises to progress in boxing. THE shadow boxing is very interesting for:

  • Improve your shape and your technical
  • YOU get used to the rhythm and to rounds boxing
  • Learn to use your space in your travel
  • Etc.


Do shadow boxing in front of a mirror is even better since you see what you're doing. It is especially useful for spot your mistakes.

You can also imagine that you are boxing in front of yourself. When you send a blow, it's as if you have an opponent who returns the exact same blow. Like this, you are obliged to remain in a defense perspective.

THE shadow is a excellent drill to assimilate the blows, THE travel, etc. Practice practice these movements in shadow before moving on to the bag or sparring.

For example: start with slowly reproduce a shadow shot, then when you have the technique, add speed. Afterwards, you can practice on the punching bag.

You can also take a break after each cut and every combination. It allows you to check that your placement And your gesture are good.

You don't have to pause for 20 seconds. Just 5 seconds time of see if your elbow is well aligned, that your arm is well guarded, etc.

You can also mark this little break time for your travels, your dodges, etc. This allows to assimilate the movements even better.

On the other hand, when you do shadow boxing, born never box while looking at your feet, or in closing your eyes. Imagine always there is someone in front of you. You must not take your eyes off him.

THE shadow can also be a way to visualize. That is to say you imagine a combination in your head, then you put into practice in shadow.

It can in particular be interesting after a sparring where you made a lot of mistakes. Replay the rounds in your head, modifying your mistakes, then do the shadow boxing movements!

You understood it, the shadow allows you to work on most aspects of boxing. It's a essential asset for your progress. In the same way as the conditioning. 💨


THE conditioning, or also called a physical training Or fitness, is very important for a boxer.

When we talk to you about conditioning, we talk exercises as :

  • THE running
  • THE bike
  • The agility ladder
  • THE muscle strengthening
  • THE circuit training
  • Etc.


THE conditioning allow to improve your strength, your speed, your endurance, your explosiveness, etc. The goal being that all this helps you in your boxing.

Furthermore, it is very important For avoid getting hurt. The more you will be physically strong, less you will have risk of boxing injury.

With a good physical condition, you will be more able to perform movements well. But you can also put more speed and power.

Especially since at a certain level the boxing helps you strengthen. But after a moment, She is no longer enough. THE conditioning therefore becomes important to go beyond and continue to progress.

In boxing, for hold on for the long term, you need to endurance and one good cardio. Guess what? THE conditioning helps you to improve these 2 aspects.

For this, you can make running, of bike, of the swimming, of the jumping rope, etc.

The more you earn endurance, the more you box for a long time. But above all, you box better for longer. Because when you are tired your boxing is deteriorating (slow strokes, lowering guard, etc.).

You can work on your endurance with rather long exercises, or by doing split. Whether at bag, by making sprints or to the jumping rope, THE split It allows you to to accelerate in boxing.

When you box, THE rounds are not not always linear. You have acceleration phases, of calm, etc. And it's thanks to split that you are going to be able to accelerate in rounds.

Actually, long endurance how running suits you allow it to last a long time. While the split will especially you help build intensity.

THE conditioning is important for hold the rounds and to change pace. But also to help you progress on each movement.

But for you improve in boxing, nothing better than putting yourself in a concrete situation with sessions of sparring. 🥊


For apply what you learn in training And progress, THE sparring is your best ally. Because, okay, hitting the bag is cool, but he doesn't return punches...

THE sparring is made to improve yourself, you must not not do some sparring to win, It's no use.

What's good about sparring is that you can work on certain points in particular. For example, you can do rounds where a boxer only throws jabs, a round where a boxer only defends, etc.

THE sparring East interesting to see what are your weak points. The fact of being in concrete situation is totally different from boxer to bag.

It's in sparring and in fight that we see your real boxing and so your weak points. It is therefore a good way to work on them later.

THE sparring is also advantageous For get used to taking hits. Because yes, taking hits, at first it's scary. The more hits you take, the more comfortable and confident you will be in the ring.

THE sparring is a good way to help you has to manage stress, there pain, THE emotions, etc. During a combat in concrete situation, often you can let yourself be overwhelmed. THE aim East to manage to remain stoic to continue applying what you know how to do.

The ideal is to find a sparring partner a little better than you. For what ? Because like that, you will be sufficiently in difficulty to improve without being overwhelmed.

In short, the sparring is perfect for improve all aspects of your boxing : timing, attack, glance, movement, defense, etc.

For find inspiration And sharpen your boxer's eye you can also analyze certain fights. This will help you in your progress! 📈


Nothing better than watch the pros box to learn. Watch some boxer highlights For see how they box. You can even watch full fights.

The best is to analyze fighters of the same morphology as you. Watch exactly what they do : their movements, their legs, their bust, their head, etc.

The goal is to understand what they do and why. To analyze even better, slow down and go back.

Once you have understood their movements, try to reproduce them in training.

However, you don't necessarily have to reproduce everything to the letter. Some movements are sometimes too complex, or even sometimes unnecessary.

Besides you can watch something other than fights or some highlights. You can also watch tutorials.

YouTube is full of tutorials, in French, but especially in English, for help you progress in boxing. It would be stupid to deprive yourself of it...

But above all, you need to practice. Don't fall into the trap of over-analyzing. You must pass more time boxing than analyzing. 🕹

Our latest tips 

Before you leave put the 6 tips into practice that we have just given you, we have prepared a list of latest tips.

These tips are certainly a little less important, but they remain good to take into account to help you progress:

  • Born don't close your eyes when you box
  • Always look ahead, don't look at the ground
  • Stay relaxed, don't be tense at shoulder level
  • Be dynamic and on your supports, don't stay still
  • Exhale when one of your punches touch
  • Exhale also when you take a hit
  • Film yourself during your workouts to spot your mistakes
  • Learn about boxing, its history, the fights, etc.
  • Keep your front foot outside your opponent's front foot
  • Vary the levels, remember to box to the body
  • Learn to go to clinch, too little studied in English boxing
  • Stay always on guard, especially with your arm that doesn't hit
  • Rotate your hips for your punches, dodges, travel, etc.
  • Move your head Before And after each punch that you send
  • Dissect the moves to be sure to carry them out correctly
  • Eat well, drink enough And sleep a lot


For progress in boxing, you must put in your work and be regular.. The secret is: work, work, work... But you can optimize your progress in :

  • Mastering the basics On the fingertips
  • Working your defense
  • Doing shadow boxing
  • Not neglecting the conditioning
  • Doing sessions sparring
  • Student boxers professionals


Your recovery is also important for progress. Eat healthy, hydrate regularly And don't neglect your sleep !

And especially, to progress in boxing, the key is to love what you do. SO, have fun during your workouts !

Come sharpen yourself at the Circle

You want to improve your boxing skills ? But you also want work on your physical condition ? SO, The circle This is the sports studio you need!

OUR concept is simple: a 10 round workout 50% boxing – 50% bootcamp. The objective? To give everything And switch to off for 50 minutes!

  • Side boxing, you send combinations And punches on the aqua bags.
  • Side boot camp, you chain the fitness exercises on the benches.


In addition, our sessions are accessible to everyone, no matter your level ! No fight, no shock, YOU box the aqua-bags in the fun and the good mood.

So, what are you waiting for? Enter the round and come and let off steam at the Cercle in a crazy atmosphere ! Our ultra-motivating coaches and our members are waiting for you.

It happens at the foot of the Sacré-Cœur, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. Come join us tiger! 🔥

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