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Preliminary Article: Definitions

  • Subscription: contract signed by a Subscriber allowing him or her to have access to the services offered by Sanctuary at preferential rates in return for the payment of a monthly sum indicated in the special conditions.
  • Activities: sports session led by a coach.
  • Sanctuary: brand of the company THE SANCTUARY GROUP, simplified joint stock company, with capital of SAS with capital of 139,733 euros, located 33, Boulevard Saint Martin in PARIS (750010), registered with the Paris RCS under number 793 052 499, taken in the person of its President.
  • Member/Subscriber: any person, natural or legal, who has taken out a Subscription or who has purchased credits or a Pack sold by Sanctuary. The Member accepts all of the General Conditions of Sale on the date of purchase. 
  • Studio(s): space(s) dedicated to sporting activity operated by The Sanctuary Group.
  • General Conditions of Sale: these provisions, governing the contractual relations between Sanctuary and the Members.
  • Block: Succession of one or more sessions in a row.


Article 1: object

The General Conditions of Sale constitute the one and only framework of the legal relations which must exist between the Member and Sanctuary, to the exclusion of any other document or advertising brochure.

The General Conditions of Sale are applicable to all Members.

Article 2 – Registration terms and conditions of access

Anyone wishing to participate in a session must first:

(i) Acquisition of a title

  • Either purchase several credits for a fixed price (hereinafter: “Pack”);
  • Either subscribe to a subscription (hereinafter: “Subscription”).

Once in possession of the credits, the Subscription or the Pack, the subscriber will be considered to be a Member of Sanctuary, for the entire period of validity of the purchased title.

The purchase of credits, Pack or Subscription ipso facto entails acceptance by the purchaser of all the stipulations provided for in the General Conditions of Sale.

(ii) Registration for a session 

The Member, holder of valid credits, Pack or Subscription, must, to participate in a session provided within Sanctuary, register in advance online on the Sanctuary website or directly on site with a Sanctuary staff member.

The room cannot accommodate more people than the number indicated in article 17 'Maximum Attendance', so it will no longer be possible to register for sessions when the maximum number of people is reached. The Member must make payment for their credits, Pack or Subscription before being able to register.

The Member is responsible for his reservations; it is his responsibility to verify the accuracy of each of his reservations (place, date, time, number of places) under penalty of having reserved and uncompleted sessions deducted. Any rectification must be made as soon as possible and no later than 12 hours before the start of the session.

Article 3 – General Conditions of Sale applicable

The General Conditions of Sale may be subject to updates or modifications without notice. The applicable General Conditions of Sale are those in force at the time of conclusion of the contract, that is to say on the day of acquisition of credits, Packs or Subscription by the Member. However, the applicable internal regulations are those in force on the day the Member visits the Studio. By registering for the sessions, the Member agrees to comply with the internal regulations in force on the day the course is given, in particular the start and end times of the session.

Article 4 – Services, duration, postponement, termination

4.1 Conditions

The credits, Subscription or Pack purchased give the right to access the sessions offered by the Studio. This right is non-transferable.

Purchases of these services in store cannot be refunded, and online purchases of these services may benefit from a right of withdrawal as provided for by the Hamon law.

Any cancellation or modification of a session must be made at least 12 hours before the start of the reserved session. Otherwise, the Member will be deducted from the reserved session or have financial penalties applied, notwithstanding their absence.

The price appears in the special conditions of the contract given to the customer. The Subscription is payable by bank direct debit, monthly.

The Member declares, in any case, to have had his or her ability to practice a sporting activity checked beforehand by a doctor and to hold the certificate to this effect, established by the doctor, in order to be able to produce it at the request of Sanctuary. The Member also undertakes to take all necessary precautions for their health, safety and hygiene, and to respect Sanctuary's instructions in this regard.

The Member may not assign or transfer to anyone, in any way whatsoever, free of charge or for a fee, the Subscription taken out under the Contract.

