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Difference between English boxing and French boxing: which to choose?

📖 Reading time: 6 min

Boxing is today's new sports trend. Between 2015 and 2016, the number of licenses purchased increased by 17% in France, which reflects the popularity enjoyed by this sport. But among all the sectors that boxing makes up, how to choose? Between English boxing and French boxing, make the choice that suits you!


boxe anglaise

English boxing: an ancestral discipline

English boxing is among the most ancestral disciplines in the field of boxing. At the height of its prestige, let us tell you a few words about it. 

This discipline has accompanied humanity for thousands of years. You've probably already heard about it. It finds its place in our culture, through our leisure activities, our art, or our means of defense.


Key techniques 

With your hands in front of your face, your feet firmly anchored and your chest braced, you can only use punches.

To put all your technique at the service of victory, in boxing, you must master defense (dodge, parry, slide, etc.), as well as attack (jab, direct, hook, uppercut, etc.). Discover all the defense techniques English boxing on our blog.


Uncompromising rules 

English boxing is recognizable by its competition regulations. Discipline governed by strict regulations, sees its fighters being categorized by weight during competitions. In order to make the sport as fair as possible between boxers, there are 17 weight categories in boxing.

Concerning the authorized strike zones, all parts of the opponent's body are potential targets, except the back of the head, as well as the lower limbs, which are prohibited. 

It is also forbidden to hit an opponent who is already on the ground or getting up.

English boxing equipment

If in its origins, English boxing was practiced with bare hands, this is no longer the case today. For safety reasons, boxers are well protected, both for their protection and that of their opponent. 

The equipment required, from most essential to least important, is as follows: 

  • Bandages and undergloves;
  • Quilted protective gloves;
  • Boxing shoes or shoes adapted to the sport;
  • The mouthguard;
  • The head protection helmet;
  • The shell for men. 


French boxing: a complete discipline

After this anthology of information on English boxing, it is time to focus a little more on French boxing.

A discipline inherited from fencing, French boxing was called “savate” or “savate art” in the 19th century. Today, we know it under the name “French boxing”.

Very widespread in France, we have more than 50,000 licensees in this discipline, practicing in a club regularly.


The techniques of this traditional sport 

French savate boxing techniques are divided into two complementary categories: 

  • Techniques with the fists: the direct, the hook, the uppercut, as well as the swing; 
  • Techniques with the feet: thewhip, the chase (frontal or lateral), the backhand (bundled or swinging), and finally, the low kicks. 

Fists are used to hit your opponent in the face and chest. Kicks are delivered to the face, chest and legs. 


Everything you need to know about your periods

In this boxing, there are grades, called “gloves”. Taking the model of colored belts in judo, these “gloves” range from blue to bronze. They determine the level of the boxer. 

In competition, in certain cases, a minimum level is required. Not all competitions are therefore open to all grades. 

It is forbidden to strike with the open glove or the outer edge of the hand. The use of the forearm, elbow, knee, shin, head, and shoulder is also prohibited. 

Finally, hitting an opponent who is already on the ground or getting up is prohibited, as is hitting your opponent below the belt, hanging on to the ropes of the ring, etc.


A fully equipped combat sport

Renowned as a complete sport, French boxing requires specific and complementary equipment. 

The equipment required, from most important to least important, is as follows: 

  • Bandages;
  • Boxing gloves; 
  • The shoes ;
  • Safety helmet ; 
  • The mouthguard; 
  • The shell ; 
  • The shin guard.


Similarities and differences in French English boxing

Between English boxing and French boxing, you will have understood, there are similarities and differences. If you want to start practicing boxing, the following will allow you to find THE discipline made for you! 


The principle is the same in English boxing and French boxing: fighting by alternating attack and defense, using movements and blows against an opponent.

Like almost all the disciplines making up boxing, the place of practice in competition is the same: the ring.

Outside of competition, the two boxing disciplines in which we will focus are practiced in particular in dedicated clubs. According to the FFB (French Boxing Federation), there were more than 800 boxing clubs in 2015, all boxing disciplines combined.  

In these two disciplines, you can find similar protective equipment, combat sport requires. Finally, attack and defense techniques are similar, especially those that involve the fists.


The differences 

Now for the differences!

While English boxing is limited to the use of the fists, French boxing also uses the feet. 

And because the feet are among the main fighting tools in boxing, it is essential to protect them through thick and thin. The practice of French boxing is therefore done with specific shoes, as well as shin guards. 

If you have reached this point in the article, you may have noticed one of the differences between the two disciplines during competitions. Where in English boxing, boxers are categorized by weight, French boxing fighters are divided by level (“gloves”).

But that's not all. Boxing competitions are played in the format of a “fight”. This induces a face-to-face confrontation between two boxers, in which one of the ways to win is to knock out your opponent.  

Conversely, the outcome of French boxing competitions is not so clear-cut. Some competitions are called “assaults”, in which only technique counts. The boxers are evaluated by a jury, which decides the boxer with the most qualitative technique. 


The sport that suits you!

What is the best type of boxing?

There is no better or worse boxing discipline, there are only preferences. You are free to choose the direction you want to take among all the types of boxes that exist. 

English boxing is more widespread, but if you want to try a slightly more complete sport, French boxing is for you. 

Because the feet are also used, French boxing offers you a greater variety of sequences.

If your goal is power, then English boxing is more suitable. Conversely, French boxing emphasizes technique, more than strength. 

In other words, boxing is perfect for letting off steam after a tiring day. French boxing, far from being less interesting, enhances your technique and is perfect if you want to progress in boxing.  


What type of boxing for women?

Boxing is still seen as a masculine sport, but make no mistake, women know how to throw a punch. No matter your gender, boxing adapts to you. Among the 800 clubs in France, you will inevitably find one that will satisfy you.  

The only area in which boxing is divided by gender is competition. Indeed, today, women and men do not fight against each other, for reasons of muscularity. 

But be careful, history has taught us that women can beat men in boxing. In 1999, the first official fight between a woman and a man was won by boxer Margaret McGregor.

Unfortunately, in the world of competition, the female gender is only represented at 10%. Maybe you'll tip the scales! 

Because one thing is certain, whether it is in English boxing or French boxing, you can do it ladies. And if you want to practice boxing as a daily activity, variations are possible, such as combat boxing or fitness boxing. 


The Circle, a concept to test!

By fitness boxing we mean the combination of fitness and boxing. The idea is to compose your workout of sequences of blows, to the rhythm of the music. Not only does this variation work your cardio, but it also stimulates your coordination and tones your muscles.

Maybe this sport intrigues you. In this case, Paris is the ideal place to get started. In the streets of the 18th arrondissement, you will find the Le Cercle Boxing studio. Far from classic boxing with its fights and close to a real concept of fitness boxing, let off steam to the rhythm of the music and strengthen your body.  

All you have to do is make your choice!

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