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Boxing Technique: What You Need to Know to Attack and Defend

📖 Reading time: 11 min

There boxing is a sport where the goal is to touch without being touched. And for that, you must master both the basics of attack and those of the defense.

THE attack techniques are based on the jab, THE cross, THE hook And the uppercut. As for the defense, you can to dodge, YOU move, to block beatings, etc.

You want to perfect your boxing technique ? You wish review the basics of this combat sport? So, above all, don't move, this article is made for you.

Let's get ready to rumble Tiger! 🥊


The importance of your stance and reach in boxing 

Before talking to you about boxing techniques, it is important to review the fundamentals. That is to say the position And extends it.

The correct position for boxing 

In English boxing, the basis is your position. There are two types of positions, orthodox Or southpaw :

  • If you are right-handed, you will box in orthodox. Which means that your front arm is the left, so your front leg is the left.
  • If you are left-handed, you will box in southpaw. Which means that your front arm is the right, so your front leg is the right.

This choice of position is made naturally. That depends on whether you are right-handed or left-handed, although sometimes there are some exceptions. But it is also interesting to work both positions.

In any case, no matter your position, what does not move is the placement of your feet. They must be discarded with a width equivalent to that of your shoulders.

Afterwards, to place them correctly, imagine that a vertical line is drawn under your feet. Your feet should be located each on one side of this line :

  • If you box in orthodox it's yours front foot (left foot) which is to the left of this line and your back foot (right foot) which is to the right this this line.
  • If you box in southpaw it's yours back foot (left foot) which is to the left of this line and your front foot (right foot) which is to the right this this line.

For place your legs correctly, there toe of your front foot should touch the line, while it is the heel of your back foot touching it.

With this placement you have a slightly offset position. This then allows you to use your hips to weight transfer.

Afterwards to adopt a good position once your feet are correctly placed:

  • Flex a little knees.
  • keep them diagonal feet.
  • Distribute it well weight of your body on both legs.
  • Mount your hands at your cheeks.
  • keep them elbows down, stuck to your ribs.
  • Tuck your chin.
  • Stay relaxed and relaxed.

Understanding the importance of reaching in boxing 

The extension it's simply the distance that there is between the two ends of your arm when it is stretched horizontally.

She is also important than your position. For what ? Because she will somehow determine your fighting style :

  • The more you are big, the more your extend is too. So you will have a style more focused on distance shots.
  • The more you are small, the more your extend is too. So you will have a style more focused on melee and short and medium distance shots.

The better you know your length, the better you know your style and the more you can perfect it.

On the other hand, it is not just because you have a long reach doesn't mean you shouldn't practice at short distances. And vice versa if you have a small extension. Quite the contrary!

Knowing your reach is essential to can To take advantage of of yours physical benefits And biomechanics. But also for to work on your weak points.

Now that you have found your boxing position, that you have understood the importance of your reach, it's time to get down to business.

Attack techniques in boxing

THE offensive or attack techniques in boxing are simply the punches you're going to throw.

These moves are as follows:

  1. THE jab which corresponds to the direct from the front arm, a quick shot from a distance.
  2. THE cross who is the direct from the rear arm, a powerful blow in a straight line.
  3. THE hooks (front and rear), side shots powerful.
  4. THE uppercuts (front and rear), rising strokes powerful.

1. The jab 

The jab is the straight from your front arm, it's the most important blow, but also the fastest. Little reminder :

  • If you box in orthodox, your jab comes from your left arm.
  • If you box in southpaw, your jab comes from your right arm.

The jab is a direct hit that you send straight ahead by following a horizontal line. It is simply a elbow extension in a straight line.

It's not not the most powerful blow in your arsenal, but it is very useful. It's yours trident. He allow in particular:

  • Hold your opponent to distance.
  • Destabilize your opponent.
  • Prepare different combinations.
  • Etc.

There is several types of jab (flicker jab, power jab, etc.), but no matter which jab you throw, it will require very little energy.

If we were to quote you only one big name in boxing who mastered the jab to perfection, it would of course be the GOAT, Mohamed Ali.

For learn even more about this basic boxing move, we invite you to take a look at our article on the jab. 👀

2. Cross country 

We are talking about straight from your rear arm, also called crossed rear arm in French. A bit like the jab, the cross is sent in a straight line following a horizontal axis.

It's a powerful blow, because it comes from your back arm, so your strong arm. But also, because he sends with the whole body (rotation of hips, feet, etc.).