4.2 Duration

4.2.1 Period of validity

Credit packs: 

  • The credits in the 16-credit pack are valid for 30 days (one month). 
  • The credits in the 70 credits pack are valid for 2 months
  • The credits in the 140 credit pack are valid for 4 months
  • The credits in the 260 credit pack have a validity period of 8 months
  • The credits in the 480 credit pack have a validity period of 16 months


The subscriptions

Subscription of 12 credits per week (6 month commitment)

  • Commitment: 6 months

  • Direct debits: Weekly, automatically renewed every 7 days

  • Credit validity: 4 weeks, transferable once 4 weeks

  • Use of credits: Valid in all Sanctuary concepts

Subscription of 12 credits per week (1 year commitment)

  • Commitment: 1 year

  • Direct debits: Weekly, automatically renewed every 7 days

  • Credit validity: 4 weeks, transferable once 4 weeks

  • Use of credits: Valid in all Sanctuary concepts

Subscription of 25 credits per week (6 month commitment)

  • Commitment: 6 months

  • Direct debits: Weekly, automatically renewed every 7 days

  • Credit validity: 4 weeks, transferable once 4 weeks

  • Use of credits: Valid in all Sanctuary concepts

Subscription of 25 credits per week (1 year commitment)

  • Commitment: 1 year

  • Direct debits: Weekly, automatically renewed every 7 days

  • Credit validity: 4 weeks, transferable once 4 weeks

  • Use of credits: Valid in all Sanctuary concepts

Beyond the commitment period, all subscriptions mentioned above are tacitly renewed for an unlimited period for successive periods of a whole month and can be canceled at any time upon simple request from the Member to Sanctuary customer service. 

It is understood that any promotion or new offer will have a specific duration.

4.2.2 Duration and postponement

  • Failure to use sessions during the validity period of the pass will not give rise to reimbursement for sessions not used by the Member. However, the duration of subscriptions may be subject to an extension of validity in the event of possible closures of the Center, excluding summer holidays and the Christmas period.
  • The Membership or Packs may have their validity period extended if the Member proves that they are physically unfit to practice sports for more than one (1) month. A written request must be made, accompanied by a medical certificate of unfitness for sports practice specifying the duration of the incapacity to exercise this activity. The request must be made before the end of the validity of the Subscription. Otherwise, the request will be inadmissible.
  • A registration fee of €49 (forty-nine euros) will be payable for any new Subscription.


4.3 Non-payment of monthly amounts by the Member

In the event of non-payment of sums owed by the Member to Sanctuary, Sanctuary reserves the right to suspend access to the clubs and the services provided for under the Subscription and to register the subscriber on its recovery file. “payment incident” disputes, in strict compliance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms. This registration will prevent the Member from benefiting from the advantages, products and/or services that Sanctuary, its affiliates or its partners could, where applicable, reserve for them.

Sanctuary may then terminate the Contract automatically and without formality, 15 days after receipt by the Member of the formal notice which remains without effect. From the date the termination takes effect, the Member will be required to pay the sums contractually due until the end of the Subscription. The Member will also be exposed, in this case, to the payment of a penalty in the amount of 8 % of the sums remaining due.

4.4 Conditions for termination of the Subscription by the Member

4.4.1 The Member may terminate their Subscription without reason only if the Subscriber is no longer subject to their commitment period. He must then respect a notice of 15 (fifteen) working days preceding the next deadline.

It is understood that the following conditions must be respected for the 12-month commitment subscription:

  • If the termination request takes effect between the 1st (first) and the 5th (fifth) month, the subscriber must pay the corresponding Subscription over the 12 (twelve) month commitment period.
  • In the event of termination taking effect between the 6th (sixth) and the 9th (ninth) month, the sums remaining to be paid will be subject to a flat-rate reduction of 15 % (fifteen percent).
  • This reduction will amount to 30 % (thirty percent) in the event of termination taking effect between the 9th (ninth) and the 12th (twelfth) month.


It is understood that the following conditions must be respected for the 3-month commitment subscription:

  • In the event of termination taking effect between the 1st (first) and 3rd (third) month, the remaining sums will not be subject to a lump sum reduction.


4.4.2 The Member may terminate their Subscription contract at any time only in the following cases:

  • Serious diseases : A medical certificate must specify the state of health of the subscriber, the impossibility of carrying out any sporting activity for a defined period, and the date of first observation.
  • Serious accidents : A medical certificate must specify the impossibility for the subscriber to exercise any sporting activity for a defined period.
  • Death : The subscriber's beneficiaries must provide the original death certificate.
  • Economic dismissal : The subscriber must provide a certified copy of the economic dismissal letter from their employer and a copy of the registration with the Job Center.
  • Transfer / Moving : The professional transfer certificate issued by the employer or the new residence certificate must be provided and will be considered valid for any move within a radius greater than 25 km from any Sanctuary studio.
  • Pregnancy : A copy of the prenatal examination sheet and the medical certificate of total contraindication indicating the duration must be provided.


