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boxe anglaise


English boxing: discover the fundamentals of this combat sport

📖 Reading time: 6 min

Boxing has been part of our daily lives since Antiquity. It was originally a means of defending oneself, then a proof of virility exercised by gladiators, and finally, a recognized sporting activity. Among the different types of boxing that have emerged, English boxing is the best known today. We tell you everything about this discipline.


What is English boxing?

A combat sport, English boxing consists of fighting against an opponent, using your fists and defense techniques. In this noble art, fighters can only target the upper body (face and chest) of their opponent.

The origin of English boxing

Fighting has existed for a very long time. L'boxing history is therefore very long.

In 5,000 BC. JC, men were already provoking themselves by duel. Whether in Mesopotamia, North Africa, ancient Egypt or Greece, all humanity used fists in the 2nd millennium BCE. 

Beyond fighting, there is sport! Boxing is included in the category of popular combat sports in Ancient Greece. At that time, boxing was called “ pugilism ", where the "pankration”. These terms are, in a way, the ancestors of boxing. 

More than 1,000 years later, pugilism appeared in England, under the name of “boxing”. It seems that it is James Figg, considered the father of French boxing, who brought out the discipline between 1719 And 1730.

Evolution so far

Is the Twentieth century that English boxing appears in France. In the United States and Great Britain, boxing is more than a sport. Very quickly, this activity becomes a means of expression and a way of fighting for his opinions. One of the figures driving this movement is Jack Johnson, the world heavyweight champion, from 1908 to 1915.

Today, boxing is a fashionable sport. Between 2017 and 2018, the number of licenses purchased increased by 8,5%, which reflects the popularity that boxing enjoys in France. 

The different variations of boxing

Through its long history, boxing has evolved over time. It has transformed and developed numerous variations: English boxing, French boxing, Thai Boxing, or even kickboxing which are the least dangerous boxes.

The history of English boxing is also very broad and full of twists and turns. The confrontation aspect of the discipline is often put aside to only enjoy the benefits of this sport. Variants of English boxing have thus appeared such as body sculpt, THE body attack, there educational boxing or even theaerobox.

What are the benefits of English boxing?

Boxing has many benefits for your body and for your mind. This physical activity allows you toincrease your cardio capacity and of strengthen your entire body.

The alliance between cardio And muscle strengthening, it's the perfect combo to feel good in your body. On top of that, boxing is so intense that you will come out of your workouts feeling like you have surpassed yourself.

This is also why English boxing has many benefits. for the mind. It allows you to let off steam, clear your head and leave more relaxed. Very complete sport, you will be proud to have done your session, whatever your objectives. So what are you waiting for to get started?

boxe anglaise

What are the rules of English boxing?

Like all combat sports, English boxing is practiced with strict respect for your opponent and the rules. These concern both the combat space and the combat itself.

The progress of a boxing match

THE ring where you fight is a very regulated place. It allowsensure fairness for all participants and to control the fights. It is thus used for the security boxers.

How many rounds are there in English boxing? The duration of a fight varies depending on the categories of boxers. In general, fights take place in 3 rounds of 2 or 3 minutes. The restarts are spaced by a rest period of 1 minute.

The categories

THE categories in English boxing are essential to ensure the safety of fighters and respect the fairness of fights. They are done by weight, age, gender, and sometimes depending on competitions.

Let's take the example of the Men's and Women's Olympic Games for Amateur Boxing.

Men are divided into 7 categories:

  • Weight Flies (less than 51 kg)
  • Weight Feathers (less than 57 kg)
  • Weight Super-Light (less than 63.5 kg)
  • Weight Super Middleweight (less than 71 kg)
  • Weight Mid-Heavyweight (less than 80 kg)
  • Weight Heavy (less than 92 kg)
  • Weight Super-Heavy (over 92 kg)

For women, the categories are different. Boxers are divided into 6 different categories:

  • Weight Flies (less than 50 kg)
  • Weight Roosters (less than 54 kg)
  • Weight Feathers (less than 57 kg)
  • Weight Lightweight (less than 60 kg)
  • Weight Welterweight (less than 66 kg)
  • Weight Means (less than 75 kg)

Authorized shots

The most important rule is that of permitted movements. In boxing, you can forget about kicks.

Only the punches and the dodges will allow you to overcome your opponent.

How is English boxing practiced?

Attack techniques

Who says combat sport says attack, of course. In English boxing, attack techniques consist of several punches.

Let us introduce you to the basic moves of this type of boxing : THE jab, THE direct, THE hook, L'uppercut and the combinations of all these blows.

Each of these blows hits different parts of your opponent's body. For a successful attack, do not hesitate to chain the blows together, in a varied manner and using both arms.

Defense techniques

In English boxing, attack is important, but be careful to also avoid your opponent's blows, thanks to your defense techniques.

In other words, a boxer must know how to master both attack and defense techniques to hope to emerge victorious from the fight. 

  • There base : travel 
  • L'dodge: side or rotational dodge, stagger, step back, bust back 
  • THE blocking or the parade 
  • There slip 
  • THE clinch 

English boxing sequences

Before you get in the ring and fight, Tiger, you need to know how to throw punches.

Amateur or pro boxing is a sport very cardio. It is absolutely necessary that your heart is in good shape so that your practice is as effective as possible.

There speed and the precision of your movements, these are the two factors that will make you win the fight.

The most effective thing is to know do combinations of movements For tired your opponent in a match, or your sparring partner (training partner) in a club. Increase your striking power and play on the element of surprise.

You will have understood, the sequences are great allies of your technique. They are essential : you will use them more often than you think. However, they require perfect speed and precision to be effective.

What equipment for boxing?

Today, boxers are well protected, unlike the days of bare-knuckle boxing. THE equipment were designed to protect both fighters.

The equipment required to limit the risk of injury is as follows: 

  • THE bandages and the undergloves
  • THE boxing gloves protective padded
  • THE boxing shoes or shoes suitable for sports
  • THE mouth guard
  • The cprotective helmet of the head
  • There shell for men.

Your equipment is very important to promote the quality of your movements.

Of course, boxing is good, but boxing in a quality environment is better. In this sense, we advise you to opt for a studio or a club which already has all the essential equipment for your training: punching bag, well-maintained ring, gloves available, etc.

boxe anglaise

To conclude: what you need to remember about English boxing

English boxing is one of the many variations of boxing that have appeared throughout its history. Here are the 5 essential points to know about this sport:

  1. In English boxing, or noble art, opponents can only use their punches. fist.
  2. A boxer's punch must reach the upper body of his opponent: namely his face or his torso.
  3. Many rules govern the discipline, in particular to protect practitioners.
  4. In competition, practitioners are divided into categories according to their gender, age, And weight. This favors fairness during the fights.
  5. To limit the risk of injury, material must be worn (boxing gloves, helmet depending on the category, mouth guard, shell, etc.).

The Boxing Circle: an innovative alternative to introduce you to English boxing

We've already told you, new concepts are emerging day by day, to offer ever more boxing styles. At Boxing Circle, in Paris, for example, you can practice boxing allied with muscle strengthening.

During 50 minutes, you are going to be plunged into darkness with a soundscape energetic. In addition, the courses are accessible to all, no matter your level. And you have no risk of taking a blow in return, there is no no confrontation during the workout.

All the conditions are met to allow you to clear your head and you exceed without being afraid of the judgment of others.

So, join the Tigers community. Come let off steam with the most immersive sporting experience in Paris. We're waiting for you at the studio!

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