The cross is also often given after a jab which comes to prepare your rear arm. It is surely the most effective shot at distance, because it hits quickly.

THE plunging cross is a variant quite well known in cross country. It's a blow that comes to pass above your jab For touch the chin of your opponent.

It is enough technical because you must have a good look to enter the timing ideal. Additionally, you must be in a good distance :

  • If you are too close, you will not have no power.
  • If you are too far, you will be too exposed to a counter.

If we were to give you a boxer whose cross is destructive, it would be without hesitation The Bronze Bomber, Deontay Wilder.

3. The hook (or hook)

Called hook in English, the hook it's a semicircular blow called “crocheted”. Why “crocheted”? Because he is given with the elbow open and semi-flexed (approximately 90°) following a horizontal axis.

To send a effective hook, you must make a rotation of your torso, of yours shoulders after that turn your hips to give maximum strength.

The hook is a very effective blow, because very powerful when sent correctly. And even more when you give it to mid distance.

THE hook of your back arm is also often more powerful than that of your front arm. And that, Above all if you use it against.

On the other hand, a good front hook, fast And well sent can surprise your opponent and cause a lot of damage. Mostly the liver shots/punches (hooks that affect the liver).

Moreover, the formidable combo from Mike Tyson was based on a body hook followed by uppercut to the chin. Two truly devastating punches.

For learn more about this dreaded move, we will meet you at our article which deals with hook in boxing. 👀

4. The uppercut 

We are talking here about a upward punch which is carried out on a vertical trajectory. The uppercut goes from bottom to top to reach the chin.

To send a uppercut, you must have the elbow well inside, THE arm semi-flexed at 90°. It all has to come from your hips which will bring the vertical trajectory of this blow.

The uppercut is widely used in close combat has short And medium distance. On the other hand, at long distance, it becomes more difficult and more risk.

The uppercut is the most powerful blow that you can send. As you seek to touch the chin, if your shot connects, you can easily turn out your opponent's light...

On the other hand, it is not not an easy move to master and you must be vigilant, because the uppercut can expose yourself to a counter.

As we told you just before, Mike Tyson often used uppercuts just after a hook to the body. But in the new generation, Gervonta Davis mastery he also very well uppercuts. Especially those of front arm against.

And if you want to have more more information about this punch, we invite you to read our article on the uppercut in boxing. 👀

Jab, cross, hook and uppercut, with that you have enough to do a lot of damage in attack. But boxing is also defense. Because yes, don't forget, the aim it's from touch without being touched !

Defense techniques in boxing 

In English boxing, you have several options available to you when it comes to defense :

  1. THE travel
  2. THE slips (underpants in English)
  3. THE dodges
  4. THE blocking
  5. THE clinch

1. Travel

Every good boxer should know move correctly, but also in an intelligent way. When your opponent attacks you, the goal is to move to avoid his blows.

Of good travel will therefore allow you to defend in leaving the axis of attack of your opponent.

If you move poorly, you can quickly be in danger. For example, a wrong move to the side can expose you to a body blow.

To see a boxer move to perfection, we recommend you watch Vasyl Lomachenko. Her secret ? His father made him stop boxing to do dancing for several years before putting the gloves back on.

So above all, don't hesitate to get inspired movements of this superb fighter that is Lomachenko.

And if you want even more information, we invite you to take a look at our article which deals with boxing trips. 👀

2. Slips

Slides, also called briefs in English, live up to their name. The goal of this defense technique is to drag shots, usually on your shoulders.

On the other hand, to make good slides, you must be fast and to have good reflexes. Otherwise, you will easily be fooled.

To drag shots you need to rotate your foot, turn your hips and your shoulders, as well as bend your torso slightly to the side. It is also sometimes said that you should roll your shoulders.

This defense technique is often used by boxers who adopt the guard Philly Shell. And among them, we have to talk about Floyd Mayweather. It's a expert in the art of sliding shots.

3. Dodging

They are essential and very important. The dodges you not only allows you not to be touched, but also to be in an ideal position to store.

When you dodge one or more hits, your opponent misses and is located discovered. In addition, he or she loses energy, gets frustrated and therefore does no more errors.

You then have more likely to find openings while dodging your opponent's shots.

However, you won't be able to do perfect dodges in 2 days. Those are movements that require practice to be controlled.

And it's not like there's only one way to dodge... There's several types of dodges :

  • THE side dodges using the hips to escape the jabs.
  • THE rotating dodges with legs and torso to escape the hooks.
  • THE no withdrawal to move you out of striking distance.
  • THE no side to get out of your opponent's axis.
  • THE bust removals to escape direct shots at a good distance in order to save.