It is specified that the Subscription may be suspended due to the cases mentioned above. It will also be possible for the Subscriber to suspend their Subscription for the duration of interruption mentioned on their medical certificates. This will further extend the duration of his remaining commitment.

The following cases cannot give rise to termination of the Subscription contract:

  • The consequences of accidents, illnesses, congenital or acquired conditions diagnosed prior to your registration or re-registration with Sanctuary.
  • The need to carry out a cure, an aesthetic, psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment.


4.4.3 Conditions for suspension of the Subscription by the Member

The company Sanctuary understands by suspension the temporary cessation of the rights and duties binding Sanctuary to the Member and vice versa within the framework of a subscription contract between the two parties. Any suspension must be defined in time at the time of its motivation and have a minimum duration of 1 month. Access to the studios will no longer be authorized during these suspensions.

The Member may suspend his subscription in the following cases:

  • The Member of a subscription whose commitment period has expired, within the limit of 2 annual suspensions and a maximum duration of 2 months per suspension.
  • The subscriber of a subscription whose commitment period has expired or not, upon presentation of a medical certificate for a period greater than 1 month. The subscriber will see their initial commitment period extended in accordance with the period described by said certificate.


Article 5 – Prices and regulations

Current rates are displayed on the Sanctuary website and at the entrance to its Studios. Sanctuary is free to change its prices. The prices applicable to Subscriptions or Packs are those in force on the day the Subscription is taken out or the credits or Pack purchased. Payment is made, at the Member's choice, by check, bank transfer or direct debit. For any payment by direct debit, the subscriber must provide a RIB to Sanctuary, a photocopy of their identity card and sign the SEPA direct debit authorization.

In the case of payment by check, the session is payable in advance and proof of identity must be presented. In the case of automatic debit, the withdrawals are divided into weekly withdrawals from the Member's account. The Member undertakes to notify Sanctuary of any change of bank domiciliation as soon as possible. In the event of a payment incident, the direct debit amount must be paid directly to Sanctuary by another means of payment, plus bank charges. In the event of repeated payment incidents, Sanctuary reserves the right to terminate the contract at the sole fault of the Member, and to demand payment of the sums remaining due.

In the event that the Subscriber fails to meet his payment obligations, the sums normally due may be debited directly from his bank account.

Article 6 – Internal regulations

Within the studios, it is prohibited to annoy Members with violent behavior or behavior likely to undermine decency, good morals, the tranquility of Members or even the good order and cleanliness of the studios.

The Member must comply with these internal regulations, adhere to them without restriction or reservation, and respect the following instructions.

Not allowed in the studios:

  • Minors, unaccompanied by an adult;
  • Any person making sexist, racist or religious remarks;
  • People who are sick, injured, with wounds, dressings, or skin infections;
  • Animals, even on a leash;
  • People whose state of health does not allow them to practice a sporting activity;
  • People with heart problems.

Inside the Studio, it is prohibited:

  • To stay outside opening hours;
  • To enter the center without a valid Pack, Subscription or credits, or to participate in a course without being registered;
  • To enter the sauna or hammam without having first participated in an aquacycling course;
  • To undress or dress outside the locker rooms, as well as to place clothes elsewhere than in the lockers provided for this purpose;
  • To bring food, alcoholic drinks or glass bottles into the Center;
  • To enter the pool without having been authorized by the aquacycling teacher;
  • To walk with shoes after the take-off zone (indicated by a sign) except with plastic shoes intended for this purpose;
  • Chewing gum in the pool;
  • To annoy Members with violent or inappropriate behavior;
  • To run around the Studio;
  • To dive, jump into the pool or push a person into the water;
  • To do prolonged immersions, apneas, alone and without notifying the teacher;
  • To simulate drowning;
  • To use diving accessories, except swimming goggles;
  • To use transistors or any other sound emitting or amplifier device;
  • To use electrical appliances near the pool;
  • To bathe with the body coated with cream or oil.

Security :

  • In the event of an incident or accident, Members are required to immediately notify, in order of priority, the teacher, the Studio reception, and the firefighters or SAMU.
  • Members are required to respect the instructions and injunctions given by the teacher.
  • In the case of an individual whose behavior presents a danger to Members, Studio staff or themselves, Sanctuary may involve the police.
  • People who cannot swim are required to notify the aquacycling instructor and report this fact in writing to reception.

Undressing, dressing and preserving clothing items:

  • Members must, under penalty of exclusion, undress and dress in the locker room provided and leave it in a perfectly clean state.
  • Access to the locker room is reserved exclusively for people of the same sex.
  • Members are required to place their clothes in a locker

Hygiene and behavior of Members

  • Each Member must be equipped with gloves and liner gloves (for boxing), clothing suitable for sports (for all practices) and shoes suitable for sports (for dancing, boxing and HIIT). To practice aquabiking, the Member must have a swimsuit. Sanctuary reserves the right to refuse access to the session to any person who does not meet these expectations. No session refund will be permitted in such circumstances.
  • Aqua by: Each Member must be equipped with a swimsuit exclusively reserved for swimming and aquatic activities. No other outfit will be accepted. Before accessing the pool, Members are required to take a soapy shower. Access to the pool will be refused to any person who is not absolutely clean or does not have decent clothing.


Article 7 – Payment terms by bank card

The Member can pay for their purchases directly on the Sanctuary website. The amount of the order will only be debited upon validation. Payment by credit card is secured by an encryption system provided by STRIPE. Consequently, Sanctuary cannot access the customer's card number, which is transmitted confidentially. Only national bank cards as well as Visa and Mastercard will be accepted by the security system.

Article 8 – Insurance

Sanctuary reminds that it is not part of its mission to monitor the personal effects of Members which have not been stored in a locked locker.

The Member is invited to take out additional insurance covering more specifically the risks linked to sporting activities provided in Sanctuary studios.

In accordance with article 38 of the law of July 16, 1984, Sanctuary informs the Member of his right to take out “individual accident” insurance which will cover all activities that he is likely to practice within Sanctuary studios. It is understood that this guarantee is optional and remains the sole responsibility of the Member.

Article 9 – Irrevocability of membership and withdrawal period

The purchase of credits or Subscription entails pure and simple acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

In the event of subscribing to a Subscription or acquiring credits remotely, the Member will benefit, in accordance with the provisions of articles L121-19 et seq. of the Consumer Code, from a period of fourteen (14) clear days to exercise your right of withdrawal, without having to give reasons or pay penalties, with the exception, where applicable, of return costs.

The Member may waive this deadline if he is unable to travel and at the same time needs to call upon an immediate service necessary for his living conditions. In this case, he would continue to exercise his right of withdrawal without having to provide reasons or pay penalties. This right of withdrawal is not applicable to legal entities which subscribe to Credit Packs and/or Subscriptions. Credit Packs and Subscriptions are nominative and cannot under any circumstances be transferred to third parties by the Member.

Article 10 – Dispute resolution

This agreement is governed by French law. Any dispute between the Member and Sanctuary relating to the existence, validity, interpretation, execution and fulfillment of this agreement will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts, it being remembered that the consumer Member may seize the one of the territorially competent courts of the place where he resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the harmful event.

Article 11 – Information on the consumer mediator

Any complaint must be addressed, firstly, to Sanctuary customer service with a view to finding an amicable solution.

When the Member has not obtained a satisfactory response, he or she may contact the Consumer Mediation entity (AME) within one year of the disputed facts.

The contact details for the AME Consumer Mediation are as follows:

The FEVAD e-commerce mediator service
60, rue La Boétie – 75008 PARIS

Article 12 – Other provisions

12.1 Entire agreement:

All of the stipulations of the General Conditions of Sale constitute the entire agreement between Sanctuary and the Member with regard to its subject matter and replace and cancel all declarations, negotiations, commitments, oral or written communications, acceptances, agreements, conventions and prior agreements between the parties.

12.2 Nullity of a provision:

If one of the provisions of this agreement proves to be contrary to an applicable law or regulation, this provision will be deemed to be waived, without this affecting the validity of the other provisions of this agreement.