To become knowledgeable about boxing dodges, We have what you need ! Our article dedicated to this subject is for you, so take a look. 👀

4. Blocking

It's all first defense technique you learn in boxing. To block a blow, nothing very complicated, you must stick together, tuck your chin and keep hands held high in your guard.

For blocking body shots, keep them low elbows, stuck to the ribs And towards the inside. Lower your elbows with each strike to parry them.

For blocking blows to the face, raise your gloves to the level of your temples keeping them stuck to your face.

Use your right glove For parry a blow coming from your opponent's left arm (if he or she boxes orthodoxly). And vice versa for a blow coming from his right arm.

For good parry and block blows, you must think about being compact.e. For this, maintain your closed gloves and your well sheathed body.

On the other hand, do be careful not to hide your field of vision with your gloves. To avoid this, keep your palms facing each other, do not turn them too much towards your face.

To become a pro in this defense technique, we invite you to visit our article that talks about blocking in English boxing. 👀

5. The clinch

We are talking about clinch when a will get closer to his opponent to hook him to prevent him from throwing punches.

The clinch is a way to take a break from the fight because you can't throw punches or take punches. That can help you recover a little if you are tired or groggy.

When you are at clinch, you come surround your opponent's arms and elbow so that he or she does not get out of this position.

It is a technique which can also be used when you are too close to send live. You come you stick to your opponent to send small blows to the body.

It's not not necessarily beautiful to see, because the clinch breaks the dynamic of the fight. But that doesn't never lasts too long, because the referee comes quickly to separate you.

And to learn more about this defensive asset we got you! Our article on the clinch in English boxing is made for you. 👀

There you go, now you know boxing defense techniques. But the goal is to know use these defense techniques and attack techniques. So for improve your boxing technique, we have prepared you several tips.

Some tips to improve your boxing technique

For learn and perfect these techniques that you have just seen, there is no secret... You must train, repeat and repeat these movements: “practice makes perfect”!

To improve your techniques, you can YOU punching bag training, in shadow boxing, in sparring or else to Bear paws.

To help you have a almost perfect technique, we have prepared a list of tips to keep in mind when you box:

  • Stay always relaxed and relaxed
  • Move without taking your feet off the ground too much (you almost have to slip)
  • Vary the levels (body/head) and the angles
  • Think speed and precision before power
  • Be pay attention to your footwork, move smart
  • Work across all distances (short, medium, long)
  • Remember to always have the high guard and the tucked chin
  • Be light on your supports, move on the toe And not on the heels
  • think about always exhale when you throw a punch
  • Contract your muscles on impact
  • Don't clench your fists all the time, only when you touch
  • Keep always have an eye on your opponent
  • Stay well balanced on both legs
  • Before sending a blow, find the right distance (jab)
  • When you send direct, fully extend your arm
  • When you move, keep always the same foot spacing
  • Stay compact.e, but not tense
  • Your two feet do not have to Never be on the same line
  • Move your head before and after each stroke
  • Focus on every movement to have the good technique

Granted, it may seem too much, but these are small details that will make the difference !


There boxing is a very technical sport. Above all, you must know your reach For adapt your style, but also know how to position yourself well. Then you need to think about both offense and defense.

For tackle, you have several options: jab, THE cross, THE hooks and the uppercuts. Every blow has his benefits (power, speed, etc.), but also its disadvantages (requires a lot of energy, exposed to counterattacks, etc.).

As for the defense, THE techniques they are enough complicated to master. THE travel, THE slips, THE dodges, THE blockages and the clinch ask lots of training.

So above all, feel free to repeat, repeat and repeat. Practice makes perfect! And if we had to leave you with two tips, it would be :

  • Stay relaxed and relaxed
  • Be light when traveling

Come and perfect your technique at the Circle 

You don't know yet The circle ? OK no problem, we got you! The Circle is a 50% boxing workout and 50% 50-minute bootcamp.

THE workout is distributed into 10 rounds during which you alternate movements (attack and defense) of boxing on aqua-bags and exercises fitness on the benches.

Have you never done boxing? No worries! The Circle is for all levels. There no fight, no shock, the only thing you knock out are the aqua-bags.

So, if you want to let off steam in a crazy atmosphere with some ultra motivating coaches, you know where to go. Direction Le Cercle, in our studio located in Paris 18.

Enter the round and join our Tigers, we are waiting for more

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