Article 13 – Termination and Force Majeure

  • As the credits are for a fixed period, they cannot be canceled. 
  • Sanctuary undertakes to make its best efforts to respect the obligations set out in its General Conditions of Sale.
  • In the event that it is unable to perform its obligations due to events beyond its control or over which it has no control, it cannot be held liable.
  • If the studios are closed for more than 2 months, the Member may terminate the contract concluded with Sanctuary by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, the termination will become effective within 15 (fifteen) days following the sending of this letter. Sanctuary will then have to reimburse the sessions paid for and not carried out by the Member.
  • Sanctuary also reserves the right to cancel sessions in the event of a lack of staff or participants in a session (less than 5 people). In the event of cancellation of a session, the Member may benefit from an extension of the validity period of their Subscription and/or their Credit Pack, by one week compared to the initially planned expiration date.
  • The conditions for terminating the Subscription are defined in article 4.4.1 of these General Conditions.


Article 14 – Security and limitation of liability

Taking out a Subscription and acquiring a Pack of credits or a Subscription implies that the Member declares being able to carry out a sporting activity.

Sanctuary reminds that it is not part of its mission to monitor the personal effects of Members which have not been stored in a locked locker.

Members are personally responsible for any accidents they may cause or commit.

Article 15 – Information, files and freedom

The data concerning the Member is intended for the management of the Member's Subscription/Credit Pack by Sanctuary. In accordance with current law, Sanctuary may send emails to the Member, unless the latter objects. The Member retains the right of access to modify his data.

Article 16 – Derivative products Loan and Returns

At each session, Sanctuary offers you the possibility of lending you a pair of cycling gloves or shoes. These gloves or shoes are the exclusive property of Sanctuary and must be returned in the bins provided for this purpose at the end of said session. The same applies to towels lent to the Member. Any person found failing to return these loaned items may be subject to legal proceedings.

Returns Sanctuary guarantees a full refund for any item returned within 7 days provided all items are returned in the same condition as when you purchased them. This means that items must not be damaged, stained, washed, deformed or worn (other than for trying on the item) and that all labels are still intact. Pairs of liner gloves will not be returned or exchanged.


Video surveillance The studio is placed under video surveillance 24/7.

Maximum attendance 

The maximum authorized attendance of the room is:


  • The Montmartre room: 29 people during a session. The maximum attendance allowed in the establishment is 95 people.
  • The Beaubourg room: 57 people during a session. The maximum attendance authorized in the establishment is 179 people.
  • The Bastille room: 40 people during a session. The maximum attendance authorized in the establishment is 84 people (including 40 in the basement and 44 on the ground floor).


  • The Marais room: 25 people during a session. The maximum attendance allowed in the establishment is 49 people.
  • The Good News room: 71 people during a session. The maximum attendance authorized in the establishment is 199 people.


  • 27 people during a session. The maximum attendance authorized in the establishment is 179 people.


  • The Montmartre room: 49 people during a session. The maximum attendance allowed in the establishment is 99 people.
  • The Montmartre room: 49 people during a session. The maximum attendance allowed in the establishment is 99 people.


  • The Good News room: 55 people during a session. The maximum attendance authorized in the establishment is 199 people.
  • The Bastille room: 48 people during a session. The maximum attendance authorized in the establishment is 129 people.

AQUA BY and First bath: 

  • The Réaumur room: 1 person in a pool. 
  • The Charonne room: 20 people in a pool.
  • The Batille room: 17 people in a pool.
  • The Boulogne room: 28 people in a pool.


Access times: Access to the Sanctuary studios is subject to the session schedules available on the website of each brand ( ; ; ; ; ; The studios open their doors 15 minutes before the start of the first session of a session block, and close their doors 20 minutes after the end of the last session of said block.

The Member must arrive 10 minutes before the start of their session at the time of said session. In the event of delay, access to the Studio and ipso facto to the reserved session may be refused, and the Member will have their session deducted or financial penalties applied. Access to the studios and their equipment is strictly prohibited to the public outside of these periods. No presence, apart from special exemption, of consumers will be authorized in the premises beyond these hours.

Miscellaneous : It is strictly forbidden to damage the fittings and installations. Any damage or damage is repaired by Sanctuary at the expense of the offender. Damage of any kind will result in legal action. Any act or behavior likely to undermine decency, good morals, the tranquility of Members, good order and cleanliness of the Center is strictly prohibited. He may be sanctioned by immediate dismissal from the Center.

The customer must place their bath towel in one of the bins provided for this purpose after use. The customer must put their sports gloves in the bin provided for this purpose after use. It is prohibited to open emergency exits, except in cases of emergency.

The Sanctuary Group
